Rick Santorum? Really?

Just Google "Santorum" or look it up in the Urban Dictionary.

That's all you need to know about this creep.........
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  • #32
Just Google "Santorum" or look it up in the Urban Dictionary.

That's all you need to know about this creep.........

I'll not go so far as to call him a creep. He comes from a certain moral "place" and I respect him for that.

Where he and I part ways is that his vision of our nation is one where we all fit neatly into his world view and value structure.
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  • #36
Looks like little Ricky actually won Iowa........ :lol:

I "Get" that he has about 17 box car loads of street "Cred" with Evangelical Christians & Many Neo-Cons as well. Look into this man very carefully and read what he stands for in its entirety. When you look at what Ron Paul calls "Serial Hypocrisy" Look no further than Santorum and Romney. The fact they were one and two in IA is quite telling.

All I'm saying is vote your conscience. However before you do make sure you understand who and what Rick Santorm is all about. I'd be very hard pressed to vote for him,
I "Get" that he has about 17 box car loads of street "Cred" with Evangelical Christians & Many Neo-Cons as well. Look into this man very carefully and read what he stands for in its entirety. When you look at what Ron Paul calls "Serial Hypocrisy" Look no further than Santorum and Romney. The fact they were one and two in IA is quite telling.

All I'm saying is vote your conscience. However before you do make sure you understand who and what Rick Santorm is all about. I'd be very hard pressed to vote for him,

So if in the end, its Santorum and not Paul, you'd elect to not vote?

And then you'd be voting for Obama.
I seriously doubt you will be faced with that dilemma. In my opinion Santorum, Perry, Gingrich, Hunstman will be gone in short order. Santorum wasted a whole bunch of time in Iowa. I think I read that he made over 300 stops in Iowa. All he has is religion. He has nothing else to offer. I doubt that will fly in NH.

I still maintain it will come down to Paul and Romney and Romney will win the nomination.
I seriously doubt you will be faced with that dilemma. In my opinion Santorum, Perry, Gingrich, Hunstman will be gone in short order. Santorum wasted a whole bunch of time in Iowa. I think I read that he made over 300 stops in Iowa. All he has is religion. He has nothing else to offer. I doubt that will fly in NH.

I still maintain it will come down to Paul and Romney and Romney will win the nomination.

Yes you will...in the end it will be Obama and somebody many don't like.

Paul gets the nod, Obama is a shoe in.
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  • #40
Yes you will...in the end it will be Obama and somebody many don't like.

Paul gets the nod, Obama is a shoe in.

Interestingly you'd think that. However he polls very well (Usually within the error margin) head to head against Obama.

As to your other question regarding who I'd vote for, it would be the Libertarian nominee. Last go around that was Bob Barr. Voted for Paul in 1988 as a Libertarian.
Polls mean nothing at this point in time.

The Tea Party and the Right's refusal to work with the Senate and the White House is just handing the election to Obama.

People are frustrated with the partisan politics of Boehner and his gang.

I said this after the mid-term elections that nothing will get done and the economy get worse because the right is hell bent against Obama, even Newt realized he had to work with Clinton, after Newt's failed Contract for America. And even Tip O'Neil worked with Reagan.

Bottom line is all politicians have lost sight that they work for us and not big business and special interests.
Polls mean nothing at this point in time.

The Tea Party and the Right's refusal to work with the Senate and the White House is just handing the election to Obama.

People are frustrated with the partisan politics of Boehner and his gang.

I said this after the mid-term elections that nothing will get done and the economy get worse because the right is hell bent against Obama, even Newt realized he had to work with Clinton, after Newt's failed Contract for America. And even Tip O'Neil worked with Reagan.

Bottom line is all politicians have lost sight that they work for us and not big business and special interests.
You are wrong about the economy. Even with the obstructionism, the economy is improving. Watch the job growth figures this summer. The republicans will have to use something else to run with and it will be too late. They have placed all their eggs in the wrong basket.
Polls mean nothing at this point in time.

The Tea Party and the Right's refusal to work with the Senate and the White House is just handing the election to Obama.

People are frustrated with the partisan politics of Boehner and his gang.

I said this after the mid-term elections that nothing will get done and the economy get worse because the right is hell bent against Obama, even Newt realized he had to work with Clinton, after Newt's failed Contract for America. And even Tip O'Neil worked with Reagan.

Bottom line is all politicians have lost sight that they work for us and not big business and special interests.

Partisan politics of some 27 bi-partisan job bills sent to Senate awaiting action?

How can you work with Obama when he's hell bent on debt and taxation?

I think the partisan thing is on the other party.

Special interests like dems and unions?

Besides that, when dems controlled both houses they couldn't muster votes to pass their legislation.... :lol:
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  • #44
Polls mean nothing at this point in time.

The Tea Party and the Right's refusal to work with the Senate and the White House is just handing the election to Obama.

People are frustrated with the partisan politics of Boehner and his gang.

I said this after the mid-term elections that nothing will get done and the economy get worse because the right is hell bent against Obama, even Newt realized he had to work with Clinton, after Newt's failed Contract for America. And even Tip O'Neil worked with Reagan.

Bottom line is all politicians have lost sight that they work for us and not big business and special interests.

People may TALK about being fed up with partisan bickering. Come visit fly over country and here's what people are pissed about (In no particular order)

Gasoline Prices @ $3.30/Gal when they were $1.83 prior to the Obama Regime
Unemployment rates over 8% since he took office
Commodity inflation that cause grocery/food costs to rise 20 to 30 percent under the Empty Suit due to the currency manipulation known as QE1 and QE2 respectively.
Precious dew out here have time to occupy any street because everyone is scrambling to stay afloat under the weight of regulations imposed without Congressional approval.
The bludgeoning by Monsanto of farmers into purchasing GMO seeds, to the point where 270,000 small organic farmers have sued Monsanto over cross contamination from GMO Seeds. Want to know what a GMO seed is? Look it up.

You can Occupy Wall Street all you like and openly support them but truth is the action is on Main Street USA and in that arena Obama looks like a Middle Class job Killer. Remember Governments don't create jobs. The role of government should be to promote an economic environment where job growth occurs as a natural result. A so called Government job is created by the confiscation of YOUR wages and loaned out or given to a crony capitalist who then in turn hires someone. That's not a job! It's left handed welfare for connected Crony Capitalists who enrich themselves by selling out to a corrupt system and a Chicago style Political Empty Suited Politician hell bent on re-election no mater the cost to the nation or future generations.

One thing I do like about Obama is that he is a great roll model. All you do is say "See how he acts and conducts himself? Do the opposite and you'll be fine"
You are wrong about the economy. Even with the obstructionism, the economy is improving. Watch the job growth figures this summer. The republicans will have to use something else to run with and it will be too late. They have placed all their eggs in the wrong basket.

Yeah I noticed suddenly as Obama goes into his election campaign the job numbers have been slowly dropping. Of course its just a coincidence....

Where's Obama going to hide 500,000 unemployed ground troops?