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Images of Excellence or ???

May 19, 2003
Reaction score

I am also out of cards so if anyone knows how to get more let us know. Using cards is much easier than using the above.
Just got off the phone with a guy in international res - dealing with a pair of envoy tickets to CDG. He did an absolutely fantastic job handling the whole mess which included star codes, ticketing on other airlines, and date changes.

Can somebody point me to that usairways.com link for Images of Excellence award stuff or whatever its called right now?? I don''t have any of my preferred cards with me.
I thought I had seen ''employee recognition'' cards in the Attache magazine the last time I flew which was in May. There were 3 in every magazine and easy to tear out. Not sure if that''s what you are looking for.
I''ve tried a search but I can''t get it to work here. It was may understanding that the cards that we were given with the CP package entered the employee into some kind of drawing for an award. I can not find any information on that here or on the US web site. Searched flyertalk and found the following:

A few more details:
-you can only submit a coupon for any employee once
-the employees who receive the coupons are entered into a drawing held monthly. The winners receive 2 free space-positive RT tix. They can only win once.


First Winners Announced
Dividend Miles Recognition

Congratulations to the first eight employee winners of the US Airways Dividend Miles recognition program, which was initiated last fall as a convenient way for Dividend Miles members to recognize employees for outstanding customer service. The winners are....

The winning names were drawn from a pool of 8,552 response cards sent in from members. Each employee winner will receive travel-related awards, which include payment of all applicable taxes by US Airways. Drawings will take place each month through March 31, 2004. Each employee is eligible to win only once.

Do the cards in the attache mag enter an employee into this drawing or is it just the cards we were sent. By the way the original link listed on the cards does not work but the one listed above does work. Does this link enter them into the drawing. Inquiring minds want to know

Does any one have any info on this?

I am sorry that the cards did not get back to you and quite frankly that p*sses me off. I don''t take the time to write them to have them thrown away. I once wrote one for an agent in the CLT club and several months later ask her if she had ever seen anything from it and she said no. I made another agent the next time through CLT call her supervisor (out of a meeting) and told her to her face the entire story of how this lady had helped me with a very difficult problem. It upset me then that a two and half page letter had not gotten to correct person and this act of GREAT customer service had not been recognized.

Is it appropriate to ask for an address of the person you are writing the letter about so a copy can be sent to them as well as the company. At least that way you would have something that proves it was written and sent. I''m not sure I would be comfortable asking for the personal information in fear of being considered a wierdo. Do you guys have a station address or something less personal that could be used so they could be sent to you? How do we make sure that this information gets in the correct hands?

I will send my letters in the future to consumer affairs. I just sent one via email to DL about a flight crew on DL that I posted on their section of this site last week. I got an email back from a customer care supervisor assuring me that it would sent to both the crew and their supervisor. Should we request a response back from consumer affairs that they have in fact received it.

BTW, Golden, where have you been? It was real quite on this forum for a couple of weeks and PITBull had to take up the slack. Are you two twins?
The "excellence cards" given to Dividend Miles members are worthless. I know for a fact. I''ve had customers on 5 different occasions fill them out and give them to me. I mailed them myself...have never heard a single word from my supervisor from any of them. Write a letter to consumer affairs. That seems to get the information to where it should go...sometimes.
SAme here, have had 3 ..First one was Jan this year...

Where are those cards going?File 13 or what?

Let me emphasize,if it''s a negative letter YOU WILL READ AND HAVE to respond..

Are they pissed at the top because several employees bust their backsides?

I wouldnt bother asking for a personal address from an employee. Many are scared to give out their last name so I know the address isnt going to be given out. You can send them a copy C/O USAirways at the airport they work at. We have mailboxes at work and get letters sent to us there. If its a flight crew, you can try to find out where they are based and send it to them there. They should be able to get it. Same with rez, just find out if PIT or INT rez.
I have clocks,lanterns,pens and pins and numerous f/c upgrades but am still out of a job because US doesn''t
care about it''s employees only about what they can get from them. Have also rcvd compliments that I know came but no one ever mentioned them to me but whoa nellie if it was a pax complaint u would hear about it ha ha
Nice Gestures I always told the pax thanks for the thought
but letter not needed Too bad US and it''s officers and board members don''t recognize what they have and have also lost some Good PEOPLE
thanks for the concern.
I could not log on...server problems...but I''mmmmmm

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