Rick Santorum? Really?

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The World as Viewed By The Parasite Political Class, especially Rick Santorum!

View attachment 9298

Given the news out of Iran perhaps t's time to try a bew Ron Paul approach to foreign policy?
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  • #47
More wit and wisdom from Rick Sanitarium

One of the criticisms I make is to what I refer to as more of a libertarianish right. You know, the left has gone so far left and the right in some respects has gone so far right that they touch each other. They come around in the circle. This whole idea of personal autonomy, well I don’t think most conservatives hold that point of view. Some do. They have this idea that people should be left alone, be able to do whatever they want to do, government should keep our taxes down and keep our regulations low, that we shouldn’t get involved in the bedroom, we shouldn’t get involved in cultural issues. You know, people should do whatever they want. Well, that is not how traditional conservatives view the world and I think most conservatives understand that individuals can’t go it alone. That there is no such society that I am aware of, where we’ve had radical individualism and that it succeeds as a culture.
Yeah I noticed suddenly as Obama goes into his election campaign the job numbers have been slowly dropping. Of course its just a coincidence....

Of course it's a coincidence. If a president had control over those types of numbers we would have full employment the day they started keeping records on it.
DOL works for O doesn't they?

Doesn't O have union thugs in place at DOL?
I get it. You only believe the numbers from them when it fits your viewpoint.

Low unemployment rates under a Republican President brought to you from the BLS...good

High unemployment rates under a Democratic President brought to you from the BLS...good

Falling unemployment rates under a Democratic President brought to you from the BLS...union thugs running the DOL/BLS

Falling unemployment rates under a Republican President from the same people __________________________?

Did i cover it all?

About the BLS
Given the news out of Iran perhaps t's time to try a bew Ron Paul approach to foreign policy?

You mean buddy up to the dictatorship in Tehran? That seems to go against what he has previously said about ME dictatorships.

Speaking of Ron Paul here's some of his wit and wisdom on the assasination of an Iranian nuclear scientist. “If we haven’t done it, we should prove to them or give them all the reassurance that we have not done it … and if we are doing it, we ought to quit.” As if any reassurance we give them is going to matter. Quite frankly I find a bit insulting to say we should go out of our way to do so.

Since the CIA has never been very good at that game my money is on Israel. Which IMHO is well within it's rights to do so. Afterall, Iran's president is on record saying Israel should be wiped off the map. If you are Israel and someone is calling for your destruction and you believe they are developing nuclear weapons what would you do?
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  • #55
You mean buddy up to the dictatorship in Tehran? That seems to go against what he has previously said about ME dictatorships.

Speaking of Ron Paul here's some of his wit and wisdom on the assasination of an Iranian nuclear scientist. “If we haven’t done it, we should prove to them or give them all the reassurance that we have not done it … and if we are doing it, we ought to quit.” As if any reassurance we give them is going to matter. Quite frankly I find a bit insulting to say we should go out of our way to do so.

Since the CIA has never been very good at that game my money is on Israel. Which IMHO is well within it's rights to do so. Afterall, Iran's president is on record saying Israel should be wiped off the map. If you are Israel and someone is calling for your destruction and you believe they are developing nuclear weapons what would you do?

I actually think you've made Dr. Paul's point better then he did. His point isn't to "Buddy Up" with anyone really. It's a non interventionist policy. The same type of effort that resolved the Cuban Missile crisis without a shot being fired. Israel is a sovereign nation and if they assassinated a citizen of another country that's not our problem.

We have in the past through the CIA with dubious results attempted quite a few operation. One that immediately comes to mind is the well documented 1953 overthrow of the ELECTED Government of Iran and put the Shah in power. WE created the Iran of today by our intervention in 1953 along with propping up the Shah until the people rose up. With our continued meddling there we have made it impossible for the sizable opposition to rise up due to our interventionist policy. A policy that stirs up Nationalist and Islamic fervor. Remember how we came together after 9/11? Well do you really think the Iranians are any different? They aren't! People are people the whole world over, Just as Power Mad Dictators haven't changed much either over the years. We don't have to be Iran's friend to have a more peaceful world, we just have to stop being their enemy. They feel threatened and if I were them I think I'd be working on nuclear weapons too.
I get it. You only believe the numbers from them when it fits your viewpoint.

Low unemployment rates under a Republican President brought to you from the BLS...good

High unemployment rates under a Democratic President brought to you from the BLS...good

Falling unemployment rates under a Democratic President brought to you from the BLS...union thugs running the DOL/BLS

Falling unemployment rates under a Republican President from the same people __________________________?

Did i cover it all?

About the BLS

I thought you thought you were smarter than that.

This is from a blog but it covers what has been going on for quite sometime under many political flavors.

May 2008 Harpers’s Magazine carries an article, sadly not online, titled “Why the Economy is Worse Than You Know” by Kevin Phillips.

Unemployment statistics were redefined starting in the early 1960s by the Kennedy Administration. First they took out the “discouraged”, people who wanted a job, but had stopped looking. Under the Reagan Administration, the workforce was expanded by adding in members of the U.S. military, who were by definition “employed”, thus shrinking the percentage of “unemployed”. The Clinton Administration reduced the number of households sampled from 60,000 to 50,000 and “a disproportionate number of the dropped households were in the inner cities.” Phillips doesn’t talk about prisoners, but we have greatly increased our prison population, most of those incarcerated are working-age men, and none are counted in the workforce. Phillips claims that “Based on the criteria in place a quarter century ago, today’s U.S. unemployment rate is somewhere between 9 percent and 12 percent.” [Poking around at http://www.bls.gov/cps/ reveals that, in 2007, 146 million of us were working, 7 million were unemployment, and 4.7 million were classified as not in the workforce but "wanted a job"; an additional 2.3 million Americans were in prison, presumably due to their energetic work habits in illegal trades. The "U-6" series, published by the BLS but almost never reported by newspapers, shows an unemployment rate right now of 9.1 percent.]

It's how you cook the books...
Let me restate.

Good numbers, good source.

Bad numbers bad source.

Even if it is the same source.

Have I made it simple enough this time?

No....you a simple man or what?

I thought you thought you are smarter than that.

Read the link and learn how its done by both sides.....
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  • #59
No....you a simple man or what?

I thought you thought you are smarter than that.

Read the link and learn how its done by both sides.....

So to sum this up, "Figures don't lie, but liars figure"

The CBO is usually pretty accurate, the rest are quite politicized as you point out.
I actually think you've made Dr. Paul's point better then he did. His point isn't to "Buddy Up" with anyone really. It's a non interventionist policy. The same type of effort that resolved the Cuban Missile crisis without a shot being fired. Israel is a sovereign nation and if they assassinated a citizen of another country that's not our problem.

You still seem unable to understand the fact that just buy normalizing relations and trading with a country like Iran you are opening yourself to problems latter down the road. Guess Ron Paul is ignorant of that as well.