FA Union Dues increase-retroactive


Feb 21, 2004
Look up, there I am!
FAs just received a CBS that union dues were set to increase "June 1st". As a result of a mix-up in payroll they will be deducting with next month's paycheck with a "retroactive" payment to make up for not getting their share of June.

I never received notice of an increase in dues .... and for what????????

Bad enough we're paying $39 for nothing, now it will be $43 for nothing ..... :angry: :angry: :angry:

In addition, how is that they can just just raise there dues and not give notice about it?

BTW, this is "east only"
FAs just received a CBS that union dues were set to increase "June 1st". As a result of a mix-up in payroll they will be deducting with next month's paycheck with a "retroactive" payment to make up for not getting their share of June.

I never received notice of an increase in dues .... and for what????????

Bad enough we're paying $39 for nothing, now it will be $43 for nothing ..... :angry: :angry: :angry:

In addition, how is that they can just just raise there dues and not give notice about it?

BTW, this is "east only"
1. this came out of the AFA BOD meeting a year ago.
2. There were no less than 6 Elines about it going up
3. It's all AFA Airlines not just US and not only East....trying to stir the pot?

Get the facts, read your mail, suscribe to the elines....
They are not trying to stir the pot.

I got the same CBS and it does state East F/A's only.
I'm west and my dues deduction has been 21.50 per paycheck since my June 5th paycheck. If I remember right, we were notified by AFA and then by our local.
More than likely, what they meant to say was, the East F/A paychecks were the only ones affected. (who knows)

Someone needs to brush up on their English Composition skills.
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1. this came out of the AFA BOD meeting a year ago.
2. There were no less than 6 Elines about it going up
3. It's all AFA Airlines not just US and not only East....trying to stir the pot?

Get the facts, read your mail, suscribe to the elines....

I DO subscribe to elines ... show me a link with the dates showing that it was in fact approved with the effective date and I will be happy to retract my statement AND apologize .... I do not recall seeing this.

Stir a pot?? Whatever do you mean? Can't I opine and bloviate here? What's a message board for? it's alot of money for nothing .... 3 Years and no signs of a contract .... and that's ony the beginning :down:

In addition my statement said CBS. As far as I knew West doesn't have CBS. It also said specifically "EAST". Perhaps reading skills need to be brushed up.

You guys are just nasty. I gotta fly with y'all?
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Zarah ... thanks I now retract my statement :blink: but I can't complain? Oh that's right they're moving the headquarters to CLT ... someone's gotta pay for it

At least with the Costa Nostra things get done, but Thanks for your info GoodFella :ph34r:
Big surprise, Unions take your money and you can't do anything about it.

Thank GOD I don't have to sell my soul to any union goon.
1. this came out of the AFA BOD meeting a year ago.
2. There were no less than 6 Elines about it going up
3. It's all AFA Airlines not just US and not only East....trying to stir the pot?

Get the facts, read your mail, suscribe to the elines....
whatever .... it's still bull####.
Big surprise, Unions take your money and you can't do anything about it.

Thank GOD I don't have to sell my soul to any union goon.

So who do you sell your soul to? I'm not trying to be funny or anything, but I really want to know. In my working career, I've been in a union for close to 25 years. The years I wasn't in a union, I never saw anything but a petty raise, longer hours, forced overtime, lousy working conditions, etc.

Of course that is not to say that management didn't have its favorites...the @$$ kissers...that didn't have to endure the bulk of the workload and got reasonable raises.

So enlighten me about non-union workers. I think that once your 'usefulness' is up, so is your employment...unless you grease some hands.
So enlighten me about non-union workers. I think that once your 'usefulness' is up, so is your employment.

So? That's the point of "at will" employment. It's the way the vast majority of US workers are employed. Why should a company keep you around if you're no longer useful to the company? That makes absolutely no sense.