Why Not Restore and More?

Bob Owens

Sep 9, 2002
I was browsing through some of AMRs 10 K.

Here are some of the things I found'

Revenue in millions
2001 18963
2003 17299
2007 22935
AMR is on track to bring in $24 billion for 2008.

Thats a $6.7 billion increase in revenue.

Long Term Debt in millions
2003 11901
2007 9413

Thats a $2.5 billion decrease in debt.

2003 109600
2007 85500

24100 less employees

Wage, Salaries and Benifits in millions
2003 8392
2007 6770

In 2000 the same cost was 6783, so in seven years time that expense went down

Since 2003 employee compensation has dropped by $1622000000 despite the huge increases in compensation for management. Keep in mind that hundreds of supervisors saw incraeses when the company made them all managers.

So the company has seen $6.7 billion dollar increase in revenue, a significant decrease in Long term debt and a huge decrease in labor costs. They have 24100 less employees, 164 less airplanes and as fuel continues to sink they are poised to make huge profits. Before they decide to go out and buy new aircraft and new terminals lets get ourselves back to where we should be.

What ticks me off is that the union we pay hundreds of dollars to doesnt throw stuff like this out there. They sit back and let the company barrage us with negative information, admittedly which there is plenty of, and do nothing to strike a balance. I think this is deliberate, because I've seen it so many times in the past. The motive is to allow the company to lower expectations of both the membership and the negotiating committee. By lowering expectations they get to get a concessionary contract ratified and maintain their sweetheart deal with management. Then when the company's profits soar and the members become outraged because they realize they've been had the International tries to duck culpability by saying "We'll get em next time", if that doesnt work "Hey' you ratified it" and if that still didnt work they say"Dont blame us, blame your negotiating committee".

I'm not saying that AA isnt facing challenges but the whole industry is facing challenges and its always been one challenge after another. If there isnt a crisis they will find one, but the fact is that revenues have increased dramatically, $6.7 billion, with a much smaller operation, a tremendous turnaround and there is no need for us to suffer anymore. Why not restore and more?
So Bob, besides the 2001-2008 revenue, the debt and wages/salaries/benefits - care to post what AA's other expenses (i.e. fuel) were? That, along with the current US economy numbers might help you understand why not restore and more.

However, IMHO your main problem is that given the current economy, AA might be able to talk your union into further concessions.
So Bob, besides the 2001-2008 revenue, the debt and wages/salaries/benefits - care to post what AA's other expenses (i.e. fuel) were? That, along with the current US economy numbers might help you understand why not restore and more.

However, IMHO your main problem is that given the current economy, AA might be able to talk your union into further concessions.

History proves that issues such as the economy have nothing to do with AA being able to talk the TWU into further concessions.

It has simply gotten to be the AA expectation of the TWU regardless of any other industry related matter.
So Bob, besides the 2001-2008 revenue, the debt and wages/salaries/benefits - care to post what AA's other expenses (i.e. fuel) were? That, along with the current US economy numbers might help you understand why not restore and more.

Unless, of course, you are an executive. Restore and more for the executives have been the main part of the SHARE THE PAIN plan.
Must...kick....dead....horse.... one more time.

Can't move on ......


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Move on? Why do you pro company, anti-unionists insist on preaching the company mantra?


Do you understand? Until then, employee morale will remain in the toilet. And before you tell me I'll de-moralize myself out of a job, THERE WILL BE NO AMERICAN AIRLINES LEFT IF THEY GET TO MY SENIORITY!

Once again, you find it only necessary to remind us lowly workers we should not expect anything given current economic conditions while staying basically mum on executive pups DURING THESE SAME ECONOMIC TIMES...

If anyone is beating a dead horse is you with your constant rant and defense of company fat cats.
Move on? Why do you pro company, anti-unionists insist on preaching the company mantra?


Do you understand? Until then, employee morale will remain in the toilet. And before you tell me I'll de-moralize myself out of a job, THERE WILL BE NO AMERICAN AIRLINES LEFT IF THEY GET TO MY SENIORITY!

Once again, you find it only necessary to remind us lowly workers we should not expect anything given current economic conditions while staying basically mum on executive pups DURING THESE SAME ECONOMIC TIMES...

If anyone is beating a dead horse is you with your constant rant and defense of company fat cats.

Scroll up to the 1st response to this post- it is YOU just egging on the "Pro Company" posts......so I will not say that the "pro company" voice is not vocal, but you seem to be very active in airing out your opinion......how does that "dead horse" feel?

As for your "Morale"- most of us have been around long enough to see those who are still very vocal about what was taken back then, as well as those who had something taken away, but have made some moves through the company to try to gain some of it back.....

There is a good chance that each of us hear both sides of the arguement, and different approaches daily......you are no different in your direction of attempting to be as contagious as possible.
We all here it everyday- some choose to join your bandwagon- others feel for you, and how you choose to put every hope and measure of a successful day on if you had an oversold bandwagon......

So the next time you want to point out those that are "Pro Company"- keep in mind- you continue to beat your horse...and until your horse is burried- you will do so- it is only right for the other side to do the same thing.....

