TWU/IAM Association Poll

Are you for or against the proposed TWU/IAM Association?

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Rogallo said:
Please vote!
I did cast a vote but what will this prove other than what we already know. Most don't want it even the IAM guys in FLL, I talked with a few today. Tulsa will by into what ever the TWU is selling and trust them yet again. The line guys want the TWU gone but as we all have seen the NMB and the AFL-CIO and AA/TWU/IAM seem to have thrown $$$$ at this so we will see what happens some time in the middle of Jan.
The AMFA Cards start to expire Jan. The AMFA organizers, along with AMFA National have said nothing since Sept. Not much chatter on the floor either. It's all a wait and see game at this point.
Now this 4% raise is put out there to see just how stupid we are. Buy into this and get a $1.00+ raise but at what cost? This association will be nothing but a trick f@#k for us.
Have we gotten our stock money yet, or the prefund $$$ what has the TWU or the Association done? What have they even put out as far as information? What solid info has anyone gotten from the Locals?
If the NMB gives a vote it will be up to everyone both US/AA to think about more than themselves think about our future and vote Down this Association. That is what Voting will count.
What the ramp and stores plans are is a guess, I don't really care anyway. That is on them.
I just hope that it will not in anyway have an effect on Maintenance Class and craft. The last Poll showed against why start another?
Another one of these? Maybe we can do a petition too while we're at it? People just love to sign their names on things.

Alfred E Neuman.
I did cast a vote but what will this prove other than what we already know. Most don't want it even the IAM guys in FLL, I talked with a few today. Tulsa will by into what ever the TWU is selling and trust them yet again. The line guys want the TWU gone but as we all have seen the NMB and the AFL-CIO and AA/TWU/IAM seem to have thrown $$$$ at this so we will see what happens some time in the middle of Jan.
The AMFA Cards start to expire Jan. The AMFA organizers, along with AMFA National have said nothing since Sept. Not much chatter on the floor either. It's all a wait and see game at this point.
Now this 4% raise is put out there to see just how stupid we are. Buy into this and get a $1.00+ raise but at what cost? This association will be nothing but a trick f@#k for us.
Have we gotten our stock money yet, or the prefund $$$ what has the TWU or the Association done? What have they even put out as far as information? What solid info has anyone gotten from the Locals?
If the NMB gives a vote it will be up to everyone both US/AA to think about more than themselves think about our future and vote Down this Association. That is what Voting will count.
What the ramp and stores plans are is a guess, I don't really care anyway. That is on them.
I just hope that it will not in anyway have an effect on Maintenance Class and craft. The last Poll showed against why start another?
Wow...the NMB, the AFL-CIO, the TWU and the IAM are all conspiring against AMFA? No wonder they haven't been able to organize AA for the last 52 years.
Since the recent changes by congress for certain plans the only possible vote for any AAL mechanic should be a no.
Even if both unions promise to never allow the AA pension funds to be transferred, to IAM , I would not trust them or the future generations of mechs not to change that with a future vote.
NYer said:
Wow...the NMB, the AFL-CIO, the TWU and the IAM are all conspiring against AMFA? No wonder they haven't been able to organize AA for the last 52 years.
I didn't say they are conspiring against amfa, I did how ever say that the
AFL-CIO/TWU/IAM/AA who I believe don't want any change here since these two unions have rolled over in support of AA/US, and don't want to loose the Dues they collect, will spend what ever $$$ to Lobby the NMB. Just as big corp have lobbied congress over pension payments.
Oh if you didn't know AMFA does not have an organizing division. It's the AA guys attempting for all these yrs with some assistance from AMFA National. AMFA has not Failed we the AA mechanics have, the organizers.
We all will see what happens when they rule, I hope in Jan. 2015 this has gone on long enough don't you think. 
I didn't say they are conspiring against amfa, I did how ever say that the
AFL-CIO/TWU/IAM/AA who I believe don't want any change here since these two unions have rolled over in support of AA/US, and don't want to loose the Dues they collect, will spend what ever $$$ to Lobby the NMB. Just as big corp have lobbied congress over pension payments.
Oh if you didn't know AMFA does not have an organizing division. It's the AA guys attempting for all these yrs with some assistance from AMFA National. AMFA has not Failed we the AA mechanics have, the organizers.
We all will see what happens when they rule, I hope in Jan. 2015 this has gone on long enough don't you think. 
You haven't failed, you just don't have the support you believe you have.
Wow, NYer and WeAAsles are stepping up the anti-AMFA rhetoric....I wonder why since NYer says they don't even have 50% cards.
MetalMover said:
So far 2 vote FOR the association...
Anyone want to take bets as to who the 2 are?
It's not an anonymous poll. Click 'View' for each of the results to see who voted for what.
I am aware it is not anonymous. Just wanted a reaction from the TWU alliance biggest cheerleaders.
MetalMover said:
I am aware it is not anonymous. Just wanted a reaction from the TWU alliance biggest cheerleaders.
Not bothering to cast a vote personally because the whole idea of doing it on this Forum is STUPID actually, IMO.

Like I said, I'd prefer a petition. 

Chester Wienerschmitt.