Today's News - There Is Even More

Lets run this by everyone once again just so no one can say they weren't warned...
posted by Bill earlier today.

The postings today are getting out of hand and are substantially deviating from the rules and guidelines of the board. The personal attacks, the union busting, the accuations of individuals being management, and commentary must cease or folks will start spending time in the cornfield.

Take a time out and review the boards rules and guidelines.

If things continue to get out of hand, we may have to resort to placing all posts on a moderator's hold and not be allowed to be posted/released until they have been approved.

Moderators note- time outs have been issued to those who didnt heed the warning. Thanks to the rest of you who have.
GeezLouis said:
Dell Dude,
First of all, if "you saw this coming back in 1988", then why the heck did you stay with this company for 16 years and moan and groan instead of getting a "good job?"
As for getting a new life, you should have plenty of extra time since you won't have to make a new post every fifteen minutes on this message board whining about how bad the company is. It should give your typing fingers a much needed break!
I guess you'll have to find something else to do with your spare time while on third shift with Tue/Wed off and a whole weeks worth of vacation, of course at half of the pay.
In closing, if it's so bad, just quit! Why have you waited this long, or is it a pride thing, ie. "We showed them!"
No, I don't work for US, but if all their employees are like you, I'm glad I don't! -----> I don't know if you need a life, but you definitely need to get a clue!
hey,welcome to the boards an top 'o the morning to ya!
First of all, if "you saw this coming back in 1988", then why the heck did you stay with this company for 16 years and moan and groan instead of getting a "good job?"
try 18 years my friend...and for the record,my years of turmoil have netted me aproximately $1,080,000.....(60kx18 plus ot)and i must say my years have been rather splendid. and you?
As for getting a new life, you should have plenty of extra time since you won't have to make a new post every fifteen minutes on this message board whining about how bad the company is. It should give your typing fingers a much needed break!
....... you aren't quite informed of the situation my the power of the IAM...i have been chosen to turn out the lights on that great day.....and i must also inform you that all posts regarding the company have been to the point and factual.
I guess you'll have to find something else to do with your spare time while on third shift with Tue/Wed off and a whole weeks worth of vacation, of course at half of the pay.

........ you should be the first to know!i have been attending allegheny community college in a secretarial program to supplement my income in the dire days ahead if it comes to that....i'll hang up my wrenches in a heartbeat for a job as a secretary.....i thank you for you attributes.
In closing, if it's so bad, just quit! Why have you waited this long, or is it a pride thing, ie. "We showed them!"
no my friend,its like a one million dollar question....they pay..i stay....when they don't...i won't.......
No, I don't work for US, but if all their employees are like you, I'm glad I don't! -----> I don't know if you need a life, but you definitely need to get a clue!
you tell lindy i said hi,babe.......
lindy said:
As difficult as this is to say, I truly believe the end is near for US Airways. We will join the heap pile of failed airlines: Pan Am, Eastern, Braniff, TWA. As noted airline analyst Darryl Jenkins said:

"Nothing that US Airways has makes any money right now. None of this is good. If I were a US Airways employee right now, I would not be going out and spending money I did not have."

I know some of you will respond that Bonner did not mention liquidation. If you did not believe him before, why would you believe him now?

That said, I wonder about the following:

Will Bill Pollack continue his aviation career with AirTran or Express Jet, flying right seat to a 30 year old captain. How will he deal with having to fly a hard block, no daily bid sheet, and being on reserve?

Will PitBull return to his/her nursing career, cleaning out bed pans and giving sponge baths? How will he/she fill her days when there is no forum board on which to post?

Will the more outspoken F/A's on this board be able to find another flying job? If so, are they willing to go to the bottom of the seniority list, clean airplanes on turnarounds, live in-base, and start the accrual of sick leave/vacation? Or will they be forced to get a temporary job at Starbucks/ Denny's until a better offer comes their way?

Will Robbed Again be able to replace their $13.75 an hour job with something comparable? What will they do for medical/dental?

Where will AOG and the hard-line IAM people go? Will they end up at TIMCO or Mobile Aerospace. doing third party maintenance for UAL and FEDEX? If so, will their work be safe?

Good luck to us all in our new careers.


And what will you have to go back to???? Let me guess.... a big "0".

Bill Pollack is a very highly intlligent skilled educated individual. HE may jlust run his own airline or some CEO in the business of aviation.

PITbull has two degrees, I don't think I will be cleaning out bed pans anytime soon. But I'll be happy to wait for yours. Need a nurse, babe????

AOG is extremely talented and I won't even tell what he owns from his other talents.

