Minimum Wage


Dec 28, 2009
SanFranFreako, KommieFornia
San Jose City Council to consider higher minimum wage on Tuesday

It may have started as an attempt to help the common worker, those making minimum wage in high-priced Silicon Valley. But if San Jose agrees to raise the hourly minimum wage in the city, the majority of businesses who employ minimum-wage workers say they'll have to cut employee hours or lay off workers and raise prices.

A minimum wage increase from $8 to $10, is a 25% increase.
Is that acceptable?
If a business increased their prices 25% in one day, would you still buy from them or go somewhere cheaper?
If you have an experienced employee that is currently making $10 and a new hire trainee making $8 do you give them both a 25% bump in pay?
If your manager is making $50K a year, do you bump his pay 25%?

B) xUT
San Jose City Council to consider higher minimum wage on Tuesday

A minimum wage increase from $8 to $10, is a 25% increase.
Is that acceptable?
If a business increased their prices 25% in one day, would you still buy from them or go somewhere cheaper?
If you have an experienced employee that is currently making $10 and a new hire trainee making $8 do you give them both a 25% bump in pay?
If your manager is making $50K a year, do you bump his pay 25%?

B) xUT

The simple fact is that Minimum wage laws have exactly the opposite effect then their intent. Case on point is NJ. Below is an excerpt from an article published by the Newark Star Ledger and later re-published by the Cato Institute.

Out of nearly 3.8 million people working in New Jersey in 2010, more than 57 percent were salaried and, therefore, unaffected by the minimum wage. Among the remaining 1.6 million who did work for an hourly wage, only 31,000 (1.9 percent) were earning the minimum wage, according to a Bureau of Labor Statistics report.

Alan Reynolds a senior fellow with the Cato Institute, is the author of Income and Wealth (Greenwood Press 2006).
More by Alan Reynolds
But the small number of workers earning the minimum wage greatly understates the impact. Why? Because New Jersey had 82,000 people earning less than the minimum wage in 2010 — up from just 25,000 in 2007. In other words, after the last hike in the minimum wage, an astonishing 5.2 percent of all New Jersey workers supposedly affected by the law ended up earning less than the minimum wage, sometimes much less. That 5.2 percent figure was the second-highest in the nation, behind only Louisiana (5.9 percent). Jobs that pay less than the minimum far outnumber those that pay the minimum, particularly in New Jersey.
How could so many people be earning less than the minimum wage? The reason is that there all sorts of exemptions in federal and state minimum wage laws that act as a safety valve to minimize job losses that could otherwise prove politically embarrassing.

Yet another example of a well meaning Government making things worse for thoe who can least afford it.
For some reason some of my fellow employee's who are dedicated Liberal Demorats believe a person should be able to make a living and raise a family flipping hamburgers at McDonalds and I replied the day that happens a 1/4 pounder w/o cheese will run you $9.89 , to which their reply was ...............huh !

They have no idea where money comes from !
For some reason some of my fellow employee's who are dedicated Liberal Demorats believe a person should be able to make a living and raise a family flipping hamburgers at McDonalds and I replied the day that happens a 1/4 pounder w/o cheese will run you $9.89 , to which their reply was ...............huh !

They have no idea where money comes from !

Now you know why Ron Paul will likely never be President. He boggled the minds of the average American. Besides why pay taxes we can just print the money LOL.
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For some reason some of my fellow employee's who are dedicated Liberal Demorats believe a person should be able to make a living and raise a family flipping hamburgers at McDonalds and I replied the day that happens a 1/4 pounder w/o cheese will run you $9.89 , to which their reply was ...............huh !

They have no idea where money comes from !
Sad but true!
B) xUT
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So, KommieFornia min wage goes up on 1/1/17.

Consumers are already complaining about raising prices.
As a small business ower, my payroll will increase about $50K for 2017.
It has usurped my ability to pay my most loyal and hard working employees greater wages for their work.
I am just wondering how people think raising minimum wage would not effect prices?
There is no 'money tree' in my business, if I can not pay my bills, I will be in default.
So, what good is a minimum wage if there are no businesses?


Please, you $15 an hour supporters tell me where you think the money will come from.
So, KommieFornia min wage goes up on 1/1/17.

Consumers are already complaining about raising prices.
As a small business ower, my payroll will increase about $50K for 2017.
It has usurped my ability to pay my most loyal and hard working employees greater wages for their work.
I am just wondering how people think raising minimum wage would not effect prices?
There is no 'money tree' in my business, if I can not pay my bills, I will be in default.
So, what good is a minimum wage if there are no businesses?


Please, you $15 an hour supporters tell me where you think the money will come from.
good luck getting an answer from the liberal drones here on that,all they think about is the evil Walmart or the evil McDonalds . small business owner like yourself don't figure into it
What I can't understand is why someone contractually locked under a pay scale would want to make their dollar worth less.

In the end raising minimum wage really only hurts the elderly and the middle class until a "market correction" takes place. In the end the minimum wage earners end up right back where they started.

Liberals really are a special kind of stupid.
For some reason some of my fellow employee's who are dedicated Liberal Demorats believe a person should be able to make a living and raise a family flipping hamburgers at McDonalds and I replied the day that happens a 1/4 pounder w/o cheese will run you $9.89 , to which their reply was ...............huh !

They have no idea where money comes from !

I don't know how old you are, but I was born in 1957. I was the third of 4 children. My mom was a stay at home mom, as were most women back then. We owned a house and a car. Dad was a clerk in a paint store....a job that today would pay...."minimum wage". But back then, it paid enough for him to support a family and be a part of the middle class. So yeah...there USED to be a time in our country where people could live a decent life like that. Of course, back then, the CEO of the paint company (Porter Paint) most likely wasn't even close to earning $100,000 per year. Today the CEO makes over $3 million per year...but the clerks in the stores are making minimum wage. What is todays CEO doing that makes him worth that much more than the 1957 CEO?
good luck getting an answer from the liberal drones here on that,all they think about is the evil Walmart or the evil McDonalds . small business owner like yourself don't figure into it
Good luck learning about Liberals on talk radio, this one doesn't shop McDonald's or Wal-mart.
I don't know how old you are, but I was born in 1957. I was the third of 4 children. My mom was a stay at home mom, as were most women back then. We owned a house and a car. Dad was a clerk in a paint store....a job that today would pay...."minimum wage". But back then, it paid enough for him to support a family and be a part of the middle class. So yeah...there USED to be a time in our country where people could live a decent life like that. Of course, back then, the CEO of the paint company (Porter Paint) most likely wasn't even close to earning $100,000 per year. Today the CEO makes over $3 million per year...but the clerks in the stores are making minimum wage. What is todays CEO doing that makes him worth that much more than the 1957 CEO?
This is just a guess but maybe that CEO has some special knowledge that makes the company run well. Maybe the owners/shareholders don't want him to leave so they pay him the big bucks.

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