Uh OH. Looks like Matt Gaetz is a DIDDLER !!

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Indeed. Slander and attack using the media, followed by nothing once the next election passes. Rinse. Repeat.
IT seemed to work when a certain presidents birth certificate was questioned. And we elected the guy who led that charge as president.
IT seemed to work when a certain presidents birth certificate was questioned. And we elected the guy who led that charge as president.

So you condone it if it’s the team you root for being unethical and detestable to the opposition? FYI slime is slime no matter who’s slinging it.
IT seemed to work when a certain presidents birth certificate was questioned. And we elected the guy who led that charge as president.
That is unequivocally untrue. Sid Blumenthal , via the HRC campaign, sent a reporter to Kenya to research the Obama's birthplace story. Inside the Hillary campaign, emails flew claiming the Obama was born in Kenya. It got so far out of hand, Hillary apologized to Obama and tossed one of her campaign workers under the bus.
Trump harped about it, give you that, then the media conflated that into Trump started the rumor, which is BS>
That is unequivocally untrue. Sid Blumenthal , via the HRC campaign, sent a reporter to Kenya to research the Obama's birthplace story. Inside the Hillary campaign, emails flew claiming the Obama was born in Kenya. It got so far out of hand, Hillary apologized to Obama and tossed one of her campaign workers under the bus.
Trump harped about it, give you that, then the media conflated that into Trump started the rumor, which is BS>
I never said Trump started the rumor...but he grabbed it and ran with it. You do realize that if one person does something and it's debunked and they let it drop, someone else picking it up does not validate it.
So Obama is not from Kenya and Trump is not bald under that massive combover. A lot of people still don’t like Hillary though. And Matt Gaetz is actually Max Headroom. Why did John Bohener cry so much and can’t Sandy Cortez (AOC) afford to finally get those Horse teeth fixed.

Wasn't Trump still registered as a Democrat when Obama's birth certificate was an issue?...
Wasn't Trump still registered as a Democrat when Obama's birth certificate was an issue?...
Does it matter? The fact is that Trump grabbed the birth certificate thing and ran with it. Even after it was debunked.
Does it matter? The fact is that Trump grabbed the birth certificate thing and ran with it. Even after it was debunked.

Democrats and Republicans always say everything is debunked and then use their media arms to push that narrative. Doesn’t mean people should completely buy in to what they’re selling.
Democrats and Republicans always say everything is debunked and then use their media arms to push that narrative. Doesn’t mean people should completely buy in to what they’re selling.
How come Trump was the only notable figure after 2008 to push the birth certificate thing? But I do have to say that with the current state of the split GOP (which will cause them to lose in 2024), Trump was honest (how rare) when he was telling his fans at rallies "You knew damned well that I was a snake when you took me in"
How come Trump was the only notable figure after 2008 to push the birth certificate thing? But I do have to say that with the current state of the split GOP (which will cause them to lose in 2024), Trump was honest (how rare) when he was telling his fans at rallies "You knew damned well that I was a snake when you took me in"

Again both Political parties have filthy hands. I told you before except for Trump constantly saying unwaveringly “We have to help the Airlines” and then following through on that commitment I could care less what else he said.

Obviously whether people agree or not the man was (Maybe still is) one hell of a Politician since pretty much from nowhere he knocked out everyone in both Parties to make it all the way to the White House.
Again both Political parties have filthy hands. I told you before except for Trump constantly saying unwaveringly “We have to help the Airlines” and then following through on that commitment I could care less what else he said.

Obviously whether people agree or not the man was (Maybe still is) one hell of a Politician since pretty much from nowhere he knocked out everyone in both Parties to make it all the way to the White House.
Funny....he was elected because he was supposedly NOT a politician. I'm glad he did a good thing for your airline, but I fear that the damage he is still causing the country can be fixed. This BS about a stolen electon for two years....and with the discovery that they "entertainment" division of Fox News knew it was BS, but dutifully "reported" on it....feeding the divisiveness even more. The airlines survived, but I'm not sure that democracy will. For a guy who wants to be loved, if he wasn't such a petulant child, he may have gone down as one of the best presidents ever.
Funny....he was elected because he was supposedly NOT a politician. I'm glad he did a good thing for your airline, but I fear that the damage he is still causing the country can be fixed. This BS about a stolen electon for two years....and with the discovery that they "entertainment" division of Fox News knew it was BS, but dutifully "reported" on it....feeding the divisiveness even more. The airlines survived, but I'm not sure that democracy will. For a guy who wants to be loved, if he wasn't such a petulant child, he may have gone down as one of the best presidents ever.

Democracy? Are you really serious here? You really believe in that illusion? And yes this sounds so petulant doesn’t it.

Maybe Americans are smarter than I thought after all?

I love how now both the Conservatives and the Liberals have a problem with Bill Maher. Just like Trump I guess if you’re going to piss people off you might as well try to not leave anyone out.

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