McCarthy out of speaker race


Oct 29, 2002
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy has pulled out of the race for House Speaker, throwing further doubt on congressional leadership ahead of crucial budget negotiations, NBC News confirmed Thursday.
The California Republican had been considered the frontrunner to replace John Boehner after he surprisingly announced he would leave at the end of October. House Republicans said that the party's leadership election would be pushed to a later date.
At a meeting, McCarthy told Republicans "I am not the one at this time," expressing doubt that he could garner the 218 votes needed to win the position.
I wonder if someone had some dirt on him, and threatened to tell?
Very well could be it appears...
Wednesday that Rep. Walter Jones sent a letter to Republican Conference chairman Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers urging Speaker candidates to drop out if they have “skeletons in their closets.”
I know who the next Speaker will be, however, since I've sworn to secrecy I can only give you hints.

It's a guy.
He's white.
Believes in trickle-down supply-side voodoo economics.
Strong supporter of keeping the government OUT of gun lockers but IN women's hoo-has.
Never served a day in his life but wants to go to war all over the place.
Thinks climate change is a hoax.
Always does what his plutocrat bosses ask.

...and he knows a black guy so don't think he is a racist.
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I wonder if someone had some dirt on him, and threatened to tell?
Its already in a file somewhere waiting for the opportune moment.
Probably why Boehner and McConnell smile when they vote in support of oBama's agenda.
Dem/Alinsky playbook...Hillary's 900 FBI files ring a bell?
Glenn Quagmire said:
I know who the next Speaker will be, however, since I've sworn to secrecy I can only give you hints.

It's a guy.
He's white.
Believes in trickle-down supply-side voodoo economics.
Strong supporter of keeping the government OUT of gun lockers but IN women's hoo-has.
Never served a day in his life but wants to go to war all over the place.
Thinks climate change is a hoax.
Always does what his plutocrat bosses ask.

...and he knows a black guy so don't think he is a racist.
Rupert Murdoch?
Who gives a shite who becomes speaker.
ALL THAT MATTERS is that the GOP Continue to drive the wedge between the party...DEEPER  and DEEPER.
No political party can SELF DESTRUCT like those anus's can !
The GOP.
The Party that KEEPS On GIVING   !!!!!
It's looking more and more that the FAMILY VALUES PARTY, in this case Kevin Mac.  was playing hide the baloney with a TEA PARTY rep. from NC.
I wonder if Kev is related to Bob Livingston  ?
These REPLUGS  got no 'NADS.
Helll, you didn't see  WJC resigning.  Slick Willie ain't afraid of Nothing !
Larry Flynt. Where are you ?
We need More AMMO.
The GOP.
The Party that keeps on GIVING !
Glenn Quagmire said:
I know who the next Speaker will be, however, since I've sworn to secrecy I can only give you hints.

It's a guy.
He's white.
Believes in trickle-down supply-side voodoo economics.
Strong supporter of keeping the government OUT of gun lockers but IN women's hoo-has.
Never served a day in his life but wants to go to war all over the place.
Thinks climate change is a hoax.
Always does what his plutocrat bosses ask.

...and he knows a black guy so don't think he is a racist.
Look the big brain on the Quagtard. 
So Blinky The Clown, Nasty Pelosi was your Speaker hero?
Was a man, now a woman, changing back to a man soon.
Is white, purple and pink with polka dots, all at the same time.
Believes in Voodoo economics, but only in broke dick Komifornia.
Wants the government in your gun vault, your money vault (except hers of course) and any other vault, house, garage, and any structure you have. What's yours, is now ours at the gov't.  Blinky...blink.
Climate change is real, except for at the Pelosi mansion. "I'll water my lawn when I feel like it....your all nobody compared to me, Nancy P". "Now get off my lawn maggots".
Always does what the black dictator says.
Nancy isn't a racist either, she owns several Africans at her mansion in Komifornia.