Unhappy Americans ask to secede from US

You can pretend that the "Only" reason the civil war took place, was slavery alone, all you want, but the rest of the informed part of Americans, know better ! Read the part about 10% of southerners having slaves. Doubt very seriously, the south could have gotten 100% involvement, from southerners, in the war, if it were just about slavery !
And why you always hatin' on Southerners ? I don't hate on Yankees, just idiotic, government union, card carrying, bigots like you! Hell, I grew up around yankee's and love bagels and NY style pizza !
You ever figure out what a grit is, Bigot !
As Charlie Sheen would put it... Winning!!!


Oh I believe you, really I do, you won! When he took Oiho I knew it was all over.

You mean one sentence per page, I take it !

What island do you live on ?

Absurdity is alive and well on both sides !

If slavery was so important to southerners, why did 100% of them fight, while only 10% owned slaves ?
No, while important that slavery was made illeagal, it was not the only "IMPORTANT" thing to southerners , read below and learn:

This is from Wikipedia under state’s rights concerning the idea of nullification and where it originated:
One major and continuous strain on the union, from roughly 1820 through the Civil War, was the issue of trade and tariffs. Heavily dependent upon trade, the almost entirely agricultural and export-oriented South imported most of its manufactured needs from Europe or obtained them from the North. The North, by contrast, had a growing domestic industrial economy that viewed foreign trade as competition. Trade barriers, especially protective tariffs, were viewed as harmful to the Southern economy, which depended on exports.
In 1828, the Congress passed protective tariffs to benefit trade in the northern states, but that were detrimental to the South. Southerners vocally expressed their tariff opposition in documents such as the South Carolina Exposition and Protest in 1828, written in response to the “Tariff of Abominations”. Exposition and Protest was the work of South Carolina senator John C. Calhoun, formerly an advocate of protective tariffs and internal improvements at federal expense.
South Carolina’s Nullification Ordinance declared the tariff of 1828 and 1832 null and void within the state borders of South Carolina. It began the Nullification Crisis. Passed by a state convention on November 24, 1832, it led, on December 10, to President Andrew Jackson’s proclamation against South Carolina, which sent a naval flotilla and a threat of sending government ground troops to enforce the tariffs.
It might surprise a lot of people, that 80% of the people fighting on the side of the Confederacy did not even own slaves. Owning slaves required a LOT of money, that the majority of southerners did not possess. Slavery was an issue, and it did contribute to the war. And many Northerners believed they were fighting to simply stop slavery. Maybe like many Americans believe that invading Iraq was simply to stop terrorism. Southerners fought for the right to decide who they could trade to internationally, and to stop Northern-run elitist government from imposing tariffs on trade that hurt the Southern economy.
Much like the EU today, the US was designed to be an allegience of states. State= country. Like the EU has it’s own currency now that replaces Frances’ francs, and English pounds, and so forth, the federal government was designed to unite and help support the states economically and against threats. I wonder, do the European countries fully understand the dangers of entering into a union such as the EU, when the right to leave the EU might be taken away from a country like France or Italy. The parallel is very similar.
I’m glad slavery was ended. I’m glad that we have made progress socially to be more equal. Our founding fathers wanted an end to slavery from the start of the Revolution against Britain. They, however, also felt that states should be able to leave the union if the people wanted to do so. The Civil War changed that.
I wonder, if we stayed with the idea of state rights’ closer to what we were designed to be, then maybe more gays could marry without fearing a national ban that Bush attempted.
States’ Rights does not equal racism, I’m tired of that notion. Many states and people began to fight for abolition as early as the Declaration of Independence. Had they not been able to do so, the abolitionist movement might have not grown as it did. States’ Rights means that the federal government should not be able to force a diverse group of people into laws or ways that might not be suitable. If a state thinks that gays should marry, gays should be allowed to in that state. If a state believes in abortion, abortion should be allowed as the law of that state.


Sorry Tree, millions of people don't share your Atheist view of how the world began !
And as far as "magic vigines", what-ever that is, there are crackpot's all over the world and in every corner of politics...............get use to it !

Confused even more? Barry-O?

Ah southwind,........................What Ms Tree was saying to you, when he wrote 'magic VAGINES' was a reference to 'Magic VAGINA's' !
I'm assuming YOU Know WHAT a Vagina IS ? (but being a gambling man, I'm betting You rarely see one)(If at ALL)

Further, ....I'm guessing his reference to the word 'MAGIC' is a reference to the fallacy of an 'Immaculate Conception', which ANY well trained Southern OB-GYN Dr. will tell you is an IMPOSSIBILITY !
You can pretend that the "Only" reason the civil war took place, was slavery alone, all you want, but the rest of the informed part of Americans, know better ! Read the part about 10% of southerners having slaves. Doubt very seriously, the south could have gotten 100% involvement, from southerners, in the war, if it were just about slavery !
And why you always hatin' on Southerners ? I don't hate on Yankees, just idiotic, government union, card carrying, bigots like you! Hell, I grew up around yankee's and love bagels and NY style pizza !
You ever figure out what a grit is, Bigot !

