Senator Rick Santorum''s Remarks

Hey Sweetie..your posting go beyond religious underpinnings..."fags" is a perjorative term and your bile is quite evident...You not only hate the sin, you despise the sinner...So whats the punishment for sodomy? Men doing it to women too? Whats the difference? That will be the basic tenet of the Court''s ruling, by the way...
trvlr64, you say your prize is your ability to love another human, calling names such as pig etc.does not seem to show love for your fellow man, what,he can''t have a different opinion. Why is it ok for libs to have opinions but when others do it is time to chase some one out of office, or call them "pigs". And by the way trvlr64, saying Senator Santorum is from "the richest, whitest area of Pit, is called class envy!!!!!
Well, I did my civic duty and e-mailed Senator Santorum my support not to cave in to the thought police. In one of the above posts someone mentions that they hope Santorum goes the way of Trent Lott, well unless something has changed in the past 24hrs Lott is still in the Senate, althought albeit not majority leader. Why is it the only way some democrats can "win" is by attempting to make issue out of some what they deem statement by a conservative, not politically correct?
It looks like he is getting ready to weather another storm where he sent a fundraising letter for the Alliance for Marriage soon after the 9/11 attacks. Link is
On 4/30/2003 12:56:03 PM JI Guy wrote:

Delldude: Be afraid, be very afraid of Rendell..He mopped the state with Mike Fisher and will defeat Rick..

what do you expect?fisher never showed up for the campain.
Delldude I stand corrected, I was thinking of Murphy who lives in USC.''s not class envy when I live in another rich, white neighborhood in Pgh and I''m a Republican too boot!! LOL
Delldude, Fisher never showed up indeed! He was blown out from the start..And would you know, this past week he got his "reward" for running the opposition: a judgeship figures! Anyway, I would be up for a Rendell-Santorum race. Et tu, Delldude?
I believe that Santorum''s remarks were taken out of context. He never spoke out against gays. That was put in his speech by a liberal reporter. His main issue I believe was privacy, which is not mentioned or even guaranteed in the constitution.
On 4/23/2003 7:33:09 AM delldude wrote:

On 4/22/2003 11:14:27 AM justanadd wrote:>

Call US Senator, Rick Santorum''s Office at (412) 562-0533 to condemn his
Call US Senator, Arlen Specter''s Office at (412) 644-3400 to request his
support in condemning Sen. Santorum''s remarks.

isn''t he allowed to have an opinion like you or me?besides,whats right about homosexuality?



What is right about homosexuality? As a proud homosexual, I can tell you there is nothing anymore right or wrong with my lifestyle than there is of heterosexuality. The only people bitching are insecure men who somewhere along the way looked at a penis alittle too long and are fearful they themselves may be gay. I work with alot of heterosexuals. Some of them are my best friends and some of them are men. Those men are very comfortable with their sexuality and therefore do not feel threatened by gay people. If you aren''t gay, why the hell do you care who marries whom.

I, for the life of me, cannot understand why any intelligent gay man would ever want to get married. My God, over 50% of heterosexual marriages lead to divorce, leaving a small percentage of most of those not divorced with unhappy marriages. This to prove we want to BE like you? I DO NOT want to be like you and your heterosexual contemporaries, Delldud. The same group that has forced fear, shame, and hate against a group of people whose sexuality is as natural as the basic heterosexual AND all in the name of God and christianity. Before you even begin the bible thumping, point the holier-than-thou finger at every man or women who has gotten a divorced and remarried. In the eyes of God, this is adultry, a breaking of one of the ten commandments. There is no commandment against homosexuality. And while we are at it. Take a look at the so called scripture about a man laying with a man. In the same area women are not allowed to enter the temple unclean...during her laws there...happens every Sun. or Sat, I''m sure. Sound silly? So does the argument against homosexuality.

I am shocked that those that have argued against gay marriages and adoptions are the same ones who don''t like our decadent "lifestyle", yet can''t see that the gay community is a reflection of the world. There are gays would want the settled life and there are straights that want the wild life...THATS life. But to say gays should not be able to get married is like telling straight men they can''t buy nice clothes or go to strip clubs or heterosexual sex clubs...I mean, everyone knows those thing only happen in the gay world. See how silly it all is?

Sen. Santorium has the right to say whatever he wants. He also has the right to make an ass out of himself. Is he homophobic? Who knows. I find it hard to believe that he has not one person involved in his life who is gay or lesbian. Can''t you see that this is a political ploy to instill fear into the republican base who may be getting alittle weary of the sluggish economy? These tactics failed in 1992 and they will fail now.

The best compromise is to call all public legal marriages civil unions and those performed in a church marriages. That way the debate can take place in church as to whose civil union can be performed as marriages. The debate should NOT be a state sponsored issue. If marriage is "holy" matrimony, it has no place in the Congress. Civil unions will provide the joining of two comitted adults and the church will provide the private, seperate ceremony,BUT leave my tax dollars out of your fears.
AMEN firstamendment!!

Lord knows I have no desire to mimic our heterosexual brethern by getting married. As far as acceptance is concerned, I only need acceptance from myself and my family. And I have both of those. Everyone else; doesn''t matter.

By the way I am on my way to AMS for a much needed vacation and my 39th birthday. I plan on seeing how many "heterosexual" deviant acts I can witness while I''m there. I will take digital pictures just for fun and prosperity. And to be fair I will take some "homosexual" pictures too and I will email them to Rick Santorum, my neighbor, my senator......ugh, when I get home.

On 7/3/2003 12:35:57 PM trvlr64 wrote:

AMEN firstamendment!!

Lord knows I have no desire to mimic our heterosexual brethern by getting married. As far as acceptance is concerned, I only need acceptance from myself and my family. And I have both of those. Everyone else; doesn''t matter.

By the way I am on my way to AMS for a much needed vacation and my 39th birthday. I plan on seeing how many "heterosexual" deviant acts I can witness while I''m there. I will take digital pictures just for fun and prosperity. And to be fair I will take some "homosexual" pictures too and I will email them to Rick Santorum, my neighbor, my senator......ugh, when I get home.



I know...all that fuss over a few sissies...remember when we were 10%, now we are 1%? I''m sooo confused. Oh , did you capture pics at Party Gri down in new Orleans and all the breast flashing from those hetero girls???

I hope people will see how silly they are. Privats mail me and let me know who you are...we just might know each other .

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