I'm very curious

For me, it's images of white racist Democrats like Lester Maddox, George Wallace, Orville Faubus and Roberty Byrd and the leadership roles they played in the Party of Slavery a century after the Republican Party forcibly ended the despicable practice. Abraham Lincoln wasn't waving axe handles or blocking schoolhouse doors to black children or joining the Klan. For me, the issue is this: I don't understand how a person could vote for Democrats given their role in perpetuating slavery and then segregation in our society.

You popping goof balls? Ms Tree is right.
They should. Most conservatives HATED you when you belonged to a union. Don't care if you DID work for Kmart airlines....as far as conservatives were concerned YOU were the problem because YOU were overpaid. YOU were part of a union that was part of what was killing America. Hate to tell you dell, but those same buddies who tell you that government spending is bad and smaller government is good (unless it involves laws involving your bedroom conduct) viewed YOU as a big part of what's wrong with this country.

You have a good point, if I would have lived in a right to work state maybe your con buddies would love me then.
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  • #18
You have a good point, if I would have lived in a right to work state maybe your con buddies would love me then.

Dell....I thought AA was unionized...and last time I checked, Texas and Oklahoma were both big right to work states. I wonder how many AA union employees in Texas and Oklahoma voted for Bush, McCain and Romney? I know eoleson voted for those 3, but I really don't understand how union workers could vote for guys like that.
Conservatives believe in less government intrusion into our lives, less taxation, smaller government, and so on.
Your view of personal wages and conservatism don't jibe in my book.

Dell, you sound like you are brainwashed. On the one hand you are a working class bloke like me but one the other hand you want government to help you make less, with less benefits, so you cant give your kids the best possible which dooms them to making even less than you!

It seems like you want to give the rich and powerful more control so you can feel safer.

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  • #20
so you cant give your kids the best possible which dooms them to making even less than you!

Bingo. I feel sorry for my kid because I doubt she'll make as much as me. My dad lived better than his dad...I lived better than my dad. NOw, thanks to conservatives, my kid won't live better than me. A race to the bottom and the elimination of the middle class. We'll all be dead when it's gone. I want to be able to tell my kid that I tried to make it better for her. I'd rather have her cry when I'm gone instead of visiting my grave every year to spit on it.
Dell, you sound like you are brainwashed. On the one hand you are a working class bloke like me but one the other hand you want government to help you make less, with less benefits, so you cant give your kids the best possible which dooms them to making even less than you!

It seems like you want to give the rich and powerful more control so you can feel safer.

Where you get that?
Smaller, less intrusive government means less taxes to run it, less job stifling regulations, less costs all around. Less taxes means more take home where I went to school.

KCFlyer :

Dell....I thought AA was unionized...and last time I checked, Texas and Oklahoma were both big right to work states. I wonder how many AA union employees in Texas and Oklahoma voted for Bush, McCain and Romney? I know eoleson voted for those 3, but I really don't understand how union workers could vote for guys like that.

I think you are rather naive regarding how 'union' workers vote.
You assume just because they are union they go dem??
Bingo. I feel sorry for my kid because I doubt she'll make as much as me. My dad lived better than his dad...I lived better than my dad. NOw, thanks to conservatives, my kid won't live better than me. A race to the bottom and the elimination of the middle class. We'll all be dead when it's gone. I want to be able to tell my kid that I tried to make it better for her. I'd rather have her cry when I'm gone instead of visiting my grave every year to spit on it.

You should wake up to the fact that your kids will be bridled into less take home due to rabid spending policies from both parties over decades and no willingness to tackle the issue before them.
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  • #23
Where you get that?
Smaller, less intrusive government means less taxes to run it, less job stifling regulations, less costs all around. Less taxes means more take home where I went to school.

