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Lets see I saw that Exxon/Mobil made 5.68 billion in the last quarter yes I said quarter
Bush/Cheney=Oil companys happy
Bush/Chenney=Airline Management happy, probable union busting activites
Pray for Kerry
I will say this I got the management speech about upcoming concessions/benefit changes/paycuts etc
My manager was asked point blank if the plan at Us air was going to be the plan for United and he said they have been watching US airs situation very close and they dont think virtually no paycuts for management and 30 something percent for ramp service/csr was going to work,the workforce would be so unhappy that the operation would not function, so this person said they would sacrifice equally
Time will tell
If the Iam is presented with something comparable to what US air got I would tell them lets take a self help vote immediatley, so judge weidoff would have an idea what kind of mentality he is dealing with, and I can tell you a vast majority of the employees feel that way when they here the details of what US air ramp service/csr were presented with
Bottom line I go to bankruptcy court, we all go, group check in :)
This industry has reached an edge. This is not a 'turning point' because all of these concessions only feed the beast and allow it to continue on the same path. There's only one way to stop it and it isn't with mass sick outs or wildcat strikes hoping to maintain the status quo by bringing your plight to the attention of the hapless customer. The hapless customer doesn't give a rat's ass about your 'plight' or how the company has screwed you. Nobody does.

So, if you get that straight then comes the realization that all you need to do is leave this industry. We should leave it - as is our free right to do so, in mass.

I've heard the 'complaint' by airline management that 40% of their cost is due to labor. Well hell, it's a labor intensive industry now isn't it? If you aren't flying the airplane or fixing the airplane or putting gas in the airplane or selling tickets or tending to the passengers or scheduling the flights or marketing your service what the hell are you doing? Why wouldn't labor be 40% of your cost? I'm suprised it's that low.

We should just leave. It's all over. There's no reason to do this anymore.
rotate said:
Winston Churchill offered the British people "blood, sweat, tears and toil" as they stood alone against the Nazis. That was the truth for them and that is our truth.

They prevailed and so can we.
Oh please, like there is any comparison.

Fight the noble fight huh. Way over the top drama.
kcabpilot said:
We should just leave. It's all over. There's no reason to do this anymore.

The whole reason why the airlines want to eliminate pension benefits has less to do with their costs but because they have fostered the idea that airlines are companies that one is hired by for a lifetime. There are few businesses that can afford the cost of keeping an employees for his entire working career - particularly when they get older and more costly.

In all honestly, does a 25 year mechanic really do that much better of a job than a 5 year one does? Does an 18 year flight attendant provide that much better service than a 3 year one does? .... I'm not knocking older folks (I might qualify as one depending on the definition) but the reality is that airlines cannot continue to have employees hire on and stay with them for a career - any more than any other business could.

Every airline employee should be thinking about at least one or two other things they want to do with their life and begin working toward making that second career happen well before the half way point of an airline career. Granted, there are probably some very good people who will never work for some of the airlines that are cutting benefits so dramatically but for many others an airline career is a great way to learn and see the world en route to many creative ways to contribute to the world and enrich oneself.

For everything there is a season....
Are you implying that most people stop working at their careers midway (40's) and start something else? Really? And where do all these folks go? I believe that most people, do in fact, find a career and stick with it.
Statistics overwhelmingly say that employees do not stay with the same company for their entire career. Some people change employers but many more are changing careers. Few employers today want to have an employee stay with them for a career. Any employee that hires on with any company today expecting to stay for their entire career will very likely be disappointed.
Never seen anything like that. Do you have a link to that information? Every single person I knew in college is doing EXACTLY the career they decided upon then (except a couple women who stayed home for their children). Friend wanted to be a doctor....poof* he's a doctor, friend wanted to be a CPA....poof*he's a CPA, another one wanted to be a teacher.......*bingo, teacher, 2 buddies wanted to be lawyers.......*poof, surprise, both lawyers. Each one is still doing the EXACT same job. Maybe you should link me up so I can let them know it's time to apply at WalMart and they should stop being such a drain on society and let the youngsters enjoy those jobs. Should they sell their homes too? I'm sure there are lots of young folks who would love to move into their homes too.
Fly said:
Maybe you should link me up so I can let them know it's time to apply at WalMart and they should stop being such a drain on society and let the youngsters enjoy those jobs. Should they sell their homes too? I'm sure there are lots of young folks who would love to move into their homes too.
Yeah, corporate america can get rid of workers at 40, then they can go live in the streets...what a great society. The workers that build the companies be damned. While management covers their collective ass with golden parachutes and lifetime pensions and healthcare, the grunts involved in the day to day operations get screwed. It's what makes america great aint it.

