Unhappy Americans ask to secede from US


Dec 28, 2009
SanFranFreako, KommieFornia
Unhappy Americans ask to secede from US

The appeals were filed on the White House's We the People website.
Most of the 20 states with petitions voted for Republican Mitt Romney.
The US constitution contains no clause allowing states to leave the union. By Monday night the White House had not responded.
In total, more than 20 petitions have been filed. One for Texas has reached the 25,000-signature threshold at which the White House promises a response.
B) xUT
This was tried back in the 1860's and (I suspect) for pretty much the same reason. Resulted in the bloodiest war with the most casualties of any war the United States has ever fought in. Didn't succeed then. Won't succeed now.
Given that there were only a few thousand who signed there is no reason it should. I wonder if these num-nuts who signed actually know what a succession would involve?
When the south became the 'CSA'...THAT was the greatest day in US History.
The day they were allowed 'BACK-In',...The WORST !

'Honest ABE' should have been Crucified for allowing Reconstruction !

Let the south KEEP all thier fruits and veggies. Who needs them, when there's California.
Need Beef ? -MONTANA !
Need Pork ? -IOWA !
Need Chickens ? - Maryland !
Need Sea-Food ? - New England !
I grew up in Alabama. I still have relatives there. I KNOW why they are starting the "states' rights", "the Feds are stepping on the Constitution" garbage again. Have you checked to see if any of those people demanding secession are any color other than white?

I notice you love to throw around the word bigot when someone is calling the white racist Southerners to account. Well, calling me a bigot doesn't make me one anymore than standing in the garage will make you a car.
I grew up in Alabama. I still have relatives there. I KNOW why they are starting the "states' rights", "the Feds are stepping on the Constitution" garbage again. Have you checked to see if any of those people demanding secession are any color other than white?

I notice you love to throw around the word bigot when someone is calling the white racist Southerners to account. Well, calling me a bigot doesn't make me one anymore than standing in the garage will make you a car.

Excellent reply Jim, Excellent !

I KNOW I can get 'fired up' over this issue.
After all, I've done it so many times before !

There is one sure way for me to STOP ranting about this issue, and that would be for the 'subject matter' to STOP thier BS 'business-as-usual' !
They DON'T STOP. They've been doing it for Hundreds of years.
I DON'T STOP either !!!!!!!!!!!
This was tried back in the 1860's and (I suspect) for pretty much the same reason. Resulted in the bloodiest war with the most casualties of any war the United States has ever fought in. Didn't succeed then. Won't succeed now.

The reason it was the bloodiest war was because the North tried to force the South back into the US. Why? Because they knew that without the resources from the CSA, the Union would quickly collapse.

Sounds a lot like the Hunger Games series... i.e. the districts whole reason for existing is to serve the needs of Capitol City.
Most accounts I have read indicate that neither could have survived without the other. Were the union to have split up, it would have made the states easy pickings for the Europeans. Keeping the union together was a matter of survival for the whole.
Twitter put out a report that said in the hours during and after the election more tweets with "obama" and racial slurs oringinated in the southern states than anywhere else.

Yeah. The bigots are out in full force alright.
And more anti-southerner slurs originated from an account with the initials nhbb's than anywhere else north of the Mason-Dixon Line. :)