Are you shiitin' me !
I wouldn't feed that CRAP to my DOG.

Now as far as me HATING anyone, well it goes like this.
OBVIOUSLY there are GOOD southern people, who from cradle to grave Never HATE.
But as a Lot of regulars on here, besides me, have stated, your neck-of-the-woods still has an inordinate amount of good ol' boys who when laying thier eyes on a black person,....................automatically see a " N'r " !
Now YOU tell ME that I'm wrong.
GO AHEAD dammit, Tell Me I'm Wrong !!!!!
(if you can) !
Ah southwind,........................What Ms Tree was saying to you, when he wrote 'magic VAGINES' was a reference to 'Magic VAGINA's' !
I'm assuming YOU Know WHAT a Vagina IS ? (but being a gambling man, I'm betting You rarely see one)(If at ALL)

Further, ....I'm guessing his reference to the word 'MAGIC' is a reference to the fallacy of an 'Immaculate Conception', which ANY well trained Southern OB-GYN Dr. will tell you is an IMPOSSIBILITY !

Actually it was a reference to Todd Akin's comment when he said that if a woman was 'legitimately raped' that her body could inhibit conception. As if a woman's body can some how magically detect sperm from rape as opposed to consensual sex. Mr Akin was running for representative in Missouri. He lost.
An interesting interview with an author who makes the case for (amicable) secession in his latest book can be found here:

Are you shiitin' me !
I wouldn't feed that CRAP to my DOG.

Now as far as me HATING anyone, well it goes like this.
OBVIOUSLY there are GOOD southern people, who from cradle to grave Never HATE.
But as a Lot of regulars on here, besides me, have stated, your neck-of-the-woods still has an inordinate amount of good ol' boys who when laying thier eyes on a black person,....................automatically see a " N'r " !
Now YOU tell ME that I'm wrong.
GO AHEAD dammit, Tell Me I'm Wrong !!!!!
(if you can) !

Now.. now..
Don't hate on grits, I happen to love them! After all most of my family lives in MS.
If the winners are from the 'hood,

Where are you losers from?
The other side of the tracks !

Ah southwind,........................What Ms Tree was saying to you, when he wrote 'magic VAGINES' was a reference to 'Magic VAGINA's' !
I'm assuming YOU Know WHAT a Vagina IS ? (but being a gambling man, I'm betting You rarely see one)(If at ALL)

Further, ....I'm guessing his reference to the word 'MAGIC' is a reference to the fallacy of an 'Immaculate Conception', which ANY well trained Southern OB-GYN Dr. will tell you is an IMPOSSIBILITY !
Look ! Another atheist !

Are you shiitin' me !
I wouldn't feed that CRAP to my DOG.

Now as far as me HATING anyone, well it goes like this.
OBVIOUSLY there are GOOD southern people, who from cradle to grave Never HATE.
But as a Lot of regulars on here, besides me, have stated, your neck-of-the-woods still has an inordinate amount of good ol' boys who when laying thier eyes on a black person,....................automatically see a " N'r " !
Now YOU tell ME that I'm wrong.
GO AHEAD dammit, Tell Me I'm Wrong !!!!!
(if you can) !
Hatin on all things southern now !
"NO", you tell me for a fact, that no Yankees, look at a black person and think or say the N-word, you self-centered, self rightgeous BIGOT !

Now.. now..
Don't hate on grits, I happen to love them! After all most of my family lives in MS.

You are now officially on Barry-O's sh!t-list ! Whether or not you live in the south, having family from the south or currently living there, automatically places you on said list !
Ah southwind,........................What Ms Tree was saying to you, when he wrote 'magic VAGINES' was a reference to 'Magic VAGINA's' !
I'm assuming YOU Know WHAT a Vagina IS ? (but being a gambling man, I'm betting You rarely see one)(If at ALL)

Further, ....I'm guessing his reference to the word 'MAGIC' is a reference to the fallacy of an 'Immaculate Conception', which ANY well trained Southern OB-GYN Dr. will tell you is an IMPOSSIBILITY !

Listen here Barry-O and I'm being sincere here ! You trying to explain what someone else meant in a post is pointless ! You can't even explain what you mean in your own post, so stop wasting everyone's, including yours...............time !