Temporary Injunction against USAPA filed today

Just like I said it would happen and it did.
Next up will be the LOA93 turd being floated down the uSAPa river. Resistance will be met with a motion to hold uSAPav in contempt for violating the injunction that will obviously be granted.

Anyone bother to read the bios of the judge assigned the case and the magistrate who will hear the case? Both republicans.....just like Bybee and Wake. Good luck uSAPa. You're going to need it!
My favorite line on page 4 of the lawsuit:

"While operations remain normal in Phoenix"...

:lol: :lol: F.U. USCABA!!

Pace yourself with those pom poms. You're gonna hyperventilate. :lol: Even the strings on a fiddle know not to give it up so fast when they are being played or they risk snapping. :lol:
My favorite line on page 4 of the lawsuit:

"While operations remain normal in Phoenix"...

:lol: :lol: F.U. USCABA!!
My captain and I just agreed to set our goal at blocking in 20 mins early and 200 gal of fuel saved.....just for Mikey Cleary.....President of the most inept, inane and self-destructive union ever under the RLA.
My captain and I just agreed to set our goal at blocking in 20 mins early and 200 gal of fuel saved.....just for Mikey Cleary.....President of the most inept, inane and self-destructive union ever under the RLA.

Its about time you got on board with the rest of us professionals. What took you so long?
USAPA should admit defeat in this case as quickly as possible and go to CHQ to ask them to drop the injunction in return for a public admission of a work slowdown and their agreement to end said slowdown ... ( your union will proably have to pay for lawyers fees and some undisclosed amount of money for the impact that your PR campagin has been having )

If your union was smart they would end this now before it escilates even further and ends up harming the pilot memebership ...

But maybe things have gotten so bad that the USAPA wants to run up legal fees in order to make the west pilots suffer along with them ...that would be interesting ...
It is my understanding at this week's Check Airman meeting management said they are 99% certain USAPA will lose the LOA 93 grievance.
That's just it. Parker has made more keeping you guys on LOA 93 than you've cost him.

And you idiots out east just don't see that.

I can't stop laughing.

Keep laughing. It will be all you have.

Were you a cognizant person, one will an IQ into the double digits, you would realize how silly you are. Thanks for implying you are responsible for the continued east harassment.
Pace yourself with those pom poms. You're gonna hyperventilate. :lol: Even the strings on a fiddle know not to give it up so fast when they are being played or they risk snapping. :lol:

Hey Confucius,

Your pearls are becoming annoying.
Keep laughing. It will be all you have.

Were you a cognizant person, one will an IQ into the double digits, you would realize how silly you are. Thanks for implying you are responsible for the continued east harassment.

I've been hearing that line of BS for a few years now and nothing has changed.

You guys have done a great job of showing the company and west how its done.

Oh, wait a minute, no you haven't.

I'm still laughing.