Good ole corporate values...the great american way. Time for a revolution!
I’ve lost my pension to the PBGC, already took one pay cut, and increased my pension medical expenses.
WTF do you want? All of it?

"All of it? Why yes, of course we want all of it!"
-UA Mgt
Fly said:
Never seen anything like that. Do you have a link to that information? Every single person I knew in college is doing EXACTLY the career they decided upon then (except a couple women who stayed home for their children). Friend wanted to be a doctor....poof* he's a doctor, friend wanted to be a CPA....poof*he's a CPA, another one wanted to be a teacher.......*bingo, teacher, 2 buddies wanted to be lawyers.......*poof, surprise, both lawyers. Each one is still doing the EXACT same job.

Those statistics should be easy to find (too lazy to do a search). Especially for workers aged 25-45. Not one of my friends has stayed in the same field in which they started (well, with the exception one pesky friend who is still a gyno of all things), even though just about every single one of us has a graduate degree.

I'm too lazy to google the research, but I too have seen studies published with WT's conclusions.

Anyhow. Best to all,
Soon to be off and away and pursuing career #4....
And how many wives have you had? Do you change them every few years too? When did it become a bad thing to stay loyal to your company? That's Fr*ck'd up!
Fly said:
And how many wives have you had? Do you change them every few years too? When did it become a bad thing to stay loyal to your company? That's Fr*ck'd up!
When corporate america decided you were a liability.
"Do you have a link to that information? Every single person I knew in college is doing EXACTLY the career they decided upon then (except a couple women who stayed home for their children). Friend wanted to be a doctor....poof* he's a doctor, friend wanted to be a CPA....poof*he's a CPA, another one wanted to be a teacher.......*bingo, teacher, 2 buddies wanted to be lawyers.......*poof, surprise, both lawyers. Each one is still doing the EXACT same job."

You must have had an interesting college experience. I am pursuing my second graduate degree and still meet undergrads who have no clue what they are going to do later in life. In fact, more than half my classmates as an undergrad were clueless. I had no clue when I joined UA and am changing careers as we speak. Happens all the time.
I suppose you went to a school that only took those of average IQ. I changed careers years ago (well, figured out how to make real money).....before it happened, but if you love aviation, you KNOW you don't hop. And that's why so many of us stay with it.

AGAIN, I ask, since when is it a character flaw to be a loyal employee???? (I would especially love to hear from World.....he asked me last week if I was loyal to he makes it seem as if there is something wrong with being loyal. So which is it World?)
Corporate Values have changed. It's respectful to lie, cheat, steal. Now the Corporate Decision Makers are practicing 'how to destroy a person'. Soon they'll become experts on the subject as paper dollars and numbers become more valuable to them than ordinary flesh and blood. They don't seem to have any problem taking food away from the elderly either--you know the people who retired before Steve Wolf ever set foot on the property. Where the hell is an 80 year old going to find compensation for what this Corporation wants? Retirees didn't make the wrong decisions after all. Just did their time, built the Company during regulatory times before the bean counters figured out how to put it in its current position. It's only common sense that when you don't charge enough for your product or service, you will fail. Lemonade Stand 101. Damn flunkies.

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