How long will DP stay?

Doug will stay until his position becomes untenable. That will only happen when he, 1) loses complete control of labor group negotiations, 2) loses the ability to spin meltdowns at the hubs, and 3) decides there is no more cash he can squeeze out of the company for himself and his cronies.

My opinion. Opposing views are encouraged.

Very well put. I think you are right on the money. Folks we have a winner. And, we as labor and MAKE this happen. Bring the company to its knees. FA's should not qualify for food stamps and section 8 housing if working for a company that can post 300+ million dollar quarterly profits! COST NEUTRAL = CHAOS. Where are our union leaders and why aren't they rallying the troops?!?!?!?


Much like just-call-me-Dave, yes?

Very much so, except he was less charismatic. I believe someone else was pulling his strings. Someone who had more to gain with regional jet flying with two separate carriers than with one. Following me?

Very well put. I think you are right on the money. Folks we have a winner. And, we as labor and MAKE this happen. Bring the company to its knees. FA's should not qualify for food stamps and section 8 housing if working for a company that can post 300+ million dollar quarterly profits! COST NEUTRAL = CHAOS. Where are our union leaders and why aren't they rallying the troops?!?!?!?

Our unions our suffering from the damage caused by infighting, which only pleases the Sith in Tempe. If and when the individual unions finish house-cleaning (to whatever end, good or bad), then we'll see where we stand as employees and how the unions decide to act.

ALL of the unions will have to work together if they want to see a change. If history teaches them anything about standing together, hopefully they can avoid both the terrible results from BK's 1 & 2, and the terminal results from Eastern Airline's example.