KCFlyer :

I think you are rather naive regarding how 'union' workers vote.
You assume just because they are union they go dem??
If they weren't going to vote democrat, they might as well quit their job. They are voting against their own best interests if they vote republican. The republican plan is "screw them...they are overpaid" Why on earth would you want to vote for someone who, in their ignorance, would believe that a trained monkey could do the same job for less. My sincerest dream would be to see a planeload of conservatives at 33,000 feet when the engine starts acting up. I wonder if at that time they might have wished the "overpaid" guy would have been working on it.
FWAAA....Abraham Lincoln would be considered a RINO today. I don't know if you noticed, but just after the Civil Rights act of 1964, the southern states took on a decidedly reddish hue. It was a democrat that passed the civil rights act. What good was being rid of slavery if you were not treated equally? Let's not forget those good republicans Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond and how they threw their undivided support behind LBJ after the Civil Rights act was signed. So in a way you are right...they didn't vote democratic...they voted republican...for the same candidates that perpetrated "separate but equal" in the 50's

You better do some research, dems tried to filibuster the CRA and it passed with Republican support, not dem....a dem signed it into law.

You slice the pie so it favors your plate.....LOL
If they weren't going to vote democrat, they might as well quit their job. They are voting against their own best interests if they vote republican. The republican plan is "screw them...they are overpaid" Why on earth would you want to vote for someone who, in their ignorance, would believe that a trained monkey could do the same job for less. My sincerest dream would be to see a planeload of conservatives at 33,000 feet when the engine starts acting up. I wonder if at that time they might have wished the "overpaid" guy would have been working on it.

Dude, you are whats wrong with this country.
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  • #26
You better do some research, dems tried to filibuster the CRA and it passed with Republican support, not dem....a dem signed it into law.

You slice the pie so it favors your plate.....LOL
And what happened to those dems that lost that vote? That's what I said....the south became much redder. LBJ was the democrat that pushed it. The southern democrats new it wasn't popular. They voted against it..then they became republicans. Check that fact out.
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  • #27
Dude, you are whats wrong with this country.

Really? The guy who wishes the middle class wasn't being eliminated is whats wrong with the country? You know, a conservative believes that all union workers are overpaid, but when he steps on a plane himself...or when he puts his family on a plane, you can BET he's hoping he's got the best pilots and he hopes only top notch mechanics touched his plane. Once it lands safely, those overpaid union bastards can go to hell. If you ask me THOSE guys are what's wrong with this country.
'KCFlyer' timestamp='1355456076' post='959737']
And what happened to those dems that lost that vote? That's what I said....the south became much redder. LBJ was the democrat that pushed it. The southern democrats new it wasn't popular. They voted against it..then they became republicans. Check that fact out.

Oh really? Check these facts out Pal:

[size="+2"]Bill Bradley Fouls the Civil Rights Act[/size]
by R.D. Davis

A New Visions Commentary paper published December 1999 by The National Center
for Public Policy Research, 501 Capitol Court, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20002,
202/543-4110, Fax 202/543-5975, E-Mail [email protected], Web
http://www.nationalcenter.org. Reprints permitted provided source
is credited.

Former basketball star and current Democratic presidential candidate Bill Bradley hasn't fouled an opponent on the basketball court in years, but lately he's fouling the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Bradley claims the congressional vote on the Act led to which political party he would join. Oh, really?
On October 9, 1999 at an Iowa Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, Bradley exclaimed: "I remember the exact moment that I became a Democrat. It was the summer of 1964; I was an intern in Washington between my junior and senior year in college. And I was in the Senate chamber the night the 1964 Civil Rights Act passed that desegregated public accommodations in America... And I became a Democrat because it was the party of justice. It was Democrats that stepped forward that evening in the Senate and cast their vote that washed away the stain of segregation in this country."

I believe that Democrats have lied about who supported the Civil Rights Act for so long that they actually believe their lies.

But anytime this lie is retold, I feel compelled to debunk it. So here we go again...

