Powell Endorses Obama

Endorsement by a man who has been Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, National Security Advisor, and U.S. Secretary of State...

I guess this puts the lie to the "lack of experience" argument. Of course, the Wall Street meltdown orchestrated by all those "experienced" Republicans put the lie to that argument for me a few weeks ago.
It is about time; I think we all knew Powell was going to do this since February. I suppose waiting till now, however, lends credence to the Obama camp at a crucial time and, if all goes according to Powell's plan, ensures that Powell makes the "winning" choice.
It is about time; I think we all knew Powell was going to do this since February. I suppose waiting till know, however, lends credence to the Obama camp at a crucial time and, if all goes according to Powell's plan, ensures that Powell makes the "winning" choice.
I am not sure I understand your point.

"Powell's plan"

Is there something you wish to share with us all?
Is there something you wish to share with us all?

Well... Powell's plan is for Obama to win, as seen in his endorsement. I believe he was very strategic in the timing of his endorsement (when Obama is up in the polls and only 2 weeks from election day). But I also believe that there may be additional motives. Let me put it this way: Following the endorsement, Obama spoke with Powell for 10 minutes, in which Obama said "he looked forward to taking advantage of Powell's advice in the next two weeks and hopefully over the next four years." I think it is entirely possible that Powell is hoping that his advice for the next 4 years is given from an official position within the administration.
I think it is entirely possible that Powell is hoping that his advice for the next 4 years is given from an official position within the administration.
Maybe this time the administration will heed his advice instead of trotting him out as window dressing.
A smart man...who clearly still wants to believe in his Party.

Most forget John McCain was and is held in great disdain by millions of Republicans. Many swore they would never vote for him.

I believe Romney could have really challenged Obama.
Well... Powell's plan is for Obama to win, as seen in his endorsement. I believe he was very strategic in the timing of his endorsement (when Obama is up in the polls and only 2 weeks from election day). But I also believe that there may be additional motives. Let me put it this way: Following the endorsement, Obama spoke with Powell for 10 minutes, in which Obama said "he looked forward to taking advantage of Powell's advice in the next two weeks and hopefully over the next four years." I think it is entirely possible that Powell is hoping that his advice for the next 4 years is given from an official position within the administration.
Interesting scenario.

I know he does not need the money. May be he wants a chance to make things right after the mess of the "W" clan.

He would be an excellent secretary of defense.
Interesting scenario.

I know he does not need the money. May be he wants a chance to make things right after the mess of the "W" clan.

He would be an excellent secretary of defense.



I agree with you about Powell, and about being a good candidate for "S-O-S".

A lifelong Repug, who sighted McCains selection of Palin, as..."Disturbing" (or words to that effect)

(He has ALSO been a Long Time Friend of Johnny Mac, so...what does that tell you) ???
I think it is entirely possible that Powell is hoping that his advice for the next 4 years is given from an official position within the administration.
So, are you saying that you think that General Powell who has served this country well and honorably for over 40 years was lying months ago when he said he had not made up his mind? Or, perhaps he was only lying this morning on Meet the Press when he stated that he had no particular desire for any position in anyone's administration in the future?
Powell is only saying that because Obama is black. :rolleyes:

That must be exactly the same reason McCain's White endorsers use. :shock:

(People's ignorance is staggering. Their world must truly be pathetic when everything revolves around a Human's complexion. I might suggest many should prance over to get a DNA test before bragging about being "White", more than likely, they are in for a surprise! :up: I know lots of "Black" people who look "White")

Powell is one of the ‘MANY’ great Americans that have sold out their principles.
He has distinguished himself in battle and should be respected for that but no more or less than McCain.

My angst with Collin is in his letting himself to be used as a puppet for the IRAQ invasion.

I am sure he feels bad about his part in his own complicit, arrogant, stupidity that has put more that 3000 Mericans (among countless Iraqis’) under the dirt for his ‘dedication’ to the PARTY and being a ‘good soldier’.

My question is; is the affirmation of Obama by Powell proof of Obama’s’ ability to lead the nation or is it Powell’s calculated dedication to Powell’s (and his family) future of political power.

Why should anyone consider his endorsement as an affirmation of ability?
Or, perhaps he was only lying this morning on Meet the Press when he stated that he had no particular desire for any position in anyone's administration in the future?

I am not suggesting anyone is lying.

"In offering his endorsement, Mr. Powell became the highest-profile Republican to add his support to the Democratic ticket. Although he told Mr. Brokaw that he would not campaign for Mr. Obama in the final two weeks of the race, he did not rule out accepting an appointment in an Obama administration, whether it were a formal position or a more advisory role.

When Mr. Brokaw asked if Mr. Powell would be interested in perhaps serving as an ambassador at large in Africa or taking on the task of resolving the conflict between Israelis and Palestinianas, Mr. Powell replied: “I served 40 years in government and I’m not looking forward to a position or an assignment. Of course, I have always said if a president asks you to do something, you have to consider it.â€￾

NY Times