So, the only one that won't be saved is YOU! I'm on my black berry eating breakfast at Dennys I'll get you an application. They're hiring like crazy.

Where shall I mail it?
mbmbbost said:
Light Years,
It is painfully clear from reading postings here, and from what I see flying, that many co-workers are not as enlightened as you. Things will never be the same and those veterans that are digging in their heels against change are just going to be disappointed.
We will not continue to lower the "bar" to make executives wealthy.
GeezLouis said:
Dell Dude,
I have never replied to this website, but after reading your postings, I couldn't resist replying. First of all, if "you saw this coming back in 1988", then why the heck did you stay with this company for 16 years and moan and groan instead of getting a "good job?"
As for getting a new life, you should have plenty of extra time since you won't have to make a new post every fifteen minutes on this message board whining about how bad the company is. It should give your typing fingers a much needed break!
I guess you'll have to find something else to do with your spare time while on third shift with Tue/Wed off and a whole weeks worth of vacation, of course at half of the pay.
In closing, if it's so bad, just quit! Why have you waited this long, or is it a pride thing, ie. "We showed them!"
No, I don't work for US, but if all their employees are like you, I'm glad I don't! -----> I don't know if you need a life, but you definitely need to get a clue!
Geez Louis WACKO,

I guess you have some pretty spare time......yourself....Mr. Do nothing.

What person sits on a board a lurks on USAirways board and now sits and has the gall to critisize a poster????? UNLESS THEY ARE AN IMPOSTER!

PITbull said:
We will not continue to lower the "bar" to make executives wealthy.
Sorry, but it would appear the "bar" is getting lowered whether you like it or not. Hopefully there are others just a bit more flexible than you. Executives getting wealthy seems like something to deal with on another brighter day.
mbmbbost said:
Sorry, but it would appear the "bar" is getting lowered whether you like it or not. Hopefully there are others just a bit more flexible than you. Executives getting wealthy seems like something to deal with on another brighter day.
I'm not entirely sure about that last statement. Worker confidence and Consumer confidence tend to go hand in hand in this world

If you are not a well paid worker , you are by far, a less extravagant consumer. Nothing happens in this world until something is bought or sold , no matter what the commodity happens to be?

News stories I've read of late has also make links to consumers being less inclined to do business with companies with owners or CEO's of questionable ethics and integrity too. Who can fault them for that??

False profiteering on the executive level (when exposed) is also becoming a detracting aspect when it comes time for John Q. Public to open up his/her wallet.

The average consumer is becoming very much educated as to the ways of the world. When the educated consumer sees workers being screwed and CEO's and the alike getting filthy rich , they are beginning to wonder how deeply screwed they themselves as the consumer are getting it in kind?

The ENRON and Tyco scandels being so public are creating a more 'eyes wide open consumer" Sure U may not have that exact kind of thievery taking place...but when people can run a company into the ground and still walk away with millions in their pocket..then in turn hire people whom can't be trusted to honor any form of a binding agreement at excessive compensation levels as compaired to those they compair their labor to.....The smarter consumer is going to stop and wonder before he lays his/her good money down for that service.

The last thing that comes to mind is what has taken place twice regarding Dr. Bronner alone. On two occasions now , Dr. Bronner has fired off his big yap in the press about things that might force liquidation of this company.

The last time prior to yesterday was just before the peak holiday travel season of 2003...the latest (Yesterday) was at the beginning of what is always noted as a lean travel period. This is clearly help we don't need and cannot afford.

U cannot afford a loose cannon mouth to hindering our ability to book passengers at anytime of the year...least of all when it's the holiday season..or the advance booking period before springor summer returns. This is destroying our long range consumer confidence...and when you loose it? you've often lost it for good in this game.

U's ability to make money is being hampered in so many ways , by the exact collection of idiots whom are asking the employees to sell their souls and work for next to nothing doing so. Sorry friend...Until I'm shown that Dave and Dave are smart enough to keep their cotton picking mouths shut...They start taking the advise of those whom run the GD airline day to day...and then give us the tools and the gronded planes back to make it all work? I'm not offering up a nickle to them. Their own actions have placed many people in the mindset that nothing they say or do...nothing they give or aspire to offset will ever be enough to combat the self-inflicted lunacy that WE as an airline are suffering with at present.

Dave was in the CLT Observer today attempting to take some of the bite out of Bronners latest press releases regarding asset sales. He also stated he was attempting to avoid wage reductions via work rule changes....yet nothing but nothing is being said about maintaining the "headcount". That issue alone will spook the lower 40% of the unionized ranks into a NO Means NO way of thinking. Others will take the same posture based on how we've already been lied too on numerous occassions...and still fear their lack of ability to actually run this company.

