How come


Aug 20, 2002
Posters here who had fit because Obama insulted our troops with his latte salute didn't say a thing when the dear leader wished a "Happy" Memorial Day, and went on to say how proud those dead soldiers would be if they could see how great the economy was today. Jeez....if Obama would have said "Happy Memorial Day" and left the self aggrandizement out, the righties would have still been all over the place reminding that America hating commie Muslim that it's a day of remembering the fallen and there is nothing 'Happy' about it. But Trump gets a pass.
Posters here who had fit because Obama insulted our troops with his latte salute didn't say a thing when the dear leader wished a "Happy" Memorial Day, and went on to say how proud those dead soldiers would be if they could see how great the economy was today. Jeez....if Obama would have said "Happy Memorial Day" and left the self aggrandizement out, the righties would have still been all over the place reminding that America hating commie Muslim that it's a day of remembering the fallen and there is nothing 'Happy' about it. But Trump gets a pass.
Doesn't fit the narrative.
Besides, Trump can do no wrong, but if he does, NoBama and/or Crinton did worse. The two wrongs make a right defense (and some Razzle Dazzle)..:p:p:p
I know! I know! Let me answer, teacher! Hillary did it! Hillary did it! Hillary did it!

Did what you ask? I don't know. I just know Hillary did it! (There. I feel so much better. Almost like having a good bowel movement.)