How Many Vp's Does It Take To Run U


Nov 22, 2003
Fellow employee's this company wants us to take pay cuts to below poverty level
for some of us. But they have yet to make a dent in the VP situation.

If this company wants us to take pay cuts and model us after the LLC's.
then they should start at the top and work their way down....

If they really care about this company, and they care about the company's survival
then theyn should of showed leadership and combined the VP's depts and elimanted the positions so the company can save money...

The company always compare's u front line employee's with the LLc's front line
employee's, but I have yet to see them comparing U's Top management with the LLc's top management, they want to change front line employee's contract so we can be more productive, again what about the VP's. Lets open their contracts and have them be more prroductive and elimate the waste just as U is doing with frontline employee furloughs and so on. They are getting rid of employee's who
provide customer service to the people who pay their high salaries, I see no VP dealing with angry customer who was not provide with service they paid for.

It is no secret, that the LLC's run more effeciently with less employee's top and bottom, I have no problem working that way but fair is fair, then TOP management also needs to streamline their top end. Its all common sense.

Imagine how much money this company would save and the profits it would make
if they would streamline all the top heavy one would have to take
pay cuts.

Also, imagine the cooperation they would get from the unions, seeing that the company is being proactive, I believe they would not get much resistence.

I have seen many members of upper management leave in the past two years or so, and many of the positions were consolidated, and not backfilled. I wonder if you would care to post the actual VP numbers now and then and the VP numbers compared to our competitors at WN, B6, and HP.

Per the websites (so I can't verify if it's up to date):

US Airways -

23 VP and above
28,000 employees (approximately)
283 aircraft
Ranked #7 by domestic enplanements

Southwest -

26 VP and above
34,000 employees (approximately)
405 aircraft (as of 6/30/04)
Ranked #1 or #2 by domestic enplanements (neck & neck with DAL)

Give it a rest already..... Theres nothing new here. I think management has asnwered the questions about VP's There no difference here from other airline in the same boat. The problem today isnt all management folks, Its OUR COMPETITION!!! Focus on defeating them not ourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your right... and I believe that they are doing an outstanding job in these difficult times. I support their efforts.

Boy you got that right Old Boy.

I especially appreciate the outstanding job of that VP that is in charge of PHL.

And the one who figures out how much to charge for the tickets.

And the one who is responsible for the RJ's on the routes that have to bump pax on a daily basis for wt. and balance reasons. Then give the free tickets.

And the one who figured out the star alliance stickers.

Or the one who promotes such good employee relations and teamwork.

Yesssirrrreeeeeeee. A real bang up job by crack VP's. They sure do help to make us the success that we are. No wonder we are in such good shape.

and your point is? Name one airline including SWA that doesnt make the same type decisions.... Focus on the real enemy!!!!
usfliboi said:
and your point is? Name one airline including SWA that doesnt make the same type decisions.... Focus on the real enemy!!!!
If management decided to execute half of the labor force on national TV with assault rifles for all the world to see you would agree with them saying to the ones protesting: "Oh why don't you silly people just sit down and shut up" Your posts have no creditability left being the constant mouth piece you are for a failed management team.
In your mind CAV, Which failed management team are you referring to? Ive lost count on how many management teams youve blamed... Please enlighten this sad minded person who is a cheer leader for the management here..... Please cav, your broken record of
'Its managements Fault Blues
', is old !
usfliboi said:
and your point is? Name one airline including SWA that doesnt make the same type decisions.... Focus on the real enemy!!!!

You never have gotten the point have you fliboi?

Let me see if I can focus you on who the real enemy is. Let me spell it out:


There you go fella. You go ahead and defend those decisions. Frankly, I don't really care what the other airlines are doing. I only care about how this one is being run. Judging from all the support Bronner and Lakefield are stirring up from the employees I'd say the continue to do a bang up job.

Ever hear of motivation? Ever hear of leadership? Here is their example of both:

Give us our needed givebacks or we turn it into 'BamaAir. Bronner.

Wait employees, he didn't mean that. But you know we must work together. So you better give us our needed givebacks because C11 is bad. Lakefield.

It's not us, its the ATSB, GE, Embraer, American Express, the pied piper etc......

The don't even admit to their failings. All the givebacks in the world can't save a company from this type of management. Do you disagree with that fliboi? Will our givebacks save US Airways. Is that what you think? Tell me. Do you truly believe that?


I especially like the way Southwest got thrown in there:

"Name one airline including SWA"

You've got to admit that the p*ss poor management at LUV has only managed to make a profit for how many quarters straight now? If they had the crackerjack management we have, they too could be wildly successful - at losing money hand over fist.
