Obese woman in DASH-8 exit row


Dec 20, 2002
This woman was next to me in the exit row on the aisle. Fortunately I had the foresight to pull down the armrest when I saw her (oh lordy she might be headed my way.) She couldn't sit in the seat as her butt was trapped between the two armrests. Eventually with the jiggling as we ascended through clouds she slowly wiggled and jiggled and gradually descended down into the seat.

I thought the FA would spot her and pull her out of the exit row. How is she going to assist anyone? To me she'd be blocking people.
Some will tell you that you are rude, ignorant and a jerk but the truth is the truth. A passenger that is of a larger size cannot operate that window properly. NOBODY that I know of anyway, would EVER go to someone and tell them they couldn't sit in the exit row only to tell them it's due to their weight. While it's extremely uncomfortable for them as well as the passenger squeezed next to them safety of all on board should be most important.
Define Obese. You racist, homophobic, judgemental, intolerant, chauvenistic, anti-semetic, predjudiced, obesophobic (I made that one up), pig.

How dare you state the obvious and use common sense. How dare you hurt the feelings of someone and who are you to judge who is or is not obese.

Man, this is America. DO NOT give your opinion on ANY subject if there is even a remote chance you might offend someone. Anyone.

You in a heepa trouble Heinrich. You better start apologizing to someone.

If they don't fit, they should have to buy two seats. Simple as that....and NOT be at the window exits. Nothing discriminatory about it. I'm sure we've all seen people turned away from roller coaster rides because they are too big for the seat.

If the butt don't fit, you cannot sit.
I think we need to have "sizer" seats at the counter right next to the "sizer" box for carry-on luggage........ if you don't fit you buy an extra seat.
I have had a F/A that did ask a large person if they would like to move to a row that had two open seats, and there was no issue at all.
I also spoke to our AFA rep and they were looking into ways to deal with this situation. :up:
This is sort of a touchy subject for me, but oh well.. for one of the reasons I hate flying.. is because I am one of those persons wih a weight issue. I came into the company that way, and intend to trim down.

It's not just because people love food, there are other variables.. such as.. laziness, depression, etc. After my dad died I really put on weight. I didn't realize it, but we're talking at least 50 pounds. This is after losing 50 pounds in 2001.

On top of that, with the business travel I do, they stick me in row 23 middle seat.. lol.
Whatever happened to Heinrich's FA...the one who took some minis?? Did he end up tattling on her?
I thought the FA would spot her and pull her out of the exit row. How is she going to assist anyone? To me she'd be blocking people.
First you need management to back you up. Management will take the passengers side if the government or media or upper management is treated.