So whats really going on with USAirways

The pilot group really needs to get there act together soon. I know there are lots of issues there but its time to move forward and try and make a better airline. Despite some of the poor management we could do it. But thats just my thoughts.

I wouldn't hold myu breath on the pilots for anything. I truly believe they will never ever ever see a combined seniority list and a joint contract the way things are going. The pilots I work with say they will never ever ever vote for a contract that contains Nic, and they are dragging it through the mud til the death. I think our f/a group is quite close to a votable contract, thank God.
Stock is up...weird because of the unfavorable slot-swap ruling.
Could it be that something is AAfoot?
Polish your shoes, boys! The AAirline execs have been sniffing AAround.

I love how people keep pulling this one out of the AAir.

Explain how a merger with AA would work when there are so many intrinsic differences among LCC and AA, the most notable being the Boeing Exclusivity contract which dates back to 1996.


I'm sure there's a way around most everything and no doubt DP is for consolodation, but methinks the rumor mill is often a way AAround dealing with our own realities.

I wonder what this place would be like if everyone put down their "pie in the sky, who-are-we-gonna-merge-with" what if's, and deal with the hand we have been dealt.

Call me a pragmatist, but it's just my two cents.

Happy VD, all.
I can't see US surviving long term in it's present form. Just not strong enough to compete in a fierce way against true LCC's and not big enough to throw their weight around with the majors. I seriously had given thought to the Jetblue idea but some said it brought nothing to the table. Well when the whole DL/US thing was announced it was all about overlapped routes and knocking out a competitor. I see it as an extremely viable idea. Fleet commonality, investiment by a Star partner, shrinking in every market they are expanding, etc. The company has said that domestic is "where it's at" right now. Well wouldn't a BIGGER domestic route network bring you more passengers to your international operation? I don't see AA/US happening.
B6 switched to SABRE at the end of January.

Hmmmm B6 went to SABRE!!!

Wait you mean a LCC like B6 went with a more "expensive" solution?


Could it be possible they learned by watching US how the "Cheap" solution can cost you YEARS if ill will, bad PR and DOT stats?

Also wasn't B6 profitable last year?
Hmmmm B6 went to SABRE!!!

Wait you mean a LCC like B6 went with a more "expensive" solution?


Could it be possible they learned by watching US how the "Cheap" solution can cost you YEARS if ill will, bad PR and DOT stats?

Also wasn't B6 profitable last year?

Could it be that jetBlue's management have realized the great difference indeed between "Almost as good, and a lot cheaper" and "Not nearly as good, and only a little less expensive".

Some people I know a B6 tell me that a main reason for the switch was to enable interlining. Wonder why they didn't go with Amadeus...I guess LH doesn't call all the shots. :)

The change also means going from "ticketless" to electronic ticketing.
To get this thread - which has been interesting (at times) - going again, I'll pose a corally: why is the US Airways forum the busiest on US Aviation. Yes, it has slowed down a bit, and much of traffic is from the never ending East vs West pilot donnybrook, but US is the smallest of the big six. Why, then, so much activity? The closest runner up is the far larger AA forum. AS is a much smaller, but still sizable, company. Months can go by with nary a comment.

Here are some ideas:

- Those posting on the US forum are more internet savvy than people with an interest in other carriers who don't know about
- Those posting here care more than the people on the other forums.
- Those posting here have more insight and knowledge than the rest.
- The other carriers, in spite of vastly more far flung route networks, more employees, and more customers are much more boring than US Airways; there is less to discuss. If you accept this premise, why?
To get this thread - which has been interesting (at times) - going again, I'll pose a corally: why is the US Airways forum the busiest on US Aviation. Yes, it has slowed down a bit, and much of traffic is from the never ending East vs West pilot donnybrook, but US is the smallest of the big six. Why, then, so much activity? The closest runner up is the far larger AA forum. AS is a much smaller, but still sizable, company. Months can go by with nary a comment.

Here are some ideas:

- Those posting on the US forum are more internet savvy than people with an interest in other carriers who don't know about
- Those posting here care more than the people on the other forums.
- Those posting here have more insight and knowledge than the rest.
- The other carriers, in spite of vastly more far flung route networks, more employees, and more customers are much more boring than US Airways; there is less to discuss. If you accept this premise, why?

USAirways employees have the most reason to vent.
USAirways employees have the most reason to vent.

Sad, this place is such a monstrosity that it's a constant complaint factory on here. Attack and blame, point and whine...

I can't even go to the pilot thread anymore it's so nauseating. Are they gonna fling mud at each other on this board for the next five years like they have for the last five? I get it, I get it, but, really!? It goes on and onn and onnnn and onnnnnn...

It makes me sad. There are so many people angry with each other and fed up with it all. I'm too young to be this tired of it already. :(
I agree with ignoring the pilot threads. They will take their arguments to their graves, and be none the better for it..

The rest of the forum suffers from an intolerance for any sense of humor. If you can't laugh at the clowns in a circus, you will never laugh again.