Governor: Colorado pot market exceeds tax hopes

Just to this into a little bit of perspective. In 2008, CO had about 4,300 people in prison for drug related offenses. The cost to imprison someone is about $31k a year. I am guessing the cos has gone up in 2014.

By legalizing pot they will have helped reduce the number of people in prison and bring in $130 million. That sounds like a huge win.
OK fine Ms Tree. Let's talk about how much it cost the country to support people who get life in prison for violent crimes and murder and the libtards refusal to execute them.
The Girl Scouts of Colorado's decision to prohibit their members from selling the organization's classic cookies outside marijuana stores is generating mixed reaction on social media.
The organization issued a statement on its Facebook
page Friday to dispel rumors of Girl Scouts setting up shop outside retail pot shops, effectively prohibiting members from selling at dispensaries in the state, where recreational marijuana is now legal.
"Girl Scouts of Colorado doesn’t allow girls to sell cookies outside of any adult-oriented business, whether that is a bar, strip club, casino, liquor store or marijuana dispensary. We recognize these are legitimate businesses, but we don’t feel they are an appropriate place for girls to be selling cookies in Colorado," the organization said.

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delldude said:
First is the Federal level.
I still think when other states see the revenue...especially with ones with public pension fund issues.....
We can stone our way back to economic growth.
it would at least help potato chip sales
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
OK fine Ms Tree. Let's talk about how much it cost the country to support people who get life in prison for violent crimes and murder and the libtards refusal to execute them.
At least you're consistent. Dont like the topic.....change course.
Exactly. And it's costing us a fortune to boot. Never mind the fact that it's not working.

Ms Tree said:
A young girl and her parents come up with a creative entrepreneurial idea and sell over 100 boxes of cookies and you are against that also. 

[SIZE=10.5pt]That's right. Apparently I am not the only one.[/SIZE]

I am glad the leaders of Girl Scouts of Colorado have more sense than you.
"Girl Scouts of Colorado doesn’t allow girls to sell cookies outside of any adult-oriented business, whether that is a bar, strip club, casino, liquor store or marijuana dispensary. We recognize these are legitimate businesses, but we don’t feel they are an appropriate place for girls to be selling cookies in Colorado," the organization said.

[SIZE=10.5pt]Common sense prevails (despite Liberals championing stupidity) however; there is one flaw in the statement released by the Girl Scouts of Colorado. A marijuana dispensary is NOT a legitimate business because they are still breaking federal law.[/SIZE]
so they sell the cookies next door or across the street.  Big deal.
I think I read of another girl in UT selling at a medical dispensary.
Eventually the religious folks will come to the realization that you cannot legislate morality no matter how hard you try.  It failed in the 20's and it will always will.
Ms Tree said:
so they sell the cookies next door or across the street.  Big deal.
I think I read of another girl in UT selling at a medical dispensary.
Eventually the religious folks will come to the realization that you cannot legislate morality no matter how hard you try.  It failed in the 20's and it will always will.
[SIZE=10.5pt]Which takes us right back to why you push your libtard agendas.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]You claim you’re for equality and individual rights but the truth is you’re really just against Christians. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]The truth is Ms Tree is you’re just a manipulating, lying weasel trying to use the liberal movement as a weapon for your own personal agenda.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]You may fool others by spewing your liberal propaganda but I see you for what you [/SIZE]REALLY are.
You and 700UW are both cut from the same cloth.
Insult all you want. Spin it how ever you want. I have no issue with people practicing thier faith. Wben they try and force it on the public thats were it crosses the line.

I dont care what you see. Your delusions are your problem. Your hatred is your problem. I feel good knowing that you and yours are on the losing side of this battle.