Engineered to fail?


It's not Tilton that I worry about. I have no reason to distrust him yet. People complain about his compensation package. You need to pay for talent. I hope we didn't overpay. Time will tell. It's people like Ron Utecht and Bill Norman. These guys have the power to make life miserable for mechanics and have done so. Both come across as hating the mechanic profession. Rumor has it that some stations might be getting the 10-hour shift back. Now this is something that was snatched from us and they blamed 9/11 for doing it. They say it takes more people to staff the 10-hour shift. The language for 10-hours stated they could eliminate it buy attrition. Enough of that. I got off the subject.

Tilton probably has no idea what mechanics want or how they are being treated. He has too many other things to worry about. I'll bet if he went to some stations on all shifts and spoke with mechanic he would get the picture. It's not so much that we don't want to help. It's the treatment we get that makes us bitter.

I know that the T/A will probably pass. I also know that some of the fence sitters will vote NO just because of the 4 days of vacation without pay. That is a direct hit at a specific time on the pocket. Most can't afford that. A larger percentage through the 5.5 years would be easier. That language is the most ridiculous I have ever seen. There are many things I don't like. The vacation issue is at the top. That alone gets a NO vote from me. The 4 days vacation isn't about cost savings. It's about harassment. That is how I see it and nobody cane change my mind on that.
On 11/25/2002 9:38:05 AM UAL777flyer wrote:


I'm curious. What airline bankruptcies have you been through and please give me your honest impression of what caused them?

Does it matter which airline bankruptcy I've been through? I've got the appropriate punches on my airline employee ticket: bankruptcy, merger, concession, strike, job action, lay off, relocation, TRO, useless airline stock.

Since I always did my part to get my plane up in the air, have received perfect attendance awards, letters of commendation, and have always been told I would be welcomed back to whatever job point I was leaving, I would have to lay responsibility for airline performance on management of the airlines I worked for. The airline I worked for that went bankrupt expanded too much and had too varied of a fleet. A lot of airline managers could stand to read anything by Demming, even though it would probably go in one ear and out the other.

And while we are here, I never hired on with UAL because I never thought they were financially stable after they layed off 1600 mechanics in 1980. In my eyes if they did it once, they could do it again.

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