Dog Wonder
In Nashville this week the National Rifle Association and the National Republican Committee announced a new initiative to take the White House in 2016. Dubbed the Drone Corps, by NRA CEO Wayne Lapierre, the initiative was developed to ensure all NRA members stand united in the organization's efforts to keep all weapons legal.
Holding hands high with RNC Chairman Reince Priebus under a banner promoting this years NRA convention slogan "If they can ban one, they can ban them all.", LaPierre demanded "it is time for NRA members to stop comparing candidates on the issues and choosing for themselves who to vote for". We have highly paid and qualified political experts to vet each candidate and determine which of them will act in our interest.
Preibus emphasized the need for a Drone Corps by pointing out "too many NRA members are listening to candidates and deciding on their own who is most fit to serve". The stated goal of the Drone Corps is to remotely guide voters to the candidate most acceptable to the NRA position, and avoid the evitable divides occurring when people with a common goal, approach it from different directions.
Chris Cox, Chairman of the lobbying arm of the NRA, rallied the crowd by invoking the name of the current Democratic Party frontrunner. "Think about it: Hillary Clinton as president of the United States until 2025," Cox said. "Scared yet?"
Details of the Drone Corps delivery methods were not revealed at the convention. The RNC has invested heavily in amplitude modulation technology connecting to miniature receivers.
Holding hands high with RNC Chairman Reince Priebus under a banner promoting this years NRA convention slogan "If they can ban one, they can ban them all.", LaPierre demanded "it is time for NRA members to stop comparing candidates on the issues and choosing for themselves who to vote for". We have highly paid and qualified political experts to vet each candidate and determine which of them will act in our interest.
Preibus emphasized the need for a Drone Corps by pointing out "too many NRA members are listening to candidates and deciding on their own who is most fit to serve". The stated goal of the Drone Corps is to remotely guide voters to the candidate most acceptable to the NRA position, and avoid the evitable divides occurring when people with a common goal, approach it from different directions.
Chris Cox, Chairman of the lobbying arm of the NRA, rallied the crowd by invoking the name of the current Democratic Party frontrunner. "Think about it: Hillary Clinton as president of the United States until 2025," Cox said. "Scared yet?"
Details of the Drone Corps delivery methods were not revealed at the convention. The RNC has invested heavily in amplitude modulation technology connecting to miniature receivers.