What Do Nw Flt Crews Think?

PlayTheOdds said:
All I can say to that AMFAMAN is that I go everyday and break out may shinny new tool, load up one of those little electric flat bed trucks with a ladder, servicing pump, a box of ripped up shirts for rags, clip on my radio, check-out a tire pressure gauge, pick-up my job package and head out to the ramp. I knock out the checks and work off any MELs if necessary. They are getting scarce by the way.

Believe what you wish but I am here turning wrenches for Northwest.

Just reinforced my beliefs that you are nothing but Roach's toolboy. Post your paycheck or shutup and get a new name.
Why are you such a union die-hard? Tell me you can see how bad AMFA screwed this. Tell me you ask yourself where all the dues went. Why is AMFA broke and begging for money from the very unions it despises?
PlayTheOdds said:
Tell me you ask yourself where all the dues went. Why is AMFA broke and begging for money from the very unions it despises?

PTO, all their dues went to Delle's million dollar weekend house in FL (I think its in FL) and my guess would be that is why they are begging for money because Delle wanted a weekend house instead of a strike fund. The AMFA mechs are kicking themselves for leaving the IAM because a unions strength is mostly in the numbers and they would have had the numbers but as it is now they dont have squat. They quit their jobs so they have no bennies (like contractors) but unlike contractors they have NO PAYCHECKS!!!!!!There are alot of laid off airline mechs working here in DTW that are looking forward to offers of direct permenant jobs with NWA. Then we will have bennies AND PAYCHECKS. :p
PlayTheOdds said:
Why are you such a union die-hard? Tell me you can see how bad AMFA screwed this. Tell me you ask yourself where all the dues went. Why is AMFA broke and begging for money from the very unions it despises?

You see once again you are clearly showing that you are not some contractor that crossed the line for work because why would you care about AMFA or their money situation. It is obvious who you are, just a toolboy, bootlicker for the man and Roach. Let me guess, on the advice of the IAM, you took a management position 2 weeks prior to the strike and now sit on a computer all night long.
Hey I heard the replacement mechanics are going to start a new union
2. Slogan-If you want it done right and you want it done fast call a SCAB!!!
4. Every SCAB member decides where they work and they decide if they want to stay or not, that way there will be no whinning about being treated like garbage for 20+ years
hehehehe thought that was priceless
:up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up:
Hey Opus, shouldnt you be spending time with the little lady( knocking a hole in the bottom of it) instead of posting on here? Or did she find a real man :lol:
AMFAMAN, I just want to bring AMFA's financial woes to light so its members can see that it is just another mismanaged corporate fiasco. Members pay their dues with good faith believing that their union is going to be there to take care of them. In reality the union is pissing its members hard-earned money off.
I got my first compliment from a pilot yesterday. He actually thanked me for a job well done and apologized for the way we have been treated. I was very impressed. He also went on to say that he was glad we were here. He said that whenever he asks for something to get fixed it is readily taken care of no matter how minute it might be. He said that when he asked the union AMT's to do something they always said they didn't have time. He claimed that there would be 20 mechanics standing in front of the LMO and that the mechanic would exit the aircraft and join them just standing there smoking and joking. He went on to say that he has never had his aircraft taken care of so promptly. I was very proud of that. I have also noticed a difference with the Flight Attendants attitudes. I think they also are coming around.
PlayTheOdds said:
I got my first compliment from a pilot yesterday. He actually thanked me for a job well done and apologized for the way we have been treated.

You left out one minor detail PTO. The part where you woke up and realized you had just had a wet dream.
PlayTheOdds said:
I got my first compliment from a pilot yesterday. He actually thanked me for a job well done and apologized for the way we have been treated. I was very impressed. He also went on to say that he was glad we were here. He said that whenever he asks for something to get fixed it is readily taken care of no matter how minute it might be. He said that when he asked the union AMT's to do something they always said they didn't have time. He claimed that there would be 20 mechanics standing in front of the LMO and that the mechanic would exit the aircraft and join them just standing there smoking and joking. He went on to say that he has never had his aircraft taken care of so promptly. I was very proud of that. I have also noticed a difference with the Flight Attendants attitudes. I think they also are coming around.

Sure right before the emergency landing where they had to crank the gear down right?
Flight 697 from DTW to DFW was "delayed due to weight calculations" for an hour and 37 minutes. When was the last time an airline running "normally"--Northwest's strike mantra--made customers endure a 97-minute weight-calculation delay on a DC-9 aircraft?

You keep believing your fantasies PTO when in reality everyone knows what your made of.
PlayTheOdds said:
Why is AMFA still on the other side of the fence?

You said we wouldn't last a week.

Apparently there wont be many on the other side of the fence, according to the paper some are headed out to be scabs at Greensboro, or was that wrench gypsys I cant remember contractors have been called such nice things on these bb's.
Opus said:
some are headed out to be scabs at Greensboro

I believe that company down there would welcome experienced mechanics with open arms!! If I am not mistaken were they just not raided not too long ago and had 27 people arrested on immigration charges? Just who I want working on my plane a person who may or may not understand the english language? 3rd party accepts any warm body, and an A&P is a plus!!!