SUPER SCAB...."PTO" missing in action ?

Sorry Kev I'm not as snappy as these other guys here with these airport codes. Care to translate those into real cities?
SHV is Shreveport Louisana. It sure is pretty pathetic that you dont know airport codes. At usair we have to know and that is regardless whether or not your a union mechanic or ramp or ops agent etc etc
You guys are toooo funny. Like AA FA's are the only people who bomb in sick because they do not feel like comming into work. Pot meet kettle, kettle meet pot. Union folks ragging on someone calling in sick is like Pol-Pot telling Hitler that he is not a nice guy. Give me a break.
The question is, do people even know who POL-pot is anymore? You do make a good point by the way :up:
POL POT? isn't that something you order in a Chinese resturant? :rolleyes: ((((we're kinda young)))) :lol:
Pol pot ws the leader of the Kmer Rouge in cambodia towards the end of the Viet Nam war. He was responsible for the slaughter of over a million cambodians. A book called "The Killing Fields" is a very good read on the subject.
Pol pot ws the leader of the Kmer Rouge in cambodia towards the end of the Viet Nam war. He was responsible for the slaughter of over a million cambodians. A book called "The Killing Fields" is a very good read on the subject.
I was kidding about not knowing, dear. Not a nice person.
mga707 and PhxMama, I took all the above mentioned into consideration. If NWA was worried about who I was they could have figured it out a long time ago. I am surprised Kev hasn't done it already. There has long been enough information posted here to pin me to the wall months ago. I use to worry about it but don't anymore. All HR would have to do is get a computer guru to do a file seach on their database and they could track my E-mail address in a matter of minutes, well maybe hours as slow as NWA's computers are. I'm not stupid just simply not worried. Besides if they did find me and fire me that is OK as well for the "Reds are still runnin'". :lol:
:wacko: Or maybe your not worried because like this poster says, you are a NW troller: something is fishy about your fish story and I don’t think it’s the Reds

What causes you to believe the guy (PTO) is a scab? Ever consider the fact he is trolling this website as company "plant"? Doesn't it seem odd to you has all day to post instead of wrenching? Sometimes he tries very hard to sound like an aviation mechanic, then all of a sudden, he sounds like one of the company propaganda writers. He just doesn't smell right to me. And, one other thing, why the interest in where other aircraft is being serviced or their facilites? Heard Northwest is shopping for someone to fix their dilapidated airplanes. The scabs have seen to it they lost their maintenance license and now what's the atmosphere at the hubs? Nervousness I guess, eh? Scrounging around for anyone who'll fix anything of theirs. Now that they did have to surrender their license (and we know the full details Northwest, stop the pathetic media mantra) what's to become of all these scabs and AMFA scabs? Northwest is going to waste money on people that can't fix airplanes? Considering the financial situation, Northwest will obviously have to cut some more corners there, too. Their laying low because they needed some AMFA members to cross, but after the pilots and the F/As contracts, guess who will be next on the roster?
wonder if the PTO scab know what LHR and LGW are!!!???

Come on PTO

Take a guess::

We're waiting!
wonder if the PTO scab know what LHR and LGW are!!!???
Come on PTO

Take a guess::

We're waiting!


Those are too easy, my friend. Let's do it this way; since PTO made fun of you for not knowing a city where NW flies, but UAir doesn't how about having guess these:

FKL, AOO, BKW, EEN, etc...... :lol: