The unions are coming, the unions are coming!

Delta's Policy Manual vs. Northwest's Contract

There is misinformation circulating about Delta's non-binding policy manual on the issue of minimum day. Delta Flight Attendants do not have a 4:45 minimum day [Sections 5.A.9.a.(3) and 5.B.10.a.(3)—Minimum Duty Period Credit]; they only have a 4:45 duty period average. The averaging of our duty periods is the key: we could often lose time and money when an average is used, that's why we fought so hard to restore our 4:15 minimum day during contract negotiations.

The Delta Flight Attendant policy manual reference to 4:45 Duty Period Average (DPA) is nearly identical in its application as the 4:15 Minimum Duty Period Average in TA 1 and the August 1, 2006 NWA Terms and Conditions of Employment (TCE), here at Northwest with two distinctions: while the minimum average at Delta is 0:30 minutes greater on its face than the Northwest minimum average, the Delta policy exempts the 4:45 minimum guarantee for duty periods consisting solely of deadhead flying or other non-working segments.

The current NWA AFA-CWA Agreement restored the 4:15 Minimum Duty Period Credit. In most instances, having a minimum duty period credit is preferable to having a minimum duty period average. The following example illustrates the difference between two patterns with identical flight time, but where the final pay and credit is significantly less on the DAL pattern because of this averaging and the lack of a true minimum day.

The FACTS about Minimum Duty Average at Delta:

NWA Minimum Duty Credit (MDC) vs. Delta Minimum Duty Average (MDA)

NWA Pattern 1001 --------------- DAL Pattern 1001
=================DAY ONE DAY ONE--------------
DTW - MSP 1:30 ========= ATL - CVG 1:30
MSP - FAR :55 ======= CVG - MEM :55
Total Flight Time 2:25 ======== ======Total Flight Time 2:25
================MDC 1:50 =========
===============Duty Period Pay 4:15 ==========
===============DAY TWO DAY TWO==========
FAR - MSP 1:00 ======== MEM - ATL 1:20
MSP - LAX 3:45 ======== ATL - SAN 3:35
LAX - DTW 4:20 ======== SAN - ATL 4:10
Total Flight Time 9:05 ========= Total Flight Time 9:05
Total Trip Pay 13:20 ============ Total Trip Pay 11:30

Our NWA AFA-CWA collective bargaining agreement guarantees a minimum duty period credit of 4:15 for the first duty period regardless of the actual flying time in that duty period and is not offset against the total hours flown in the subsequent duty period. The Delta policy manual only "guarantees" (remember, it's a policy, not a Contract) a minimum duty period average of 4:45 for each duty period in the trip period, or in this case 2 x 4:45 hours = 9:30 hours. In the Delta example above, because the total hours flown in the two duty periods is greater than 9:30 duty period average, the actual hours flown, not minimum duty period average credit, would be paid. The Delta Flight Attendant would be paid and credited one hour and forty minutes (1:40) less than the NWA Flight Attendant in this example for the same pattern. This is one more illustration of why their total Flight Attendant unit costs are the lowest, even though their pay rates appear higher.
With the influx of email that i get from both the AFA, and Delta, there is alot of information to digest and
figure out what is best for me. Yes ME. If you would like to know my true intent, it is just that. Fact finding.
That is why I posted the previous. With the intent of a F/A from NW who could counter it, if it wern't true.
I have learned alot from these boards, I have learned alot from reading outside articles on Delta. I have learned so far that there is three sides. Delta, AFA and somewhere in the middle is the truth. I have also learned that this is a Different Delta that hired me 19 years ago. I learned that the AFA is not the calvery and is going to make everything ok. So for ME, I have to figure out what is the lesser of two evils.
So the easy thing would be for those who read this is to imeadiatly disregard me as a kool aid drinker or a plant. But the fact is there are many more out there like me, who are overwhelmed with the information from both sides. Instead of ingnoring, I choose to fully explore. I also like to add that I hope that the tone on this board truly doesn't reflect the AFA the "them vs. us" mentality.. There is alot of HATRED of Managemnt on here. If we are going to be represented by AFA we must remember that we will still have to work with Managment.
The aggressive attitude is really a turn off.

