I miss Chip Munn


Aug 20, 2002
Yes, let''s bring back his stories of secret corporate transactions. Just what we all need!

All sarcasm aside though, I do miss debating the merits of all the corporate transactions he proposed. I guess his inside sources let him down, and there will be no integration of our two very disfunctional families. I think the general consensus is that a healthy codeshare is in both our best interests. In the end, Chips stories and perspectives were entertaining.

I will also add that many of these message boards have become rather boring since his departure. Does anyone really know what has happened to him?
While I didn''t agree with some of his comments, he always brought a different view to this forum. I don''t know where he had been during the past few weeks, but I do miss his insights. Many of my fellow flight attendants who lurk on the boards also have asked where is Chip.
Hopefully he was lucky enough to get out of this HELL!!! I miss Chip too...oh Chip oh Chip where art thou !!
yall blistered his butt off the web......what do you expect?
he was only trying to get the message out...only thing was as was the norm in caesars days.....you kill the messenger. do you expect any other out come?
hopefully time will heal all wounds.
Get the message out? Ha! That is why is own union censured him and disavowed his op-ed piece in the Charlotte Observer, that is why he was used by Dave to be a cheerleader to tell the other groups to accept concessions to save 30,000 jobs, telling people, if you don''t like it quit.

Then he pulls a 180 when the company goes after his pension, and what ever happened to the UCT ( unique corporate transaction with UA).

Chip was misguided.
Puhleeze, the king of copy n paste? The Do as I say not as I do machine? The better watch out you better not cry finger pointer? Truthfully???...... didn''t notice til someone brought it up.