So were the flight attendants. They have 100% occupational seniority at STL.from the article:ex-TWA mechanics, stock clerks and fleet service workers who work in Kansas City and St. Louis were allowed to keep their seniority accumulated at TWA
Fact is AA has laid off or offered leaves to 833 former TW flight attendants. 3,200 are currently active former TW. Doesn't add up to over half your work force Ms Cooper.sherry cooper: We will have lost nearly half of our work force since October," she said. "Less than 2 percent of American's flight attendants have been laid off. That's not proportionate."
Minus the 970 that just got furlough notices yesterday and today. That means furlough notices back to October, 1984 seniority. When there were 4200 LLC flight attendants at the time of the purchase and it's down to just over 2200...do your math, Mikey. That means nearly half of us are gone.----------------
On 8/27/2002 733 PM
Fact is AA has laid off or offered leaves to 833 former TW flight attendants. 3,200 are currently active former TW. Doesn't add up to over half your work force Ms Cooper.sherry cooper: We will have lost nearly half of our work force since October," she said. "Less than 2 percent of American's flight attendants have been laid off. That's not proportionate."
Mikey...you don't know what you are talking about. All of the overage leaves from last October came back in April or May.----------------
On 8/27/2002 1013 PM
The point was Ms. Cooper is trying to exaggerate the point for the media. more than half your flight attendants are not on layoff. Only 833, of that a number are on leave not layoff. Yes the layoff notice's went out. That doesn't mean that someone will actually be laid off. We will have to wait and see the out come of Article 16 leaves and Appendix F partnership flying.
Minus the 970 that just got furlough notices yesterday and today. That means furlough notices back to October, 1984 seniority. When there were 4200 LLC flight attendants at the time of the purchase and it's down to just over 2200...do your math, Mikey. That means nearly half of us are gone.
On 8/27/2002 10:34:03 PM
OK, I have no idea what I am talking about. Yet no comment on Ms Coopers idea that 833 of 4033 makes up 1/2 of your work force. Please spare us your dramatics.
On 8/27/2002 10:13:55 PM
Only 2200 are eligible in STL to take leaves. It is highly unlikely that there will be enough to take care of the 970 dedicated employees that will soon be out of work.