Booy---my apologies if I came across as "aggressive." That was not my intent. I guess my mind was made up long ago and sometimes it's frustrating to see people vascilate for so, so long. I guess it's like learning a foreign language. Some people click right into it easily. Others need more time. I certainly don't think a union is a 'cure-all'. But how, in today's airline environment, you would not want things in writing is beyond me. And I don't know how old you are, but if we could negotiate that Soc.Security offset away, you would have more monthly income in your older years.
Anyway.. That's all. No disrespect meant. Take all the time you need and I hope you, with thanks to NxNW's postings, will come to see the light.
I've been lurking around on this board for some time and reading things about the upcoming union vote. There is a lot of passion and facts from both the union and non-union supporters. One thing that struck me was the comparison of Richard Anderson to Frank Lorenzo. My partner was originally a Flight Attendant with Eastern and there is still a sense of anger if Lorenzo's name is mentioned around him. When Anderson first was named CEO of Delta there was an article I remembered reading an article about him and his time at Northwest and it seemed as though the unions had a good relationship with him. I was able to locate it online:

Unions respect Delta's new boss
Cox News Service
Friday, August 24, 2007
MINNEAPOLIS — Incoming Delta Air Lines CEO Richard Anderson is a friendly and approachable leader whose easygoing manner often masks a shrewd and cunning lawyer's mind, say Northwest Airlines workers and former associates of the one-time Texas prosecutor.

Anderson, 52, oversaw the heavily unionized Minnesota-based carrier from 2001 to 2004, a tumultuous period that pitted rank-and-file workers against management during a series of cost-cutting initiatives.

Union leaders at Northwest give Anderson high marks for his "open-door" policy toward organized labor, but point out that he departed in 2004 before the worst of the bloodletting at the carrier, which was carried out by his successor, Doug Steenland.

"We had our issues with Richard, but overall we did OK with him," said Ted Ludwig, president of Local 33 of the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association.

"If we felt we had a concern we could not get resolved at the lower levels, he would always listen. He might not agree with us, but he would listen and seemed to empathize with you and he really seemed like he tried to put himself in your shoes."

The Delta board this week named Anderson the Atlanta airline's next CEO over two internal candidates who were favored by outgoing Delta CEO Gerald Grinstein. Anderson was most recently an executive vice president at UnitedHealth Group here, but before that spent 14 years with Northwest, including a four-year stint as CEO of the troubled airline.

At Delta, Anderson will face far fewer union issues — Delta has only one major union, for pilots. But he also arrives at a time when morale has only recently recovered from years of painful survival moves, and one of his challenges will be to maintain the momentum.

Danny Campbell led the local Northwest flight attendants' union during Anderson's time as CEO and had frequent face-to-face meeting with him.

"Richard went out of his way to resolve a lot of issues with us," Campbell said. "He is a cunning lawyer and a brilliant strategist."

Campbell said he found Anderson "not threatened" by organized labor and willing to discuss solutions to the thorniest problems faced by Northwest workers. At his core, however, Anderson was a tough-as-nails lawyer, Campbell said, possibly owing to the native Texan's early career as a prosecutor in his home state.

"He operated from the premise, 'Put it in writing and we see what we can do,' " Campbell said. "He seems to embrace the process of solving problems."

Campbell believes he and Anderson could meet again professionally. Campbell now lives in Michigan and works as an organizer for the national flight attendants' association, which has long had its eye on organizing at Delta. A 2001 drive failed.

"My question for Richard is whether he is going to perpetuate the incredibly hostile union sentiment at that company [Delta]," Campbell said.

Kevin Griffin, current president of the local Northwest flight attendants' union, described Anderson as an up-front manager who got high marks from workers for keeping them informed if bad news loomed.

"If there was something coming down, you didn't find out about it on the five o'clock news," Griffin said.

Griffin, Campbell and Ludwig all said Northwest employees they know initially applauded news of Anderson's move to Delta because they believe it means a merger of the two airlines becomes a greater possibility. Some Wall Street analysts have said the same thing.

Anderson has attempted to douse speculation, saying a merger is not on his short-term agenda.

"Here in our office, it was like, 'Oh man, that's good news,"' Ludwig said. "Everybody around here thinks Delta and Northwest will merge and Richard will be the new leader."

Griffin said most Northwest workers he knows do not buy Anderson's initial attempts to play down the possibility of a joining of the two carriers.

"The more they deny it, the more real it appears," Griffin said.

