If they are On Board, write em up

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What does God have to do with no SIDA badge?

God is more powerful than a SIDA badge? some pilots think they're God? Some rampers don't like Pilots with a God complex? CactusSnappyMcScratchy thinks he's God? God doesn't think he's a pilot? Just sayin'
The conversation is about the founding fathers and their efforts to construct a constitutional form of government. The Bill of Rights was proposed/demanded by the various states/colonies not the original framers of the Constitution. Try again.

Sarah Palin on the board.

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The conversation was about the poster snap this (Itchy McSnitchy) advocating snitching on other unionized workgroups.

Pay attention,

Since I started this thread, I can speak for myself. Maybe I need to write slower for you. I'm not on board with the Eastie job action. If I am delayed by such an action by any employee group who is on board, it will be documented. I'm not taking the fall for someone else's stupidity.

Since you are itching for a snitch, look in your own back yard at end_of_alpa. He's easily offended by bumper stickers. Perhaps it hits a little too close for being proud of busting my union.

I just saw one of the west crews checking in early this morning in MCO. The Captain had a yellow sticker on his personal bag saying "USAPA = SCAB".

If I see that again I'll be reporting it to the Chief Pilot as hate speech, if any of you have it on your bags I'll be kicking you not only off the Jumpseat but also off the aircraft.

I have no problem with your political views here or even in person whether one side or the other but I guarantee you that having that sticker on your bag will get you booted off the aircraft and an event report filed with the Feds.

If the "majority" of your fellow west pilots support this hate speech continue down the path and see what happens. If I were black would you put on your bag "blacks=n****rs" or how about"female=c**ts" if I were a woman?

I would have cornered him about it when I came into the lobby but he just checked in from PHX, evidently a red-eye crew. He saw me looking at it and hi-tailed onto the elevator before i could confront him. I believe the desk clerk said flight 575. If you know him you better warn him.
Pay attention,

Since I started this thread, I can speak for myself. Maybe I need to write slower for you. I'm not on board with the Eastie job action. If I am delayed by such an action by any employee group who is on board, it will be documented. I'm not taking the fall for someone else's stupidity.

Since you are itching for a snitch, look in your own back yard at end_of_alpa. He's easily offended by bumper stickers. Perhaps it hits a little too close for being proud of busting my union.

I just saw one of the west crews checking in early this morning in MCO. The Captain had a yellow sticker on his personal bag saying "USAPA = SCAB".

If I see that again I'll be reporting it to the Chief Pilot as hate speech, if any of you have it on your bags I'll be kicking you not only off the Jumpseat but also off the aircraft.

I have no problem with your political views here or even in person whether one side or the other but I guarantee you that having that sticker on your bag will get you booted off the aircraft and an event report filed with the Feds.

If the "majority" of your fellow west pilots support this hate speech continue down the path and see what happens. If I were black would you put on your bag "blacks=n****rs" or how about"female=c**ts" if I were a woman?

I would have cornered him about it when I came into the lobby but he just checked in from PHX, evidently a red-eye crew. He saw me looking at it and hi-tailed onto the elevator before i could confront him. I believe the desk clerk said flight 575. If you know him you better warn him.

Who cares he's entitled to his opinion.
Pay attention,

Since I started this thread, I can speak for myself. Maybe I need to write slower for you. I'm not on board with the Eastie job action. If I am delayed by such an action by any employee group who is on board, it will be documented. I'm not taking the fall for someone else's stupidity.

Since you are itching for a snitch, look in your own back yard at end_of_alpa. He's easily offended by bumper stickers. Perhaps it hits a little too close for being proud of busting my union.

I just saw one of the west crews checking in early this morning in MCO. The Captain had a yellow sticker on his personal bag saying "USAPA = SCAB".

If I see that again I'll be reporting it to the Chief Pilot as hate speech, if any of you have it on your bags I'll be kicking you not only off the Jumpseat but also off the aircraft.