The Congressional Quarterly of June 26, 1964 (p. 1323) recorded that, in the Senate, only 69% of Democrats (46 for, 21 against) voted for the Civil Rights Act as compared to 82% of Republicans (27 for, 6 against). All southern Democratic senators voted against the Act. This includes the current senator from West Virginia and former KKK member Robert C. Bryd and former Tennessee senator Al Gore, Sr. (the father of Bradley's Democratic opponent). Surely young Bradley must have flunked his internship because ostensibly he did not learn that the Act's primary opposition came from the southern Democrats' 74-day filibuster. In addition, he did not know that 21 is over three times as much as six, otherwise he would have become - according to the logic of his statement - a Republican.
In the House of Representatives, 61% of Democrats (152 for, 96 against) voted for the Civil Rights Act; 92 of the 103 southern Democrats voted against it. Among Republicans, 80% (138 for, 34 against) voted for it.
Since Bradley was interning in the Senate, why doesn't he remember the major role the Republicans played in fighting for civil rights? During the Eisenhower Administration, the Republican Party made more progress in civil rights than in the preceding 80 years. According to Congressional Quarterly, "Although the Democratic-controlled Congress watered them down, the Administration's recommendations resulted in significant and effective civil rights legislation in both 1957 and 1960 - the first civil rights statutes to be passed in more than 80 years" ("The Republican Party 1960 Civil Rights Platform," May 1964). It reported on April 5, 1963 that, " A group of eight Republican senators in March joined in introducing a series of 12 civil rights bills that would implement many of the recommendations made in the Civil Rights Commission report of 1961."
The principal measures introduced by these Republicans broadened the Civil Rights Act of 1964, making it "designed to pass unlike Democratic 'public relations' attempts" (CQ, February 15, 1963, p. 191). Republican senators overwhelmingly "chided" President John Kennedy about his "failure to act in this field (civil rights)." Republican senators criticized the Kennedy Administration's February 28, 1963 civil rights message as "falling far short" of the Civil Rights Commission's recommendations and both party platforms. "If the President will not assume the leadership in getting through Congress urgently needed civil rights measures," the Republican senators said, " then Congress must take the initiative" (CQ, April 5, 1963, p. 527).
At the signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson praised the Republicans for their "overwhelming" support. Roy Wilkins, then-NAACP chairman, awarded Republican Senate Minority Leader Everett Dirksen of Illinois the Leadership Conference of Civil Rights Award for his "remarkable civil rights leadership." Moreover, civil rights activist Andrew Young wrote in his book An Easy Burden that "The southern segregationists were all Democrats, and it was black Republicans... who could effectively influence the appointment of federal judges in the South" (p. 96). Young added that the best civil rights judges were Republicans appointed by President Dwight Eisenhower and that "these judges are among the many unsung heroes of the civil rights movement."
The historical facts and numbers show the Republican Party was more for civil rights than the Democrats from "the party of justice," as Bill Bradley called it. The Civil Rights Act of 1964, in reality, could not have been passed without Republican votes. It is an "injustice" for contemporary Democratic politicians and the liberal news media to continue to not give the Republicans credit for their civil rights triumphs. Now is the time for Republicans to start informing black Americans of those historical triumphs to lead them back to their "home party."
Really? The guy who wishes the middle class wasn't being eliminated is whats wrong with the country? You know, a conservative believes that all union workers are overpaid, but when he steps on a plane himself...or when he puts his family on a plane, you can BET he's hoping he's got the best pilots and he hopes only top notch mechanics touched his plane. Once it lands safely, those overpaid union bastards can go to hell. If you ask me THOSE guys are what's wrong with this country.

Where you come off with this stuff is classic.
How many of those dastardly conservatives are card carrying union workers?
Everytime I voted in an election was with the intent of supporting the candidate who would take the most away from me....I mean what else can one do?

Dude you need to step back....I think you are about a gnat's eyelash from going New Hampshire Black Bears.