Jim Tharpe writes for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

While completely trusting management is never a good idea, considering that 3 people from the NW Flight Attendants union say they had a good relationship with Anderson says a lot about our CEO. I could never imagine a union saying anything positive about Lorenzo. The saddest part is regardless of whether you vote yes or no for AFA, most Flight Attendants will base their decision on what others tell them as opposed to getting the information themselves.
I've YET to see anyone on here say they love AFA..or any Union for that matter. I see plenty on here who are mature and intelligent enough to know what corporate America will do to you with out a Union..i.e NORTHWEST Airlines during Bankruptcy. I have seen people on here point to the maturity of having a voice in their future. You may have a beef with AFA, but I can tell don't have a clue as to what you'd be dealing with in bankruptcy/or out WITHOUT AFA.

You speak as if you expect your job to be perfect because you have a Union. A Union is only as good as the lazy apathetic members it has to guide it, demand from it. Unless you have stepped up to the plate to make a stand in your Union, you are hardly in a position to tell others about the NON Union benefits. Many, prefer to let others do the work for them while they sit and enjoy the fruits.

Delta FA's wouldn't have half of what they now have had it not been for the Unions at other carriers. It is because of THEIR sacrifices that Delta was forced to pay competing wages.

And if any Delta FA thinks that will continue under the new boss...well, there are Free houses with pools being given away in Hollywood.

I couldn't agree with you more on NW in Bk with old union. I know many friends at NW. You are better off with AFA... So I do agree with you but i don't think it matters anymore UNION OR NOT. The company will just go back into BK again and do what they want. These CEO's have a plan and you or I don't know what they are planning. Look at Jetblue, most of us at UAL, think that UAL deployed Lufthansa airlines to buy into jetblue so later UAL can park aircrafts, sell hangers, mileage plus and make people quit and in 2010 Lufthansa will come in a buy jetblue and UAL with have less employees unions involved.
Air france could do the same with delta later.
The price of Oil is a great excuse for Delta now to offer buyouts and later deploy a bigger plan with less employees involved. You have to really read into
what is really happening to this industry. The european airlines are growing at large numbers while the USA carriers are failing.
What's next? Nobody's knows!

Often Delta flight attendants see us at the same layover hotel and ask our opionion on AFA. I have to be
honest nobody at United has anything nice to say about AFA. If any one has anything good to say about AFA is because they are sucked up into the unions
and brain washed. AFA/United management are all in the same boat together. Why did AFA, allow United to extend our contract from 2008 to 2010?
We never should've been extended again. This just goes to show you that AFA is just like Management. They get kick backs for allowing us to get
screwed.. SO NO is a good VOTE at Delta. Save your money.
NW is better off with AFA but Delta is better without AFA.
Booy---my apologies if I came across as "aggressive." That was not my intent. I guess my mind was made up long ago and sometimes it's frustrating to see people vascilate for so, so long. I guess it's like learning a foreign language. Some people click right into it easily. Others need more time. I certainly don't think a union is a 'cure-all'. But how, in today's airline environment, you would not want things in writing is beyond me. And I don't know how old you are, but if we could negotiate that Soc.Security offset away, you would have more monthly income in your older years.
Anyway.. That's all. No disrespect meant. Take all the time you need and I hope you, with thanks to NxNW's postings, will come to see the light.

Thanks Luke, no worries. I don't recall reading any of your post's thinking they were "agressive".
The tone that others convey here are certainly aggressive.
And thank you NxNW for your infomation.
Ask yourself just one question:

If the executives have contracts, why shouldn't the employees?
quote name='North by Northwest' date='Mar 19 2008, 09:35 AM' post='583811']

Delta employees, DO NOT FOOL yourselves about RAnderson. This man was trained by FRANK LORENZO at Continental in the 1980's.

I had posted a response to this quote earlier this week and was hoping to get a clarification from this individual. The same person posting the above comments about Richard Anderson also has a post on the NW board regarding seniority (post #4) and stated " Richard Anderson knows what he is doing. (evident by the demand that Stealin is given a token sit down and shut up card) RA knows what the obstacles are, and I think he will cover his bases." Looking at these comments I find it hard to believe Anderson is anything like Lorenzo. I am hoping you can clarify these statements.
quote name='North by Northwest' date='Mar 19 2008, 09:35 AM' post='583811']

Delta employees, DO NOT FOOL yourselves about RAnderson. This man was trained by FRANK LORENZO at Continental in the 1980's.