I have no problem with your political views here or even in person whether one side or the other but I guarantee you that having that sticker on your bag will get you booted off the aircraft and an event report filed with the Feds.

If the "majority" of your fellow west pilots support this hate speech continue down the path and see what happens. If I were black would you put on your bag "blacks=n****rs" or how about"female=c**ts" if I were a woman?

I would have cornered him about it when I came into the lobby but he just checked in from PHX, evidently a red-eye crew. He saw me looking at it and hi-tailed onto the elevator before i could confront him. I believe the desk clerk said flight 575. If you know him you better warn him.

It's called the First Amendment moron! I looked at the Code of Conduct and because it's a Labor issue the Ethics policy likely will not withstand legal scrutiny. So file away! You just got done telling us how Republican you are yet here you sound like Obama's Son. When people fear their government there is tyranny, When government fears the people there is liberty. Yet you threaten to rat out a co-worker who speaks their mind and jeopardize their job. Like I said, You're the last person I'd want to have my back in Saloon Brawl. I'd take my chances with some five foot nothing 110lb flight attendant over the likes of you.
Yet you threaten to rat out a co-worker who speaks their mind and jeopardize their job. Like I said, You're the last person I'd want to have my back in Saloon Brawl. I'd take my chances with some five foot nothing 110lb flight attendant over the likes of you.
Are you really only capable of seeing the world in terms of violence and polarized ideology? I guess if I did I'd let Ron Paul do all my thinking for me too. Given that you do not and never have worked for US Airways and therefore lack any kind of internal perspective whatsoever on this issue or how any of us do our jobs, exactly what is it that qualifies you to sit in judgment of any of us and our decisions, let alone our political beliefs? I don't necessarily agree with the OP here or how he's gone about this issue but at least he and I work for the same company; maybe he's ticked off not because of what you're saying but because you have no cred or experience to speak from and nobody likes being talked down to by some creepy outsider.

Is there some kind of forum board somewhere where bellicose and perpetually unhappy office equipment providers bark and whine at each other about how much their company sucks? Can you give us the link to that place? I've used printers and copiers regularly for many years now so I feel like I'm extremely qualified to make important statements about your coworkers and key people that work in your industry. I promise to go as far as tell them how to do their jobs, and make assumptions about their personal and political beliefs.
Can you believe this "they done me wrong in CLT" tread went over 200 posts? We are really short of stuff to talk about...LOL :D

Driver B)
What I can't believe is that most of the posts in this thread have little if anything to do with the original topic.....

On the other hand, I can just imagine what the work environment must be at US with all the different labor factions sniping at each other rather than uniting and going after management, which is what SHOULD be going on.....

And don't think for a moment that all this discord, anger, frustration and antipathy goes unnoticed by customers......

This thread is a perfect illustration of what will contribute to the eventual failure of US Airways.

Think about it.....
Sarah Palin on the board.

Face the audience and say...
Oh yah ya know like Paul Revere, He rang the church bell and like warned the British the colonials were coming, and he also had a great band like Paul Revere and the ramblers ehh or raiders oh I get it that's where he got the name of the band from. Weren't they popular during the civil war?


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It's called the First Amendment moron! I looked at the Code of Conduct and because it's a Labor issue the Ethics policy likely will not withstand legal scrutiny. So file away! You just got done telling us how Republican you are yet here you sound like Obama's Son. When people fear their government there is tyranny, When government fears the people there is liberty. Yet you threaten to rat out a co-worker who speaks their mind and jeopardize their job. Like I said, You're the last person I'd want to have my back in Saloon Brawl. I'd take my chances with some five foot nothing 110lb flight attendant over the likes of you.

Move along, IRAboob. This is an airline forum if you have not noticed. I think the good people of the Orange Order would be interested in your fascination with the IRA. Why don't you get out of that little dark room with your computer and imaginary friends take an Irish vacation to watch one of their parades.

Mr Chairman. :lol:
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