Rick Santorum? Really?

We don't have to be Iran's friend to have a more peaceful world, we just have to stop being their enemy. They feel threatened and if I were them I think I'd be working on nuclear weapons too.

Do you think that Iran has us in mind when it comes to developing nuclear weapons? They have no means to deliver a nuclear device via an ICBM, intercontiental bomber or SLBM. Even if they did our nuclear arsenal would turn every city in Iran into a galss covered parking lot. Maybe they have in mind the country that their president says should be wiped off the face of the map.
Do you think that Iran has us in mind when it comes to developing nuclear weapons? They have no means to deliver a nuclear device via an ICBM, intercontiental bomber or SLBM. Even if they did our nuclear arsenal would turn every city in Iran into a galss covered parking lot. Maybe they have in mind the country that their president says should be wiped off the face of the map.

Aw c'mon Trip 7...you that blind?

How about a missile platform on a disguised cargo ship lying within our coastal waters.....Duh.

Its been reported Iran Revolutionary Guards have practiced this in the Caspian Sea.
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Do you think that Iran has us in mind when it comes to developing nuclear weapons? They have no means to deliver a nuclear device via an ICBM, intercontiental bomber or SLBM. Even if they did our nuclear arsenal would turn every city in Iran into a galss covered parking lot. Maybe they have in mind the country that their president says should be wiped off the face of the map.

I think Iran wants to play in the big sand box and by that I mean the Nuclear nations. I also think they're smart enough to know that their threat of getting a Nuclear bomb is almost as powerful as having one and using it. I also think they know Israel will kick the ever-loving crap out of them in a war nuclear or otherwise.

We, however don't need to be involved. the Israeli's are quite capable of self defense. Further they are a sovereign nation and should be allowed to control their own foreign policy without having to seek permission from the United States.

We, along with the French laid waste to Vietnam for nearly 35 years and now we trade with them. Non Intervention will keep us safer and freer then the current Foreign policy which in some ways is not only Imperial Interventionism buy a form of Isolation as well. Case on point is Cuba. We've isolated ourselves from a country that if is ripe for economic development and has been since the fall of the USSR. Europe is trading with them as are a host of other countries. we are 90 miles away sitting around beating our bats when we could have used our consumer culture to subvert Castro and drive him from our midst.

A funny thing happens when there's money to be made. Ideology most often takes a back seat to good old fashioned horse trading. It's like the old saying ?Money talks, BS walks"
We, however don't need to be involved. the Israeli's are quite capable of self defense. Further they are a sovereign nation and should be allowed to control their own foreign policy without having to seek permission from the United States.

Can you explain a bit further "We, however don't need to be involved".