Good luck in your demoralization project!
Scroll up to the 1st response to this post- it is YOU just egging on the "Pro Company" posts......so I will not say that the "pro company" voice is not vocal, but you seem to be very active in airing out your opinion......how does that "dead horse" feel?

As for your "Morale"- most of us have been around long enough to see those who are still very vocal about what was taken back then, as well as those who had something taken away, but have made some moves through the company to try to gain some of it back.....

There is a good chance that each of us hear both sides of the arguement, and different approaches daily......you are no different in your direction of attempting to be as contagious as possible.
We all here it everyday- some choose to join your bandwagon- others feel for you, and how you choose to put every hope and measure of a successful day on if you had an oversold bandwagon......

So the next time you want to point out those that are "Pro Company"- keep in mind- you continue to beat your horse...and until your horse is burried- you will do so- it is only right for the other side to do the same thing.....

Good luck in your demoralization project!

I am tired of hearing the pro company ilks telling us to "move on" about executive pups. THEY HAVE BEEN RESTORED WHILE THE EMPLOYEES HAVE NOT.
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So Bob, besides the 2001-2008 revenue, the debt and wages/salaries/benefits - care to post what AA's other expenses (i.e. fuel) were? That, along with the current US economy numbers might help you understand why not restore and more.

No I'll let you do that, I've chosen my side of the arguement.

However, IMHO your main problem is that given the current economy, AA might be able to talk your union into further concessions.

Well that wouldnt take much given that the people who control the contract dont have to work under it nor can they be held accountable by those that do.

When the Section Chairman from JFK said that we want everything back Don Videtich, the lead negotiator for M&R said, right in front of management, that he was dreaming, there was no way they were getting everything back. Don collects his six figure salary from the International so he doesnt care about concessions.
Good luck in your demoralization project!

I guess the demoralization project is as alive as the horse:

Airline quality continues to slide in 2008
[email protected]
Airline quality continued to slide during the first half of 2008, according to a new study, but some hopeful signs are emerging as the airlines slim down.
Any improvements, however, are unlikely for this year's holiday travel season, said Brent Bowen, a professor who studies aviation at Saint Louis University and co-authors the annual Airline Quality Rating. The quality of airline service during the holidays has plunged during the past three years, he said.
"The holiday period continues to decline," he said. "December has the lowest overall score."
Bowen released a midyear update on airline quality Monday, along with co-author Dean Headley of Wichita State University. The report is a closely watched indicator of the progress — or lack thereof — that airlines are making in improving service.
Headley recommended that travelers avoid booking flights on or near peak holiday travel dates.
"The best for the consumer is to travel as early before the actual holiday or as late as possible afterward," he said.
During the first half of 2008, Fort Worth-based American Airlines had the worst on-time performance rate, the study concluded, with just 63 percent of flights arriving on time. American Eagle, the carrier's regional affiliate, had the worst record for mishandled bags.
Dallas-based Southwest Airlines, meanwhile, had the best record when it came to customer complaints.
Travelers may see some relief in the future as airlines cut back their schedules. Most large carriers have planned significant cuts in flights next year, hoping that fewer seats will keep fares high.
Headley said it could mirror the improvements in airline service after Sept. 11, 2001, when most airlines slashed their schedules and parked hundreds of jets.
"We are looking at something of similar scope," he said. Added Bowen: "If fewer people are flying in fewer airplanes, there is a chance that things will flow better and travelers will notice improvement."
Neither was optimistic that fares will decline next year, and they also noted that new passenger fees have added substantially to the cost of travel.
"When the fees hit you, you truly feel that the overall cost of travel has gone up," Headley said.
In 2003, the TWU and AA colluded in a home invasion of my family.

Despite my performing all of my duties beyond requirements by my Union contract and AA regulations: the company, with the twu as lookout and wheelman, came into my home.

With my family sitting about the table, the company placed a finacial weapon behind my head and told me that either my financial future or my signature would be placed on the paper before me.

I voted no.

Together, the TWU and AA engaged in an act of economic terrorism on myself and my family.

We obeyed all the more restrictive rules given the "conservative" financial institution with which we had always conducted our financial affairs. We reserved, and spent, tens of thousands of dollars in refurbishing the worst house in the best neighborhood we could afford.

I will never forget or forgive driving home and entering my driveway: only to see my wife holding our newborn son, on the steps of our newly purchased house. With tears in her eyes, she asked me if we were going to be able to keep our home.

As a Union Rep, I was repeatedly assured by no less than Little and his minions that concessions were not in store for us.

Later, during informal talks with a Regional District Maintenance Manager, I was assailed by him for my refusal to accept or condone concessions because they were needed to save the company and because we would all take the same hits.

Today: the fat b@$+@rds at the top of the TWU and AA reap the rewards of the sacrifice made by families like mine during the economic terrorism to which they are both party.

Restore and More: the only things better would be things I am barred from requesting on a public forum.

I have no dog in this fight. But you have to look at profits, not revenue. You can have all the revenue (money comming in)you want, but if you don't have profits (money going in-money going out) its pretty moot

Also the airline is not really a viable entity until the return on the capital, aircraft etc, is greater than what the investor would make putting their money in the bank.

Of course I am not talking the slime ball PUP factor here.