Senior Employees Are A Liability...


Jan 19, 2003
I started with this company when I was fresh out of high school - 18 years old. I started at the very bottom in "keypunch" back in 1982. I was grateful for the opportunity to start with such a promising airline, aka Piedmont Airlines. I have worked my way up the ladder through blood, sweat and tears. Missed more Christmases, Birthdays, Anniversarys, Thanksgivings, school events for my kids than I can count. But that was the life of an airline employee and one that I accepted and was proud of. I basked in the success of the airline and I cried at our sorrows. I worked the front lines at the ATO and wore the US Airways uniform with my head held high. I sufferered the heartbreak of planes going down and losing countless passengers and airline family. I experienced having people stare at me accusingly while in uniform at the check out line of a grocery store or a gas station after a crash as though I were part of the cause. I have gained a wealth of experience and knowledge through my years with this company and for that I will always be thankful. But now I am told that my years of loyalty and hard work have created a hardship on the company and that now I am a liability. I'm sorry....but this is the most hurtful thing that management has ever done. Giving up the benefits, the wages, vacation pay has been difficult. But I did so reluctantly becuase this is what needed to be done. My family (what I used to think of as my US Airways family) needed me to tighten my belt and help reduce cost. Only to have what I refer to as "new hires" such as Dave Siegal and Wolf and Gangwal to steal millions from my brothers and sisters. And yet I am the LIABILITY. I am glad to know that my life's work has been appreciated and has helped to make a difference in this world. I will never forgive those selfish and inconsiderate words. Your Welcome, US Airways.
See!!! For all of you on these boards who put the employees down and say, give, give, give. For all of you on the boards who are up the Managements Butt. Who say that only a "few" here with U really feel the losses, pain and humility. I believe this person speaks for the majority.

I really don't wan't to hear any rebuttal from MW or PB or any of the other "holier than thous".

Rescalgirl, my heart goes out to you. Thanks for being such a loyal employee and sharing your feelings with all of us who are being told daily that we are a "liability".

I certainly share many, many, many of the same feelings as you. We have all made the sacrifices. For what!!!!!??????
rescallgirl said:
I will never forgive those selfish and inconsiderate words. Your Welcome, US Airways.
Powerful words. Now don't get upset when some of these self ordained business and moral experts come on here and tell you it's all your fault and this was never meant to be a career.

We live in a brutal world where when change does comes and the things of the past are mowed over like weeds and the very few so called weeds surviving are treated as children of Satan.
rescallgirl said:
I started at the very bottom in "keypunch" back in 1982.
Funny to think that keypunch really wasn't all that long ago. It seems like an eternity to me.
But now I am told that my years of loyalty and hard work have created a hardship on the company
That's how you interpret it. That's not what they mean, though the results aren't that different. Their message is that your years of loyalty and hard work created value in the past, not the present. Further, their message is that your current wages and benefits are greater than the revenue you generate.

Whether or not that's true is not for this thread. There are plenty of other places for that.
Only to have what I refer to as "new hires" such as Dave Siegal and Wolf and Gangwal to steal millions from my brothers and sisters.
Reprehensible, isn't it? Not because they're "new hires," but because they stole from the company. In broad daylight. With the BOD's approval.
I am glad to know that my life's work has been appreciated and has helped to make a difference in this world.
You should be.
Mweiss, I am only going to say this one time, but I believe you have missed your calling. You should be some kind of English Teacher/Professor who spends his time grading Term Papers and Thesis'. For every time anyone posts who dissect it to Hell and back and form your own interpretation. <_<
Regarding the analysis of english rhetoric on the internet, is there a word that reflects the observation when you think something is really sincere, even though it sounds fake?

Like when someone thinks that when they want to sound convincing they ought to study the writings of, say, Karl Rove and copy him?

uhm...... it sounds 'focus-grouped?'

I'm looking for inadvertantly 'too cute by half,' sort of.

In any case, it is a frustrating time and I believe that our political culture ought to deliver MORE respect for regular working people, instead of accumulated wealth, but US Airways in incapable of fixing that.
ktflyhome said:
You should be some kind of English Teacher/Professor who spends his time grading Term Papers and Thesis'.
I've been adjunct university faculty before, though not in English. My linguistic bent is far too technical to be of interest to those in the language departments. I doubt that I really want to do that for the remainder of my days, though the benefits are still pretty good there.

I feel the same way..

i would work 3-4 yrs without ever calling in sick..Unforseen situations happened where I had to use my sick time due to surgeries..

I'm very hurt and saddend that we are treated like animal feces!!

Today was my first day back from vacation ,and I'm sick to my stomach going in daily knowing the mental midgets at the top feel like that about us..

I'm in my 21st year, and this may be the last,I'm fortunate if I last till the Sept/Oct sked the talk is things will be cemented by then.Who knows anymore..
I know that I've made alot of friendships and we all feel the same way. I'm there for my passengers, not the "company**cough COugh puke puke***..

hang in there until something positive happens..
When one door closes,another opens..Well I'm ready!!

Hell, let the roof cave in:) :up:
Hang in there rescallgirl.

It's fellow employees like you that make it a great place
to work.

You're the best.

Hope everything works out for you.

mweiss said:
. . . Their message is that your years of loyalty and hard work created value in the past, not the present. Further, their message is that your current wages and benefits are greater than the revenue you generate.
Good grief, I cannot let those gafs pass without atleast correcting MWeiss's many inacurracies in her post, and to make matters worse she tries to wing right thru it by saying "whether this is true or not is not to be debated on this thread" How Convenient! You say "your wages are greater than the revenue you bring in." Unbelievable, if this res agent makes 40,000 a year, I can guarantee you they sell 40,000 a month-minimum! Hello, res is basically the ONLY revenue generating department of the company! You spout this stuff and people believe it is true.
Rescall girl-

That is such a sad post...

You are definately appreciated by the co-workers you worked with and the junior employees who know that you built what was great about the airline.

US Airways is people like you, it will never be the crooks that are determined to wipe out the middle, and even lower middle classes.
4merresrat said:
You say "your wages are greater than the revenue you bring in."
Um, no. I said that is the message being sent from above. I don't believe it to be true, but I figured we've discussed that to death elsewhere. The main focus should have been that she's no longer considered an asset to the company, not in proving or disproving the opinons of upper management.
mweiss said:
I've been adjunct university faculty before, though not in English. My linguistic bent is far too technical to be of interest to those in the language departments.
What were you an (adjunct) professor of? Just curious.

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