I had posted a response to this quote earlier this week and was hoping to get a clarification from this individual. The same person posting the above comments about Richard Anderson also has a post on the NW board regarding seniority (post #4) and stated " Richard Anderson knows what he is doing. (evident by the demand that Stealin is given a token sit down and shut up card) RA knows what the obstacles are, and I think he will cover his bases." Looking at these comments I find it hard to believe Anderson is anything like Lorenzo. I am hoping you can clarify these statements.

Clarification? R Anderson's bio. He began at CAL, worked under FLorenzo, and J Dasburg / Wilson/ Checchi (NWA). Assumed command of NW during a BREATHER of the War at NWA, known as a pleasant amenable leader, however... fool yourself into thinking this lawyer (with his background) has your best interest in mind at your peril. He was MOST definitely a part of the era of terror at NWA. I don't know how long you've been in the industry, but these individuals entered American aviation during a period when it was consumed by LAWYERS/LBO's because of easy money...they participated in RAPE, PILAGE, and ruthless, damage to some of the most stable airlines in history. I can not pre-judge his performance at Delta, I can only say a fool would not recognize where he came from and why he was successful there.

NWA was morally, and financially RAPED, and pillaged because it was THE industry cash cow, best run, most financially secure airline in America in 1988. The devastating problems came on his watch with his cadre. Make your own judgement. It was HIS choice to join that scourge Checchi/ and Wilson (who left aviation before they were banned). I can only judge a person by their past actions and ethical judgements (although, I certainly don't profess to be worthy of political office)

If you need further a bio search.

(although I sympathize with your plight at EAL, you were not alone. I know first hand the issues face there. My sister was 20 yrs EAL, Lorenzo's son moved across the street from me for a month {they moved after I ran into F Lorenzo early one morning going for a run, and he saw how startled I was as I got into my car with a Pan Am sticker on it)

The name is not "this person" it's NXNW. Please do not ever worry about a coherent reply from me..I will oblige, time permitting.
Ask yourself just one question:

If the executives have contracts, why shouldn't the employees?

My guess is b/c we didn't go with the Communists during the Cold War. How far do you want to take that? Equal pay for everybody regardless of what their function and contribution is? I've always done very well be getting by on my merit. Work hard and do the right things and you don't have to worry about getting a contract. In fact...I feel like I'd be held back by a contract and many people that put in FAR less effort than me would be brought up to my level since they have warmed a seat for the same amount of time.

Get by on what you do...not what you can swindle. That goes for both unions and mgmt...both of which are equally as guilty. question for everyone that is worried about 'being cheated' right now. What is YOUR recommendation to get by on fuel that has doubled and then doubled again over the last two years? Sound business logic tells me that now isn't the time to bi$#& about getting screwed and not getting enough money. There is a harsh reality out there and NOBODY...mgmt or employees...should be trying to get more money right now. That is just an outright selfish and idiotic move b/c whoever is trying to do that now has no concept of what is going on in the real world or how a business functions. In good times...yeah...try for more $$$. But now is just plain stupid.
My guess is b/c we didn't go with the Communists during the Cold War. How far do you want to take that? Equal pay for everybody regardless of what their function and contribution is? I've always done very well be getting by on my merit. Work hard and do the right things and you don't have to worry about getting a contract. In fact...I feel like I'd be held back by a contract and many people that put in FAR less effort than me would be brought up to my level since they have warmed a seat for the same amount of time.

Get by on what you do...not what you can swindle. That goes for both unions and mgmt...both of which are equally as guilty. question for everyone that is worried about 'being cheated' right now. What is YOUR recommendation to get by on fuel that has doubled and then doubled again over the last two years? Sound business logic tells me that now isn't the time to bi$#& about getting screwed and not getting enough money. There is a harsh reality out there and NOBODY...mgmt or employees...should be trying to get more money right now. That is just an outright selfish and idiotic move b/c whoever is trying to do that now has no concept of what is going on in the real world or how a business functions. In good times...yeah...try for more $$$. But now is just plain stupid.

700UW asked you a specific question and you give a random reply.

I attended a meating in the UA BK where Tilton was questioned as to why 'HE' did not sacrifice his retirement along with the rest of us. His answer was 'I have a contract'. His 'arrogant' but 'factual' reply speaks volumes as to where the 'ruling class' has control over us as he managed to take ‘our’ contract away in BK.

He has a ‘contract' that supercedes ours, they all do.

It is criminal that the ruling class can do this but we Mericans allow it.

If you have not been paying attention, everyone has been taking it in the shorts but the ruling class.

