Moving forward - new ideas


Aug 20, 2002
No offense, but I''ve been getting tired of having this dark cloud over my head about all of the drama going on at Airways. If anyone else would like to, I just wanted to start another thread of constructive ideas...
Here''s one that comes to mind. When (hopefully) we come out of bankruptcy I suggest that we look to our roots to reclaim some of the spirit and tradition that could be found in our past.
Quite simply... The day we emerge from our bankruptcy, we need to bring back the PSA smile...
This was a suggestion before in the past, but now it could really mean something. It would symbolize our new start and our attitude towards the future. It is a low cost addition to our image, but always seemed to give an aircraft a certain charm.
Any other constructive ideas...?
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Another idea I had is a variation of what Ive seen at other carriers such as UAL.

In our post 9/11 world we have started to pay closer attention to some of the people that make a difference in our communities. Is there any reason that we could not honor such individuals by placing their names upon a given aircraft.

For example, carrying a person's name under the cockpit window to honor their philanthropic efforts in the communiites that we serve and live in. It doesnt have to be someone that has given tons of money, but someone that has given much more to make other's lives better.

Could be a firefighter or police officer that performed a heroic deed. A person that has deveted their life to helping the disadvantaged. I thik you get the idea.

It would bring positive media to our carrier and hopefully focus attention upon some deserving people that have mad4e all of our lives better. I know this all sounds a little touchy-feely, but it could be one small contribution to changing the culture of this corporation into somethingwe are all proud of.
What about specialized paint jobs like WN, HP and AS have? Since we do the Steelers and the Panthers we should paint planes like their team colors. The tails would certainly look cool with a panther head and the US Steel logo on them instead of the "stylized" wolf flag.[BR][BR]HP's PHX Suns and Cardinals look awesome![A href="
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Ill rehash this old page.[BR][BR]The suggestion came up from PlaneBusiness.[BR][BR][A href=""][SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14px"]Paint Schemes!!![/SPAN][/A]
Bob no slight to the Eagles, but I know we do the Panthers, Steelers and Penguin charters, do not know if we fly the Eagles.[BR][BR][FONT color=#3300cc][STRONG]GO NY GIANTS![/STRONG][/FONT]