Laura Glading

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JIMNTX said:
"All of this Laura bashing is nothing more than a manifestation of American society today.  Nothing bad that happens to me is my fault."
You are naive and you are a fool.
"I am writing to you this evening to inform you of a disgusting betrayal. Late yesterday, I confirmed with American Airlines Management that the Company has hired Laura Glading as a consultant. This is the ultimate display of disloyalty from a former APFA National President. I am sure that I speak for many of us when I express my complete outrage and disgust.'
IORFA you've said that you "were there".
Then you must be the next one to leave for unlimited First class
for life with an AA company job with E's blessing.
"I am writing to you this evening to inform you of a disgusting betrayal. Late yesterday, I confirmed with American Airlines Management that the Company has hired Laura Glading as a consultant. This is the ultimate display of disloyalty from a former APFA National President. I am sure that I speak for many of us when I express my complete outrage and disgust."
"I am writing to you this evening to inform you of a disgusting betrayal. Late yesterday, I confirmed with American Airlines Management that the Company has hired Laura Glading as a consultant. This is the ultimate display of disloyalty from a former APFA National President. I am sure that I speak for many of us when I express my complete outrage and disgust."
Lots of other ex-union reps have taken management jobs however the timing I must say stinks. And the fact AAL is on track to make insane profits and she was a key player in helping facilitate the merger and sell the membership on a weak deal it looks really bad.
Overspeed said:
Lots of other ex-union reps have taken management jobs however the timing I must say stinks. And the fact AAL is on track to make insane profits and she was a key player in helping facilitate the merger and sell the membership on a weak deal it looks really bad.
How bad do you want it to smell?
I never expected to be sold down the the river by my former union president.
Your mentor seems to be the leader of AA's Anti-Union.
We need a new union.
IORFA what say you?
Be Careful What You Wish For. said:
I never expected to be sold down the the river by my former union president.
Your mentor seems to be the leader of AA's Anti-Union.
We need a new union.
IORFA what say you?
You need new leadership that you can trust. Your constitution is head and shoulders above twu and the iam. The membership has more control over your leadership than the members of the twu and the iam. Your membership is the problem because they are the type that can't see through what they are being told. It is human nature to trust people instead of not trusting them. Instead of being so trusting they should change there frame of mind by listening to how somebody is saying something instead what they are saying. Don't feel bad we deal with the same type of people within the twu boo and the iam. 
It's amazing how much the union attitude is you should hate the company and everything it stands for - with this attitude it can never be a partnership - all you have to do is read the previous posts to show people's true feelings

It's also amazing that folks forced her out and then want to deny her ability to get another job
If I was an AA FA, i might be happy that my union is going to hire an independent person to investigate/determine if the former union pres did anything inappropirate while in office leading to a reward from the company.
However, I get the feeling that Marcus Gluth has already made up his mind regardless of what the investigation shows.
It's not just "another job", it is a job with the company that you were in negotiations with on the other side of the table.  You can't sugar coat this one.  This is a back stab to all the people you represented and trusted you.
jcw said:
It's amazing how much the union attitude is you should hate the company and everything it stands for - with this attitude it can never be a partnership - all you have to do is read the previous posts to show people's true feelings

It's also amazing that folks forced her out and then want to deny her ability to get another job
Amen!  Be careful and the others won't be happy period, end of discussion.  If they consider Laura taking a job with the company to be betrayal--even though she hasn't even started as far as I know, then they should have had a clause somewhere that prevented ANY union member from taking a job with the company.  This is just Laura bashing plain and simple.  But, then that would have required some thought on their part, and they were entirely too busy bitching and whining about the fact that they had to even show up to work in order to get paid.  "A good union would have made sure that people with over 20 years shouldn't have to work any trip they didn't want to, and they should still get full pay."  Uh, not in this reality.  Maybe in a California reality, but not this one.
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