So, why shouldn’t the ‘minions’ have a contract that is as BK proof.

700UW asked you a specific question and you give a random reply.

I attended a meating in the UA BK where Tilton was questioned as to why 'HE' did not sacrifice his retirement along with the rest of us. His answer was 'I have a contract'. His 'arrogant' but 'factual' reply speaks volumes as to where the 'ruling class' has control over us as he managed to take ‘our’ contract away in BK.

He has a ‘contract' that supercedes ours, they all do.

It is criminal that the ruling class can do this but we Mericans allow it.

If you have not been paying attention, everyone has been taking it in the shorts but the ruling class.

So, why shouldn’t the ‘minions’ have a contract that is as BK proof.


The "ruling class" count on people like CH 12 to aid them in fattening their wallets. CH 12 hasn't read the statistics from the past few years which clearly show CEO/Executive compensation is up something like 300% while workers' compensation is flat-lined or in airline workers' case, down.
I mean, heck, doesn't he/she watch Lou Dobbs on CNN? He rails about the disappearing middle class practically everyday...and how about the Democratic Pres. Candidates? That's been a central part of their theme since the beginning of the campaign.
The "ruling class" count on people like CH 12 to aid them in fattening their wallets. CH 12 hasn't read the statistics from the past few years which clearly show CEO/Executive compensation is up something like 300% while workers' compensation is flat-lined or in airline workers' case, down.
I mean, heck, doesn't he/she watch Lou Dobbs on CNN? He rails about the disappearing middle class practically everyday...and how about the Democratic Pres. Candidates? That's been a central part of their theme since the beginning of the campaign.

You're on the money Luke. Let me say this;at Delta Airlines, for the mechanics, I've been the Teamsters Union advocate for about sixteen years. Ask many in the TOC, they'll tell you my name. I researched and re-researched, made myself a labor rights activist, became a member of the John Birch Society(which I now fear has been undermined) because they've always been at the frontline of exposing communism, etc.,etc. Ive kept track of dirty trade agreements, communist/fascist world powers that are destroying our economy. I've talked and some might say preached, till blue in the face
I've been referred to as a radical, a communist which is curious since communism doesn't allow labor unions to exist. Which by the way is part of the tactics of the enemy.Accuse you of being something that they are.That doesn't matter to co-workers,because they don't want to think.And they're the majority. Human beings with the same basic characteristics as the average Soviet citizen, or Chinese citizen, or North Korean, or for that matter, Mexican. They don't want to stand up for anything. Because they've been shown how to sit down and be patsies.
This guy CH12, sounds like a good-ole-southern-boy. Born and raised in the low wage/illiterate/sub-standard education south. And dawg-gone proud of it.
Luke if I were you I would stop wasting my breath before it runs out.
Nothing will dawn on CH12. Nothing has in the past,and he's gotten by.
The "ruling class" count on people like CH 12 to aid them in fattening their wallets. CH 12 hasn't read the statistics from the past few years which clearly show CEO/Executive compensation is up something like 300% while workers' compensation is flat-lined or in airline workers' case, down.
I mean, heck, doesn't he/she watch Lou Dobbs on CNN? He rails about the disappearing middle class practically everyday...and how about the Democratic Pres. Candidates? That's been a central part of their theme since the beginning of the campaign.

Summary of Executive Compensation-2006
You're on the money Luke. Let me say this;at Delta Airlines, for the mechanics, I've been the Teamsters Union advocate for about sixteen years. Ask many in the TOC, they'll tell you my name. I researched and re-researched, made myself a labor rights activist, became a member of the John Birch Society(which I now fear has been undermined) because they've always been at the frontline of exposing communism, etc.,etc. Ive kept track of dirty trade agreements, communist/fascist world powers that are destroying our economy. I've talked and some might say preached, till blue in the face
I've been referred to as a radical, a communist which is curious since communism doesn't allow labor unions to exist. Which by the way is part of the tactics of the enemy.Accuse you of being something that they are.That doesn't matter to co-workers,because they don't want to think.And they're the majority. Human beings with the same basic characteristics as the average Soviet citizen, or Chinese citizen, or North Korean, or for that matter, Mexican. They don't want to stand up for anything. Because they've been shown how to sit down and be patsies.
This guy CH12, sounds like a good-ole-southern-boy. Born and raised in the low wage/illiterate/sub-standard education south. And dawg-gone proud of it.
Luke if I were you I would stop wasting my breath before it runs out.
Nothing will dawn on CH12. Nothing has in the past,and he's gotten by.

