teddy xidas as some sorta norma rae is a joke. a "fighter' with "passion"...baloney. she "fought" to get us our concessionary contract and "fought" such a great "fight" that got us all displaced from our bases...and she fought for a special deal and a secret deal from management.

Don't forget to click your heels three times when posting fairy tales! :p
oh plz. teddy xidas as some sorta norma rae is a joke. a "fighter' with "passion"...baloney. she "fought" to get us our concessionary contract and "fought" such a great "fight" that got us all displaced from our bases...and she fought for a special deal and a secret deal from management. some fighter. symbolism over substance. I say I'm a "fighter" for labor and then I am despite presiding over a disaster? idiots to fall for such drivel.

Special deal??? Please let me know what it is, and who I should see about it so I can collect B) what you say I fought hard to get. Can;t wait to see what it is.
Wow. Wait. P/B, you're fighting to play 'hard to get?'

Where oh WHERE is this conversation going these days?

I like reading all of the zingers, but THIS PARTICULAR THREAD IS ABOUT US/AA MEGER TALKS. You may add a period or question mark after 'merger talks' if you like.
oh plz. teddy xidas as some sorta norma rae is a joke. a "fighter' with "passion"...baloney. she "fought" to get us our concessionary contract and "fought" such a great "fight" that got us all displaced from our bases...and she fought for a special deal and a secret deal from management. some fighter. symbolism over substance. I say I'm a "fighter" for labor and then I am despite presiding over a disaster? idiots to fall for such drivel.

You know sometimes I think you're dumb as a bag of hammers and then you prove it.

Do you have even clue one how close US was to not being in existance at the time of the concessions? Some say hours, some say days. Others (like me) feel it was more like 2 weeks. Bottom line is 2 hours or 2 weeks is to damn close for comfort.

When you are a leader fighting a rear guard action that essentially an effort to preserve as much as possible. In that effort Teddy accomplished the goal. A weaker Leader and you'd have a worse contract then you have now. Bank on it.

Unlike you, Teddy Xidas was "In The Arena". It was her assets on the line for nearly 10,000 people at the time. If you have an ounce of compassion this is a heavy weight to carry and she carried it well. Meanwhile people like you sat around and found fault.
Well I know Pitbull very well and I have also met Sparrowhawk, I can tell you they are definitely two different people.

One is male and one is female, lol!

That would be the most obvious difference. Second I'm 6'2" and she well isn't. She's petite and lovely and I'm not.

Judging from some of the former West pay rates it seems you could have used a few like Teddy at the negotiating table
Unlike you, Teddy Xidas was "In The Arena". It was her assets on the line for nearly 10,000 people at the time. If you have an ounce of compassion this is a heavy weight to carry and she carried it well. Meanwhile people like you sat around and found fault.

I agree. Teddy did a hell of a job under very stressful circumstances. It was literally everything on the line.

Armchair quarterbacks are a dime a dozen, as always.