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Us Airways And United Airlines Merger Attempt

ual777fan said:
Good lord, if it involves U or UA it is automatically a downer, but if it is NW then its the best thing that has ever happened to the airline industry. I appreciate loyalty to employers, its rare these days for good reason, but this is just ridiculous.

A merger between the two doesn't mean that both would collapse, nor does it mean they would both suceed. It would depend on how well the merger is implemented, how much money can be saved and how much more revenue can be generated. If done properly UA/U would a very competitive airline, if screwed up it would be Ch.7 for the combined airlines and their 80-90,000 combined employees.
I don't believe that any airline will be able to stand on it's own. There will have to be mergers or at least independent investors that will become parent companies, so to speak. Every major is in debt to their eyeballs... :shock:

You are wrong, I am at the point, I don't care if US lives or dies anymore. Time to take the patient off of life support.
700UW said:

You are wrong, I am at the point, I don't care if US lives or dies anymore. Time to take the patient off of life support.

Besides bob he has a union position now with the district. New pension and all. And there was obviously a rule change or exception made because to hold a district job you still must be employed by the company I believe. I am not sure if being on a union leave exempts you from layoff?? :blink:
USA320Pilot said:
Everything I write is true and if I make a mistake i admit it.


😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

Oh my Gosh!!!!! I almost broke my neck falling off my chair with laughter! I love it. That was a great laugh. Thanks... I needed that.
700UW said:

You are wrong, I am at the point, I don't care if US lives or dies anymore.  Time to take the patient off of life support.

Let's see...you don't care if it lives or dies but you advocate pulling the plug? Sounds to me like you care a great deal. You want U dead.

A320 Driver B)
DR.EVIL said:
Besides bob he has a union position now with the district. New pension and all. And there was obviously a rule change or exception made because to hold a district job you still must be employed by the company I believe. I am not sure if being on a union leave exempts you from layoff?? :blink:
I do?

Thanks for telling me, when did I get hired and when do I start?

You mean I been coming to work for US and I am not employed here anymore?

Funny I am working 40 hours a week at US Airways.

I do not have a union pension, there is no rule change or exception made.

And I am not on a union leave of absence.

Maybe if you took the time to actually get facts before you post you might sound credible.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I am a employee of US Airways, not the IAM.

I had my paycut, benefits reduced and pension eliminated.

But keep trying.
700UW said:
Sorry to burst your bubble, but I am a employee of US Airways, not the IAM.


Are you sure you want to say this? Isn't that a Bozo no-no? Or are you really doing what Dr Evil says so it doesn't matter?
My paycheck says US Airways, not the IAM, I work 40 hours a week at US, not the IAM.

And this thread is about US Airways and United Airlines merger attempt, not 700UW employment status.

So this is the last I will discuss the matter.
DR.EVIL said:
Besides bob he has a union position now with the district. New pension and all. And there was obviously a rule change or exception made because to hold a district job you still must be employed by the company I believe. I am not sure if being on a union leave exempts you from layoff?? :blink:
you got a problem with a fellow worker in your classification doing what he can for the union?
and what if a fellow worker has an opportunity to move on and do better...you dis' him for that?
and BTW sherlock,he's still working for U..... and not hired by the district.....so get your facts straight. 😉