Mda To Republic

I think it's referring to the Merger Q&A on thehub that said that they anticipate selling the E170 fleet.
Here is the piece Light Years refers to. I especiall like the "expectation that they anticipate".

Q: What will happen to MidAtlantic?

A: We know that MidAtlantic employees have many
questions. Our expectation is that we anticipate
selling the EMB-170 aircraft. However, we don't have
any additional information to provide on this matter.
When there are new developments, we will share them
with you.
BoeingBoy said:
Here is the piece Light Years refers to.  I especiall like the "expectation that they anticipate".


I know, isn't that terrible? If I can proofread on here, they should be able to proofread before posting things on theHub.

They apparently put as much thought into the answer as they did into the sale.
Not to drift further off topic, but I wonder....

Does "expecting to anticipate" mean the sale is more or less probable than "anticipating to expect"???

The sale of the 170's is probably directly related to the judge approving the now 50 million in bonus and severance pay. There is only so much money to go around in operation barbell so in order to raise the 50 mil. for the bonuses they need to sell the 170's. No bonuses per the judge, then they might as well keep the income from the 170's inhouse. Our top "talent" has proven time and time again, they have no desire to run this airline, so selling the 170's has nothing to do with if it's good for the merged airways or not.
Light Years said:
I think it's referring to the Merger Q&A on thehub that said that they anticipate selling the E170 fleet.

Gee just a few short months ago, the EMB-170s were the salvation of US Airways, but I guess so was Metrojet, Business Select and all the other concoctions that the men and women of Crystal City dreamed up.

The emb 170 was to be the SAVIOR for US Airways and now they want to sell it off???

And all of you who claim we are entitled or bitter wonder why we feel the way we do. HELLO....Wake up!!

I only hope and pray Doug Parker and his team does better.

Please let me know the date the CCY offices close. I will be there with my US Airways T shirt on and a bottle of champagne!! Fire the entire building and demolish it!! That address has done NOTHING but provide pain and misery for both employees AND customers. Good riddence. <_<
I think the mainline (non MAA) folks are confused as to what's going down judging by the above posts.

The 170s are NOT leaving the "US Airways network". They are just leaving US Airways itself. The 170s are operated by mainline employees despite the awkward Express sign on the side.

The 170s are being sold to another company who will operate them as US Airways Express, with thier own employees, while US pays them guaranteed profit contracts like they already do for RJs.

The 170s are not going anywhere... in fact, you'll see more and more of them, plus it's bigger siblings the 175, 190 and 195 (don't tell me there won't be scope relief for the 195... that's what they said about the 170 and the 190.) These planes seat over a hundred passengers in 2X2 leather seats, the widest seat and aisle in the entire US fleet, most legroom, and most carry-on space per person. They have a range of 2000 or so miles, and are very fuel efficient. As the North American launch customer, US set the bar as to where this plane belonged, and bullied the unions into RJ contracts (worse than most RJ contracts, actually), so throw absurdly low labor costs into the mix of benefits too. By the way, JetBlue is also getting 190s- tons of them- and they will be operated by JetBlue. Not even a cutely named division, just regular JetBlue. F/As will make the same on the 190 and A320. Hmmm... I thought we wanted to be like an LCC?

The planes are not going anywhere- the opposite really. The only thing going anywhere is the actual US Airways employees, as usual.

I guess the "full mainline" people might start asking questions when the last 737 is replaced, and there are 100 "mainline" planes left.

Where is the line drawn as to what is ours and what isn't? Will it be US Airways Express A321 operated by xyz Airlines next? I just don't get it.

The 170s are being sold to another company who will operate them as US Airways Express, with thier own employees, while US pays them guaranteed profit contracts like they already do for RJs

So why don't we own and operate for RJ's for Profits? If they can make money with them, why can't we. Seems the Dash 8's are highly profitable.... Can't see why the RJ's and 170's own and operated by US Airways can't have a profit.
WSurf said:
The 170s are being sold to another company who will operate them as US Airways Express, with thier own employees, while US pays them guaranteed profit contracts like they already do for RJs
So why don't we own and operate for RJ's for Profits?  If they can make money with them, why can't we.  Seems the Dash 8's are highly profitable.... Can't see why the RJ's and 170's own and operated by US Airways can't have a profit.

Because there is no sugar daddy paying the bills. RJ operators (contract) are the equivalent of outsourcing. They are not making money with RJs per se, they are making money because the major airlines pay them guaranteed profit. RJs and SJs can certainly be profitable for an airline, but certainly not when you are paying an outside party all cost and some profit to operate them, regardless of whether or not you are making money with them. Even if you are, you aren't.

I could have a lemonade stand, and pay my friend Linda $50 to man it for 8 hours. I may only sell three .50 cups of lemonade, but she still leaves with $50. That doesn't mean she is profitably selling lemonade, she is profitably offering her time and services.

I might decide that maybe I should watch my own lemonade. Yes, I'm paying for the lemons and such, (which I was anyway as Linda wouldn't chip in) but I'm keeping any profits, or losses that I make. I also have quality control. For all I know, Linda wasn't keeping the lemonade cold, or holding up the sign I made. She could be ignoring or being rude to potential lemonade drinkers or catching a snooze... what does she care? I'm giving her $50 bucks!

If I decide to man the stand tomorrow, I can start to figure out how to profitably sell my lemonade... and apple juice and orange juice for that matter. I'm not wasting money with lazy Linda, and I'm in charge of my own costs, revenue, and product.

WSurf said:
So why don't we own and operate for RJ's for Profits? If they can make money with them, why can't we. Seems the Dash 8's are highly profitable.... Can't see why the RJ's and 170's own and operated by US Airways can't have a profit.

We could, but some members of the MEC could care less about anyone with less seniority than themselves, and besides if it says "Express" on the side it is beneath them. Managment knows this and uses it to the hilt. Heck even now there are still some ML pilots that dont know that MDA is not real and its US Air pilots flying the 170, on the U certificate

As far as why management wants to pay for the 170's operation and then give somebody else 8% profit for the privelage falls under the same thing. It does not matter to them as long as their bonuses keep rolling in. Many ML pilots are now picking up on the fact that this is nuts, and has always been nuts! I guess the reality of the 73's being replaced by a contract carrier is hitting home.