Jill Surdek is out at the end of the year!

Toothy Grin

Mar 31, 2008
A new search begins.

I can't imagine what a complete headache the last few years have been for her. One thing after another after another.

I think she did a great job and wish her well!

I'm guessing another merger ahead that requires a lesser sort of "flight service".

Good for her. I hope she's done well enough to retire after 21 years. If not, she's got a great background in sales and RM, and will have no trouble landing something a lot less dramatic than AA.
She is VP of inflight.
My favorite was watching every single town hall where a US flight attendants call non US based flight attendants outsourcing and Jill had to explain to them they are AA employees just like you. just because they have different Unions and work rules US FAs consider them the enemy.
She is VP of inflight.
My favorite was watching every single town hall where a US flight attendants call non US based flight attendants outsourcing and Jill had to explain to them they are AA employees just like you. just because they have different Unions and work rules US FAs consider them the enemy.
Well congrats to her. Sounds like she was well liked. Maybe not so much by the US F/A's. :)
She is VP of inflight.
My favorite was watching every single town hall where a US flight attendants call non US based flight attendants outsourcing and Jill had to explain to them they are AA employees just like you. just because they have different Unions and work rules US FAs consider them the enemy.
Well, you know that the way US did it is the only correct way to do anything. They were so successful that they only had to go through 3 (I think) mergers to stay alive. I've run across more than one US f/a who will insist that AA merged with US, not the other way around. The fact that the final merger product is named American Airlines is just consequential.
Who cares who merged with who..... just more toxic rhetoric that beats down employees.
Who cares who merged with who..... just more toxic rhetoric that beats down employees.

Yeah, you're relatively new to these forums..... go read threads from 2000-2010. It's not just toxic rhetoric to the folks whose seniority was usurped.
I'd call bringing up things that happened 20 years ago toxic rhetoric and it was the unions that negotiated seniority lists, so don't blame AA or US or your coworkers.
You can write it off as rhetoric, but there's no question the impact of decisions made 10-20 years ago still impact the work-life of those people today.
I agree, but at what point are folks going to move on. If moral is low, so is customer service. At the end of the day, customers will ultimately dictate an airlines' success. WN is proof of that.
People who came from mergers in 1982-1990 are starting to retire in larger numbers, taking their bitterness with them.

So the last of the PeopleExpress, New York Air, Eastern, Republic, Frontier, North Central, Empire, Mohawk, AirCal, Ozark, Piedmont and PSA folks should be just about gone.... and I'm talking about the original Republic, Frontier, Piedmont, and PSA, not their commuter and LCC rehashes.

But you'll still have all the later mergers to contend with for decades....