Let's disassemble your load of ....

  • Communism: You complain about "Ruling Class", lack of "unionization" and fighting communism. In English this is called an "Oxymoron", I will explain -

    The basis for all forms of communism, including the now defunct Soviet Union, is Marxism (in the case of the Soviet Union it was Marxism-Leninism). Marxism is a political philosophy developed by the German philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. for the sake of bandwidth, the basic principles of Marxism-Communism are:
    * Class Struggle: In Capitalism (our current economic model) the workers are exploited by the wealthy (sound familiar).
    * The Proletariat movement: The class struggle gives rise to the control of the economy to the working class (something that kinda proved disastrous to the ex-Soviet Union).
    * More detail can be found here:
    * Labor Unions: Contrary to popular belief, labor unions are one of the fundamental pillars of the proletariat, and thus of Communism, if you don't believe me, see for yourself, here is a list of all the unions, by nation, and you will see that China, Cuba, and North Korea all have unions (interestingly South Korea does not).

  • Corporate Ethics: Some companies have more than others.

    * As I mentioned before, we operate under the capitalist economic model. What is the primary purpose of ANY AIRLINE? Say fly passengers? -- NO! To make money for it's investors. Then, is it criminal that a CEO keeps his bonus while railing his employees - NO, but it is sure messed up, and I sure wouldn't want to work there. Are there companies that tend not to rail their workers, yes, I think SWA workers are for the most part happy, when Delta emerged from BK, all the execs. declined bonuses, and everyone got a bit back, however, the same did not happen at NWA. So it all boils down to weather your company has a good manager, or a good Leader, and I think that in DL case, we have a good Leader, while other airlines just have managers (US Airways and United come to mind).

  • Arbitrarily grouping people: don't judge a book by it's cover.

    *Proudly served in the world's Greatest Navy from 1988 to 1994, in the Silent Service.
    *Proud to be from Mississippi (and I can spell it too).
    *Of Mexican heritage to add insult to injury
    *And I can school you in anything you need to know any day of the week!

Let's disassemble your load of ....

  • Communism: You complain about "Ruling Class", lack of "unionization" and fighting communism. In English this is called an "Oxymoron", I will explain -

    The basis for all forms of communism, including the now defunct Soviet Union, is Marxism (in the case of the Soviet Union it was Marxism-Leninism). Marxism is a political philosophy developed by the German philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. for the sake of bandwidth, the basic principles of Marxism-Communism are:
    * Class Struggle: In Capitalism (our current economic model) the workers are exploited by the wealthy (sound familiar).
    * The Proletariat movement: The class struggle gives rise to the control of the economy to the working class (something that kinda proved disastrous to the ex-Soviet Union).
    * More detail can be found here:
    * Labor Unions: Contrary to popular belief, labor unions are one of the fundamental pillars of the proletariat, and thus of Communism, if you don't believe me, see for yourself, here is a list of all the unions, by nation, and you will see that China, Cuba, and North Korea all have unions (interestingly South Korea does not).

  • Corporate Ethics: Some companies have more than others.

    * As I mentioned before, we operate under the capitalist economic model. What is the primary purpose of ANY AIRLINE? Say fly passengers? -- NO! To make money for it's investors. Then, is it criminal that a CEO keeps his bonus while railing his employees - NO, but it is sure messed up, and I sure wouldn't want to work there. Are there companies that tend not to rail their workers, yes, I think SWA workers are for the most part happy, when Delta emerged from BK, all the execs. declined bonuses, and everyone got a bit back, however, the same did not happen at NWA. So it all boils down to weather your company has a good manager, or a good Leader, and I think that in DL case, we have a good Leader, while other airlines just have managers (US Airways and United come to mind).

  • Arbitrarily grouping people: don't judge a book by it's cover.

    *Proudly served in the world's Greatest Navy from 1988 to 1994, in the Silent Service.
    *Proud to be from Mississippi (and I can spell it too).
    *Of Mexican heritage to add insult to injury
    *And I can school you in anything you need to know any day of the week!

Well, at the least you have the communist ideology down. Not the reality of it. The one that is used by the elite of the world to keep people in poverty and despair.Happy to hear you're Mexican.
Oh yea,by the way, the Soviet Union's answer to labor unions was gulags

I've never heard a unionbuster that can put up a better argument. Or attempt to redirect.