N628AU...As completely 100% accurate as your accounts are!! Rest assured that nobody is listening ,where it counts. Or are you still missng that fact?
The Out of service report doesn't show a damn thing , that management is willing to admit too...or show any degree of corrective action toward.
I can assure everyone that reads this..If PHL was the corporate norm..instead of being the mis-guided exception to the norm it is...We would have been BK'd years before if all other stations operated the same way as that zoo does.
Hell , if the rumors about AA are accurate? the first step is Admitting You Have a Problem Then you can begin to solve it!!
Well obviously PHL has some kind of Most Favored Status that allows a blind eye to be turned to all it's self-created disasters.
Between what PHL has done..or caused in relation to Damaged Acft.Lost Tooling and lost capitol Rotable Parts alone..If we were to recieve 1/10th of that loss in the form of a bonus check...on a one time basis? We would never ever have to be concerned about another bill...or another day of work ever.
Heck if we were to get a piece of the action on the Phone Bills alone, from trying to correct thier nightly Foul-ups , we could be rich too.
Again...admission of a problem...is the path toward correcting a problem. Until a very hard look is given to PHL's Stores and Maintenance organization....only more money is going to fly out the window...un-accounted for!!
This is about accountability folks...and PHL shows no earthly signs of it!! Gordon Bethune's Book about CO , was largely sucess oriented around individual accountablity...as well as accounting for every dime.
The results not only got CO out of it's previous mess...it has created a functional role model too. I think a serious read of Gordo-ism is in order...I hope Dave still has his copy? If not?...I can loan him mine...and parts of it are underlined for immediate reference purposes too!
The Out of service report doesn't show a damn thing , that management is willing to admit too...or show any degree of corrective action toward.
I can assure everyone that reads this..If PHL was the corporate norm..instead of being the mis-guided exception to the norm it is...We would have been BK'd years before if all other stations operated the same way as that zoo does.
Hell , if the rumors about AA are accurate? the first step is Admitting You Have a Problem Then you can begin to solve it!!
Well obviously PHL has some kind of Most Favored Status that allows a blind eye to be turned to all it's self-created disasters.
Between what PHL has done..or caused in relation to Damaged Acft.Lost Tooling and lost capitol Rotable Parts alone..If we were to recieve 1/10th of that loss in the form of a bonus check...on a one time basis? We would never ever have to be concerned about another bill...or another day of work ever.
Heck if we were to get a piece of the action on the Phone Bills alone, from trying to correct thier nightly Foul-ups , we could be rich too.
Again...admission of a problem...is the path toward correcting a problem. Until a very hard look is given to PHL's Stores and Maintenance organization....only more money is going to fly out the window...un-accounted for!!
This is about accountability folks...and PHL shows no earthly signs of it!! Gordon Bethune's Book about CO , was largely sucess oriented around individual accountablity...as well as accounting for every dime.
The results not only got CO out of it's previous mess...it has created a functional role model too. I think a serious read of Gordo-ism is in order...I hope Dave still has his copy? If not?...I can loan him mine...and parts of it are underlined for immediate reference purposes too!