DL's profit does not disappoint.

Perhaps its u WT thats not i tune u seem to knock everyone but urself gee i wonder why that is. While josh and i disagree on a nbr of things esp union at least he is seeing how dl is compared to other airlines unlike u who has to pro dl everything n every thread
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it is a fact that DL generates a revenue premium to the rest of the industry.

despite the attempts of Josh and other AA fans to discredit DL's product, it is clear that they don't understand the factors that actually shape what gives DL a revenue advantage.

when AA obtains a revenue premium to DL, then we can begin to start asking what about DL's product has caused that.

for now, DL generates more money per seat mile than any other US airline
robbedagain said:
Perhaps its u WT thats not i tune u seem to knock everyone but urself gee i wonder why that is. While josh and i disagree on a nbr of things esp union at least he is seeing how dl is compared to other airlines unlike u who has to pro dl everything n every thread
Thanks Robbed I enjoy your posts and appreciate the kind words. Yes WT has a strong affinity with DL but I think his emotions limit his objectivity because he is so convinced DL tops all else. Yes DL has done an incredible job but the new AA and a restored UA are credible threats. DL hasn't taken AAs valuable corporate clients especially in LA. They have tried duplicating MIA in ATL but it lacks the O&D and cultural ties Miami has to many of those markets. Same at LHR the VS JV is good but again if VS was such a great partner someone like LH would have bought their stake from SQ not DL at a fire sale price.

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of course I am not objective when I point out that DL has a higher yield than any other airline.

You can come up with all the arguments you want about market or product specifics but DL simply gets more money for what it provides to customers than any other US airline.

that is as objective, factual, and unemotional of a statement as there can be.
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and I suppose you can't acknowledge that there are things about which we both might be right.

I don't disagree with him on what the labor movement has accomplished. I disagree that it will be able to accomplish the same things at DL.

none of which changes the fact that DL's pre-tax profit before specials was the highest in the industry, including DL had the highest operating margin at least of the big 4, and if DL could "take back" its profit sharing and give it to the stockholders, the results would look very different.
737823 said:
WT you and DL are like 700 and the IAM. That's all I will say.
Don't you mean like you and your lies, misinformation, your hatred of the IAM, and you anti-worker and anti-union views.
WeAAsles said:
That's the shortest sentence you ever wrote. Good job. Keep it up.
HA! that made me LOL 
WorldTraveler said:
dumbing it down is exactly what some communicators have to do.
Thats is how i feel when i reply to you, glass house. 
jcw said:
They might have had the lowest cost per gallon however they fly gas guzzlers so they waste fuel

Second while you like to claim they have the highest revenue they have the worst performing operating income performance that means they are poorly managing growth since is driving down operating income - horrible management of capacity they are flying more at a loss

I did not realize DL taught financial analysis at FA school

Too bad the financial performance does not match you fantasy

Keep up the daily affirmations - bless your heart
what gas guzzlers does Delta have that AA doesn't?
WeAAsles said:
AA's lower fuel burn per ASM is offset by its higher interest expense due to larger debt (what you get with newer aircraft).

30% lower fuel costs with new aircraft that will factor in to paying that debt and business travelers will prefer riding in a new car rental over a clunker. Delta is 7 years removed from Bankruptcy and time will tell the true tale.

AA has a higher mainline cost per ASM than DL.

Delta is 7 years removed from Bankruptcy and time will tell the true tale.

DL is a more efficient airline at producing its product than AA or UA.

Delta is 7 years removed from Bankruptcy and time will tell the true tale.
uh oh. You better use a text box for each of those or WT will yell at you. 
WeAAsles said:
Wait a gosh darn minute here. Aren't you the one selling PROFIT SHARING on the pretext that the airlines are going to be making money for the rest of eternity!!!!!

Now since it might not suit your agenda well hey let's do a little 360 action huh?
lol welcome to my world. 
If Delta does it its okay. AA could give you guys 25% profit sharing and he would be the first in line to point out industry profit/loss cycles. 
jcw said:
I guess you don't realize that AA's employees are driving their compensation mix - you must not know they have some unions at AA - while it's easy to say profit sharing is great at the height of a cycle it doesn't work so well at the bottom

DL has chosen one method of comp AA employees through bargaining has chosen another - both have pros and cons

DLs profit sharing does not make it a superior airline - we can easily point to other companies that are great and don't donprofit sharing actually profit sharing is really not done all that much - therefore it's no silver bullet

Sorry to burst the profit sharing spin machine
WT has smoke coming out of his ears after reading that.
I see him sitting in the corner rocking back and fourth saying its not true over and over again. 
737823 said:
DLs product is already deficient compared to what AA has on the 77W and is installing on the 772.

So Delta with the same exact seat as AA is behind AA? 
Someone wanna explain this to me? 
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Trainer is going to suffer greatly with the falling overseas crude prices. The 5 year deal for the Baaken crude is terrible if Saudia crude ends up where analysts expect.
you have no clue what you are talking about.

Trainer has INCREASED its sourcing of domestic crude which costs less than the foreign crude that previously supplied Trainer.

Domestic crude oil prices are ALSO FALLING. DL will spend less on domestic crude PROPORTIONATE to the reduction in foreign crude.

No, Trainer is no more going to hurt because of falling oil prices.

DL/Trainer is a REFINER - not a producer.

Producers will get hurt by falling oil prices.

and dawg, no I am not fuming because AA has chosen to use a method of compensation that is leaving their employees the lowest paid among the big 4 carriers.

It is Doug Parker who is running AA now. No one should be surprised that he is using the exact same low ball compensation strategy with AA that he used with US.

Sad thing is that AA's unions weren't smart enough to see what was coming and thought they would be better off with Parker than they would have been with standalone AA mgmt.

they hedged very wrong.
jcw said:
WT is know a refining expert we went from res system to now oil engineer
When overseas crude is cheaper than the crude refined by trainer, they lose.

Oil analysts are obviously wrong and WT is correct.
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When overseas crude is cheaper than the crude refined by trainer, they lose.

Oil analysts are obviously wrong and WT is correct.
who said it is?
WorldTraveler said:
and dawg, no I am not fuming because AA has chosen to use a method of compensation that is leaving their employees the lowest paid among the big 4 carriers.
coming out of BK and they have the same pay rates that it has taken Delta employees years to get (back) is not a bad thing. you have to be a complete idiot to think that. 
If all they are missing is the profit sharing check and they are EIGHT years behind Delta in getting that then they are doing pretty damn good. They are now set up to surpass Delta in the next contract.....and it will take them many many years less to do it. Your argument is a very foolish one. 
I just wish you would have gotten to enjoy BK with the rest of us. 
WorldTraveler said:
It is Doug Parker who is running AA now. No one should be surprised that he is using the exact same low ball compensation strategy with AA that he used with US.

Sad thing is that AA's unions weren't smart enough to see what was coming and thought they would be better off with Parker than they would have been with standalone AA mgmt.
Someone will have to post the %s because I don't know them off the top of my head, but AA and US FAs just got a huge raise from the TA. One group is just out of 1113 process and had the same base pay as an airline that is 8 years out of BK. 
once again, your a special kind of stupid to think AA employees are bad off being on the same base pay rate as Delta who is 8 years out of BK and finished with its merger.  