Employee loyalty is as valid as consumer credit....both have to be earned ,nurtured and maintained or if it's not ?....when you come back seeking more? The interest rates are either going to be through the roof or the answer will be a resounding HELL NO !!
Employee loyalty is as valid as consumer credit....both have to be earned ,nurtured and maintained or if it's not ?....when you come back seeking more? The interest rates are either going to be through the roof or the answer will be a resounding HELL NO !!

Damn good post AOG.

Personally Im beginning to change my way of thinking.
Heres our options;
Give them their work rule concessions and see more lay offs or tell management to go pound sand and watch the company die a slow painful death.

If we give them their work rule changes those of us (that includes myself) that get furloughed will at least get our severance and those who are fortunate enough to stay on with the company get to stay around long enough for more concessions and they to will soon get furloughed and hopefully will recieve their severance pay.

The industry is changing and either U changes or it dies.
It might be nice if someone could tell us what the work rule changes might be!


I dont mean to sound condescending but does it matter? Over hauling our work rule's means improving productivity. Improving productivity translates to furloughs.

Dave's going to come after all the work groups. It doesn't make sense for him to try to pit one Union against another since all the work groups have to agree to the concessions. IMHO if one group fails to ratify its over, U doesnt have the time to negotiate.

Just one mans opinion

BTW... I didnt mean to call you Shirley ;)
I agree that management is largely responsible for where things are today, and seems from all appearances, to be inept at running an airline. And I don't doubt the frustration. I found myself in a similar situation many years ago. A job I loved doing and didn't mind working 70 hours a week at, but working for someone that I knew was driving the business into the ground. I stuck it out for a few years, and finally quit. By leaving I took a big cut in pay and benefits, but I could sleep better at night. I just think this is a time to choose one's battles carefully. All the pride and principles in the world aren't going to prove much if the airline is no longer. At least at US there could be the possibility to get rid of this management at some point. I was stuck in a situation where the person I had no respect for owned the business (which did finally fail). And for all the idiots in management, there are still plenty of weak links in the work force at US...I see some just about every time I fly or pass through the airport. There's still room for improvements in efficiency in lots of places. I also know management has not taken advantage of some opportunities thus far, and I know that there's a minority of workers that just don't want to be efficient.
:D Welcome to my world, my former coworkers. Welcome to the sh1tty world of unemployment and then lifetime underemployment. You'll never see the wages you once did and you will live on the borderline of poverty for the rest of your life. Thank you for deregulation, Washington. Thank you for turning the airline business into anarchy. Thank you ragheads for your September 11th stunt that threw me out on the street. Thank you Wolf, Gangwal, Bronner and Siegel for being incomptenany, greedy a$$wipes that will be living in luxury for decades to come while I scrape by. Welcome to my world, it's only days away :up:
Dont call me Shirley said:
It might be nice if someone could tell us what the work rule changes might be!
This point has already been made, but at the risk of being repetitive, I'll say it again. We employees have seen NOTHING of a plan. We have some details such as the addition of 60 mainline aircraft, but precious few details past that. We certainly don't have enough information to make any decisions regarding the validity of "The Plan" or if it involves additional furloughs inspite of additional aircraft. I for one would like to see this "Plan" just as our union leaders would, so we can make judgements as to it's proposed value. I believe to pronouce U dead is at best premature and at worst self-defeating. The predominant attitude here seems to be laced with "the sky is falling". Well, no doubt our company has been through a lot, but we have been down and counted out before, only to be revived into record profits. The incursion of Southwest into PHL might indeed be the wakeup call this company needs to motivate our management into an agressive competitive posture and we employees to gather our competitive spirit. Remember...there is no employee group in this industry who has done more with less. Our group historically steps up to the plate to get the job done when the chips are down.
I was on a flight delayed with a mechanical yesturday in PHL and I watched this mechanic bust his hump to put that airplane back into service as quickly and efficiently as was possible. This in the light of an impending court battle with the company next week over the outsourcing of maintenance jobs. His concern was the repair of this aircraft...not all the doom and gloom that we've seen lately. We can ALL take a lesson from this guy. Do the best job possible with the tools we have and take a wait and see attitude on the problems and politics that decide our future.

It ain't over yet!

A320 Driver B)
mbmbbost said:
Sorry, but it would appear the "bar" is getting lowered whether you like it or not. Hopefully there are others just a bit more flexible than you. Executives getting wealthy seems like something to deal with on another brighter day.
Well, the way things are going, with Dave x2 big mouths scaring off our PAX, that brighter day won't becoming for the likes of you and me.

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