Question Regarding Ramp Outsourcing

jimntx said:
Are you a jerk or just naturally dense? It's one thing to refuse to help a new employee. It's another thing entirely to help a new employee who is taking your job.
Have you read all my posts? How do you get that Im a jerk from this post?Read all my posts carefully then accuse me of being this or that. ;)
airbiiguy said:
someone bitter? what if you walked into a new job and people were a$$holes to you and wouldnt show you how to do your job?
Would you train someone that was hired to replace you?
The Company wants to get rid of the trained employees, so let them suffer with the headaches that come along with it. I will not show any of the contract replacements where to take a whiz. They are taking these low paying jobs knowing darn well what is going on. If the company wants a "Scumbag" operation, let 'Em have one. The less these morons know, the better.
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And this mess all begins on April 25th. I hope I'm off that week. Don't want to be working the first week when 40 new hires are crawling all over the ramp, saying to each other ( where is this flight going?, where do I park this plane?, Is it true that I don't walk in front of of a running engine? How do you open this door? Where is the bagroom?, They expect me to dump a Lav?, This can't be happening.
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And this mess all begins on April 25th. I hope I'm off that week. Don't want to be working the first week when 40 new hires are crawling all over the ramp, saying to each other ( where is this flight going?, where do I park this plane?, Is it true that I don't walk in front of of a running engine? How do you open this door? Where is the bagroom?, They expect me to dump a Lav?, This can't be happening.
Come next winter they will be saying " How do we Deice this thing"?
From what I have been told there has already been a problem with some contract idiots Deicing with Cold fluid. The company knows they get sub-par work from this type of operation, but they still choose to go this route to save a few bucks.
Its about more than how technically hard a job is, I have been in ABE many times, and those people do an outstanding job. The longer you do something the better you get, but more importantly, the more you know about the operation, and can anticipate problems and mitigate them before the problem ever happens. Then the loyalty, some of these guys have worked here a lifetime, no min. wage replacement would ever care about the operation the way these guys do.
The Company is going to get what they pay for, PERIOD. Sure the Boys in ABE and everywhere else getting the chop CARE about getting the bags up to the Customer ASAP, Doing the best they can to ensure THEIR COMPANY gets an ON-TIME Departure. Going that Extra step by putting Type 4 on the Aircraft the night before to make it easier getting the ICE off the next morning so the passengers make that Caribean connection. Now you get Worldwide or whom ever, do you think they will care about the passenger? It's not their company. And a perfect example is EWR. We pay Worldwide to move our RON's off the Gate. They are never there On-Time which causes inbound Aircraft to wait for the Gate upwards of 15 minutes.
airbiiguy said:
Really your job isnt that hard to do. And I can say that because I have done that job before.

A computer can't do it, and it can do yours!!
airbiiguy said:
Really your job isnt that hard to do. And I can say that because I have done that job before.

You are dreaming if you think the newbies are going to do the job right,

Fr8tmaster is absolutely correct.

I know there is an ALPA sub-set that begrudges agents their pay, and is fine with agents subsidizing pilot wages. I have met far too many of you.
if my job aint hard to do, then can you explain to me why i had to go to OPS Training School??? I bet you cant do the OPS job and endure everything that I have to do such as answering angry baggage calls? if you are an F/a and your job was being outsourced, would you want to train them knowingly that they are the ones replacing you? i wont do it.
also can you de-ice an aircraft on a bitterly icy cold and windy morning or in a bitter snow blizzard? it is not easy as you may think.
robbedagain said:
.... I bet you cant do the OPS job and endure everything that I have to do such as answering angry baggage calls?

Don't forget prima donna flight crews constantly calling on the air-to-ground radio for every last little thing.
Kev3188 said:
Don't forget prima donna flight crews constantly calling on the air-to-ground radio for every last little thing.

true forgot about that!!! :)
fr8tmastr said:
Its about more than how technically hard a job is, I have been in ABE many times, and those people do an outstanding job. The longer you do something the better you get, but more importantly, the more you know about the operation, and can anticipate problems and mitigate them before the problem ever happens. Then the loyalty, some of these guys have worked here a lifetime, no min. wage replacement would ever care about the operation the way these guys do.

I would disagree with that statement. It takes about 3-6 months for most new hires to fully grasp the entire picture of working an operation. From a cost advantage standpoint at first its a liability for them to have all these people who dont know s#$t about their jobs. If anyone has ever taken an operation mangement course u learn about "learning curve" and the company banks on this learning in the long run. Its harder at express to learn how to do everything simply since they have to do all jobs; not just ramp or ticket. The company from what I've seen , really could care less about quality of service provided, especially when they can only muster up average fares in the $100s in some markets. It's not like it used to be when they could generate $800+ revenues. Im sorry to everyone past and present for whats happened its broken my heart also, but you have to face reality. It's not fair, but thats life....The unions had the chance to take them down and set a precedant. But the unions were all scared to vote the contracts down. Forget about loyalty, there hasnt been loyalty in the USA sine the early 90s. People need to wake up and be able to adapt to the evolving global economy. I'm looking at this from a mature point of view, without bias. I got laid off so I dont wanna hear i'm a company person blah blah blah. When it came down to it, my union didnt do a damn thing for me. But Im not pissed at them, they couldnt do anything.
airbiiguy said:
Really your job isnt that hard to do. And I can say that because I have done that job before.

Nobody ever said that it was hard to do the job. We are saying that many of us took pride in doing our job, and doing it well. Many of us have worked together for years, and we know what each other is going to do without even discussing it.
Teamwork and planning will not be part of the contract employees work ethic.
They don't work for the company, and they could care less if the A/C is clean or if it goes On time with all of the cargo Onboard. There are a lot of extra efforts that went on behind the scene that most don't realize. The sad thing is that the Class 2 Stations that are getting the AX were more productive than all of the Hubs and Class 1 stations together. The FSA Agents Loaded,Cleaned, Catered,Deiced,Worked Ops & Bagroom at the same time, and did pushbacks as well as airstarts. To sum it all up, we did Everything except Fix the A/C. Does anyone think that Outsourcing all of these stations is going to save this sinking ship? The money that the company will save on Outsourcing will be spent to remedy the contract workers blunders. A/C damage and PAWOBS along with poor sevice have a huge price tag attached to them. A Company that is losing Millions a day wont be saved by saving a few Thousand Dollars on this Crap.