SUPER SCAB...."PTO" missing in action ?

Crime? Wow, that’s a bit extreme isn't it? Are you guys actually so upset that I called in sick or are you more upset that I took eleven days off while on probation and still going to have two weeks worth of vacation when I get off probation? Lets not forget the two weeks for last Christmas and New Years, and the four days, I think it was, for Thanksgiving. Does it really piss you guys off this much that I am able to do this with no union involvement and brand new to the Airline Industry? You guys act as if I am the first person to ever call in sick and go fishing or whatever the hell it is that a person likes to do. Let me tell you guys something, I was sick I was sick of being in Detroit. This is one miserable city. I am now recharged and ready to go. Let me make a suggestion to you guys, call in sick tomorrow and go do something fun. All this pent up anger you guys have needs some type of release.
Personally I could care less about you defrauding NWA, in fact I think they have reaped what they have sown by hiring a bunch hack misfits who don't know the difference between a calibrated torque wrench and a pry bar.

time off without a union contract, well bully for you brand new to the industry SCAB negotiater.

When I want a day off to go fishing, I just take one from my bank of four weeks of UNION negotiated paid vacation days, or take a personal time off without pay.

If Im sick i Just use a day from my bank of 600 Accrued hrs that was also UNION negotiated. No paper shuffling here, every thing on the up and up. No need to lie in order to get days off.

Pent up anger?...Hardly, I just see you as no different than an Illegal who expects a free ride off the backs of the ones who Do things Legally. I guess what Im really trying to say is that your one....

I was speaking of crime in general, if I was vague on that forgive me, I thought it was clear enough.
Fair enough.

As to your supposed time off.... For my part, I simply don't believe you.
I can't help you with that. I guess I could send you pictures but I think not.

As to your sick call, maybe you wouldn't be getting the responses you are if you hadn't repeatedly tried to debase union mechanics as lazy along with every other tired union cliche you've worn out.
Let me tell you a little secret about cliche's. They all carry a good amount of truth to them. Just maybe all those "union cliche's" wouldn't have been necessary had all the scab bashing not been so prevalent and overwhelming.

After spouting off about being such a "go-getter" you seem like just another ####-off looking to buck the system, and you're stupid enough to brag about it in a public forum on top of it.
I am not out to buck the system. On the job NWA gets 110%. They can have that 40,50 or 60 hours a week if they wanted it. However I decide when it is time for me a break. Not some seniority bid sheet for vacation or manager, but when I say "Hey its time to slow down a bit a live a little." I make that decision and if that decision means me rolling my box then so be it. As far as bragging about it, there is no bragging going on here. NH/BB asked a question and I answered it. If there is a different way I could have answered that question do tell me. I sure am glad it was because I simply wanted to go fishing and not all the BS reasons you guys had laid out for me.

All in all, you're just not too bright.
All in all... :lol: Maybe not but I don't give a damn either.
Let me remind you when you first came to these boards under one of your other Aliases (KTO) Keeping The Odds, you started the UNION bashing against all unions and AMFA in particular, bragging how the company could crush the movement with a handful of SCABS.

You and your obnoxious over inflated Ego called down the fire storm that ensued, and it will continue until you and your Hack SCAB brothers are driven from our midst.
...hiring a bunch hack misfits who don't know the difference between a calibrated torque wrench and a pry bar.
:lol: You like that huh. Misfits or not we pulled off the impossible.

time off without a union contract, well bully for you brand new to the industry SCAB negotiater.
Is this a compliment?

Pent up anger?...Hardly, I just see you as no different than an Illegal who expects a free ride off the backs of the ones who Do things Legally. I guess what Im really trying to say is that your one....
Now local I thought we were beyond such childish rantings.
Let me remind you when you first came to these boards under one of your other Aliases (KTO) Keeping The Odds, you started the UNION bashing against all unions and AMFA in particular, bragging how the company could crush the movement with a handful of SCABS.
Are we back on the KTO kick? I wish I was half as what all you guys have claimed me to be. Regardless I think you should go back and read KTO's first few posts. I don't think he came here to bash unions or AMFA for that matter. I think he came here to warn AMFA of the impending flood of Scabs that were heading their way and that they were not the ignorant bottom of the barrel idiots that they were led to believe. I think he was instantly called a liar and that there was no way there were a couple of thousand Scabs being prepared for this strike. Of course now we know that he was right, but you guys would never admit to that.

You and your obnoxious over inflated Ego called down the fire storm that ensued, and it will continue until you and your Hack SCAB brothers are driven from our midst.
Over inflated ego? Come now local you know that is not the case. I am indeed proud that I was part of the team that pulled off the impossible but I would not go as far as to call it "Ego". Yes I have had to be brash here but look at what I am up against. Can it be handled any other way? Take Hackman for example and his continuous bashing of "NWA is Dead Last" and him posting the DOT stats showing just that. Do you think he would have ever posted the flip side of that when NWA began climbing the ranks? Well we have already proven that he wouldn't now haven't we? There is nothing wrong with choosing a side but being totally biased about to the point you ignore all other facts is shear stupidity. As far as driving us from your midst I think that is a brazen statement that cannot be backed up. Do not be surprised when a Scab moves next door to you.
Hmmm...falsifying sick leave. Yet another example of his outstanding honesty and moral turpitude...

Falsely calling in sick is fraud and stealing from the company as is flying when you are sick.

FIRE PTO FIRE PTO FIRE PTO! he called in sick and went boating!
Wow what a way to end a quick scabbing career end at SCAB AIR

Yes but we are talking about someone who has a total lack of...

in·teg·ri·ty (ĭn-tĕg'rĭ-tē)
Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code.

Calling in sick while still on probation--and on the first scheduled day following time off, no less!
Absolutely brilliant.
Ought to be grounds for immediate termination of ANY probationary employee!
NW's probably desperate enough to keep him around, though...

You guys are toooo funny. Like AA FA's are the only people who bomb in sick because they do not feel like comming into work. Pot meet kettle, kettle meet pot. Union folks ragging on someone calling in sick is like Pol-Pot telling Hitler that he is not a nice guy. Give me a break.
When will you PTO learnt hat you scabs are ignorant? I highly doubt that you pulled off the impossible. I say that because there are no investors who are willing to help the SCAB AIR get out of CH11 while there is an ONGOING STRIKE by AMFA. Dont say it is over because AMFA hasnt said the strike is over. You scabs cant even tell a pry wrench from a torque how pathetic can you get.
You guys are toooo funny. Like AA FA's are the only people who bomb in sick because they do not feel like comming into work. Pot meet kettle, kettle meet pot. Union folks ragging on someone calling in sick is like Pol-Pot telling Hitler that he is not a nice guy. Give me a break.
Didn't you know Hairball? Like perfect management... Scabs don't call in sick, read newpapers, watch tv, sleep, or play on the laptop at work. It only the unions that do that.

Just like management is never sick when they all have 10-20 years perfect attendance. Except my former supervisor was such a complete waste being stuck inside a whiskey bottle daily, his COMP TIME came in real handy. I could never figure out how he had 15 years of perfect attendance, since he was never at work? Hmmm, could you explain this for us?

Ok class, for today's lesson on sick time..... :ph34r: :ph34r: