Doug Parker mgmt style


Jun 12, 2010
Interesting comparisons as the plot thickens..... Go to flight attendant website,
and read Editorial Board Interview With.........

1. Southwest Airlines Herb Kelleher is US Air CEO Doug Parker's buddy and gives him advice! This is something that Horton has never done; adopt the Southwest Airlines mgmt style!
Will that ever happen? What a revelation!
Comments from US Air employees?

2. The key to the merger strategy seems to be with the creditors committee, as AA and US Air battle for their support.
I know flight attendants at both WN and LCC. Judging from their comments about management, Doug Parker may go to Herb Kelleher for advice, but he has not yet adopted the HK management style.
Doug Parker may go to Herb Kelleher for advice, but there is little if any evidence that he heeds such advice. While he is a good financial manager, and has accomplished alot at US Airways, he is known to consider both employees and customers as liabilities rather than assets.
He will jump over dollars to save pennies.

While I can't blame the unions at AA for feigning support of a takeover by US, this is one case where they should be careful what they wish for. Just look at the mess labor relations are in at US today--why would anyone think it would be any different at a merged company? Doug was somewhat over his head at US, I can only imagine the disaster which would come of his running AA.

Numbers can be manipulated to show anything management wants. Perception is reality. Based on my personal experiences with US management (NOT frontliners, they remain among the best in the industry), as well as my conversations with employees in many workgroups, including pilots, FA's , ramp, customer service and more, I think it is safe to say Doug Parker's management style is NOTHING like Southwest or Herb......take it for what you will.....

Now had he listened to Gordon Bethune......:)
It's obvious that Herb is giving him the wrong advice on purpose. Southwest was killing US at one time, and now WN doesn't think US is worth their time. What's that tell U? :p
Doug Parker may go to Herb Kelleher for advice, but there is little if any evidence that he heeds such advice. While he is a good financial manager, and has accomplished alot at US Airways, he is known to consider both employees and customers as liabilities rather than assets.
He will jump over dollars to save pennies.

While I can't blame the unions at AA for feigning support of a takeover by US, this is one case where they should be careful what they wish for. Just look at the mess labor relations are in at US today--why would anyone think it would be any different at a merged company? Doug was somewhat over his head at US, I can only imagine the disaster which would come of his running AA.

Numbers can be manipulated to show anything management wants. Perception is reality. Based on my personal experiences with US management (NOT frontliners, they remain among the best in the industry), as well as my conversations with employees in many workgroups, including pilots, FA's , ramp, customer service and more, I think it is safe to say Doug Parker's management style is NOTHING like Southwest or Herb......take it for what you will.....

Now had he listened to Gordon Bethune...... :)

Oh wait until the US cheerleaders read this. They're really going to think I have multiple accounts! :rolleyes:
Interesting comparisons as the plot thickens..... Go to flight attendant website,
and read Editorial Board Interview With.........

1. Southwest Airlines Herb Kelleher is US Air CEO Doug Parker's buddy and gives him advice! This is something that Horton has never done; adopt the Southwest Airlines mgmt style!
Will that ever happen? What a revelation!

Gotta love the logical leap above. There's an assertion that Herb Kelleher has at some point given Parker some advice and all of a sudden, Parker has adopted the Southwest Airlines management style. :D :D

As anyone at US will attest, Parker is no Kelleher and the management style at US in no way resembles that of WN.
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Gotta love the logical leap above. There's an assertion that Herb Kelleher has at some point given Parker some advice and all of a sudden, Parker has adopted the Southwest Airlines management style. :D :D

As anyone at US will attest, Parker is no Kelleher and the management style at US in no way resembles that of WN.

OK, I get your point. Just wishful thinking on my part, and nothing to do with reality, with a logical leap, I stand corrected.
Asking for and getting advice are different from acting on the suggestions.
No worries, olderguyAMT. :)

The merger is probably going to happen, but I don't think anyone will be happy with Doug Parker. Ideally, the money behind the merger would bring some new management to replace Parker & Co. Crandall isn't going to come out of retirement. Maybe someone like Gordon Bethune, but 10-15 years younger?
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No worries, olderguyAMT. :)

The merger is probably going to happen, but I don't think anyone will be happy with Doug Parker. Ideally, the money behind the merger would bring some new management to replace Parker & Co. Crandall isn't going to come out of retirement. Maybe someone like Gordon Bethune, but 10-15 years younger?
Here is a good joke for ya.
Horton asking Herb for advice about employee relations.

I think most of us are just hoping for less of a thrashing, so we see the merger as a better alternative.
Here is a good joke for ya.
Horton asking Herb for advice about employee relations.

I think most of us are just hoping for less of a thrashing, so we see the merger as a better alternative.

I feel for you and your colleagues OlderguyAMT, but if you think Doug Parker is the better alternative, you've REALLY got problems ;)
Right now, the unions have a bad case of "anyone but the incumbent" syndrome. So do some of the creditors.

Investors? So far, nobody has really stepped forward for either the standalone or the US Airways plan. And that's what really matters -- who is willing to fund it.
I'm not a cheerleader but you don't have to worry about that,Art has credibilty you don't

He-heh! Getting to you, ain't I?

You actually speak like your opinion matters. It does, much like a bowel movement!!!

After all opinions are like @$$#0!3$, everyone has one.

I may not have credibility, but speculation doesn't make anyone right. And you better vote me down, because my reputation is up there. And it seems I'm not the only one who knows the UShole universe for what it is.

He-heh! :lol: :p ;)