What’s happening in TUL these days


Aug 1, 2021
Hi all. It’s been over twenty years since I left TULE a I was wondering what’s happening there now. All the planes and fleets we had when I was there are now long gone. I’m sure all the FedEx is gone now also. What heavy work is done there now? What engine and component work is done? What’s with the new hangar? How much 7 day coverage? I hear there is now a recurring bid, how does that work? With all the early outs, what’s the head count like? Just curious.
You notice there are over 100 views and no replies?

There is a reason for that.

If you went back to TULE today you would not recognize it.

When I started I enjoyed going to work.

When I left there was no camaraderie, only resentment from a bunch of people that were convinced by the UNION they were victims. Funny thing is no one realized how miserable they were until the UNION told them.

Once they declared themselves victims they were far more accepting of changes imposed upon them.

Employees don't want to admit the changes management has compelled them to accept. They don't want to expose how much ground they have lost in work/life quality.

What is TULE today? A nonstop psychological attack by a bunch of Marxist trying to convince a captive audience they have no voice outside of representation so they are easier to control.

Does that answer your question?
Hi all. It’s been over twenty years since I left TULE a I was wondering what’s happening there now. All the planes and fleets we had when I was there are now long gone. I’m sure all the FedEx is gone now also. What heavy work is done there now? What engine and component work is done? What’s with the new hangar? How much 7 day coverage? I hear there is now a recurring bid, how does that work? With all the early outs, what’s the head count like? Just curious.
Tulsa is a shadow of what it once was. All of the people that I talk to out on the job (I work all over the base) feel that LUS management is purposefully running this operation into the ground. Parts availability is one of the biggest problems. Shift bids are ridiculous. There is 24/7 coverage in the hangars and probably coming soon to TEO and support shops.

This base used to be run by people that knew about aircraft and engine overhaul. We fixed everything. Things you wouldn't believe. The Hartford tree trimmer, the sideswiped MD80 in Newark, the buckled fuselage hard landing from PHX, to many to count. Our new leadership is out of their element and run this base as if it was a line station.

Very little work was farmed out to vendors in the past. This has changed drastically with no apparent accountability. CFM check and repair is done in house with a significant amount of that work RO'ed. GE90, GEnx, V2500, Trent 800 all farmed out.

We used to be an unlimited Part 145 overhaul repair station that did work for FedEx, UPS, Zoom, Alaskan, Allegiant. Not now.

This is what TULE once looked like. Look at Google Maps for a view now.
