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Manager Peterson Working Behind Closed Door Stalls AA negotiation

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Aug 6, 2011
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Pererson is working with AA management behind closed doors and has had secret meetings that have stalled AMT negotiations. Peterson has lied time and time again about his applications for a management position within AA. When are you guys going to wake up and get rid of this turn coat?
brownmech said:
Pererson is working with AA management behind closed doors and has had secret meetings that have stalled AMT negotiations. Peterson has lied time and time again about his applications for a management position within AA. When are you guys going to wake up and get rid of this turn coat?
Proof or evidence please?
I do not know the man but I get suspicious when  the International and the CEO
are basically saying the same thing about a local president. You need to do better
then your statement and a cloudy copy of something, is he stalling negotiations 
or doing his job?  The Association is proving to be the cluster ---- that we all said
it would be, I thought that is what the lawsuit was all about. I wish 514 would have
 You need to clarify in your statement on what he is doing to stall negotiations, I'am
not saying you are wrong but I know plenty of union hacks that love to discredit any
one who does not drink the cool-ade .
I am pretty sure management at AA is not working with GP. They seriously don't like him and have cut him off.
I assure any of you that Gary Peterson is not working with the company.  I speak with him on a regular basis and his battles are inline with the membership.  There are plenty of turn coats in the ranks but GP is not one of them.
brownmech said:
Pererson is working with AA management behind closed doors and has had secret meetings that have stalled AMT negotiations. Peterson has lied time and time again about his applications for a management position within AA. When are you guys going to wake up and get rid of this turn coat?
Proof please, I cannot read what you have posted.
Chuck Schalk said:
I assure any of you that Gary Peterson is not working with the company.  I speak with him on a regular basis and his battles are inline with the membership.  There are plenty of turn coats in the ranks but GP is not one of them.
Thanks Chuck, shew!! I was worried for a second there. With guys like you standing up for him and I'm sure a whole slew of others on this site, we have no reason to be worried. Especially since the VOTE NO coalition of which he and you were part of the vocal you tubers has costed me and my family untold thousands. Don't worry, they cant declare bankruptcy.. and we'll get you retro and more, yea ok, thanks for your assurance....
If I remember correctly you are not even an AA employee. So who gave you this so called information and what is your objective? If it is to discredit Peterson then you must be working for the company or the twu.
DallasConehead said:
Proof please, I cannot read what you have posted.
Thanks Chuck, shew!! I was worried for a second there. With guys like you standing up for him and I'm sure a whole slew of others on this site, we have no reason to be worried. Especially since the VOTE NO coalition of which he and you were part of the vocal you tubers has costed me and my family untold thousands. Don't worry, they cant declare bankruptcy.. and we'll get you retro and more, yea ok, thanks for your assurance....
jfk voted 96% no on the last proposal because they were informed that the 2012 contract was a management contract.  The Vote No was not an order to the membership.  I never said they would not go to bankruptcy or that retro was a assured. The only thing i said was that voting no and the company declaring bankruptcy was not the end of it.  Look at the pilots they voted it down after us and they were not thrown to the streets like the vote Yes coalition said. if your going to tell a story tell it right.
I guess we would be better off with team viditch and all of the concessions that the contract would have brought. The very few that would have received raises would have had them taken from them by changing there start times.
Bob Owens stated they were bluffing and wouldn't file bankruptcy.
This one has all the hallmarks of a fishing expedition, and is being closed. If the OP has something to substantiate what was originally written, then repost.
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