I think you determined that it was a lie, but what do you know? You AA Guys also said that it was a lie that there were AA AMT’s here that were on furlough. I think that AMFAMAN did some research to prove me wrong only to learn that I was right.
You still don't seem to understand PlaytheCods, your never right, and your a scab. Don't you have a chicken coup to tend to? Maybe you should start repairs on the rental double-wide for that cute brother and sister couple who just married? Ya reckon?

Redneckville is sure glad to have its lost scab back home.... :blink: :lol:
Let me guess. We are also finding coffee grinds clogging the sink also.

Theres nothing new under the sun Jenny...Even the ice cream scoop in the lav is an old one...you gals sure know how to put the kibosh on creature comforts. I suspect there is a lot more of that going on now with the new T/A and all. Poor SCABs...having to fish out all of that stuff. Have a nice lunch SCABs :blink:
Theres nothing new under the sun Jenny...Even the ice cream scoop in the lav is an old one...you gals sure know how to put the kibosh on creature comforts. I suspect there is a lot more of that going on now with the new T/A and all. Poor SCABs...having to fish out all of that stuff. Have a nice lunch SCABs :blink:

He probably has a terrible case of Halitosis from chewing on the big, beautiful breath mint that he found in the toilet also.

Our hero was heard stating "Them thar taste treats done dropped off a little in quality." HA HA HA!

Our hero was also heard stating "This here airline is a might better since the strike started 'cause we got us a lot of pets livin' onboard now." He was last seen trying to teach a Cockroach to roll over. Sometimes that world isn't very pretty.

SCAB Mantra: I'd rather be one of the pets than be one of the cattle.
He probably has a terrible case of Halitosis from chewing on the big, beautiful breath mint that he found in the toilet also.

Our hero was heard stating "Them thar taste treats done dropped off a little in quality." HA HA HA!

Our hero was also heard stating "This here airline is a might better since the strike started 'cause we got us a lot of pets livin' onboard now." He was last seen trying to teach a Cockroach to roll over. Sometimes that world isn't very pretty.

SCAB Mantra: I'd rather be one of the pets than be one of the cattle.
I once saw a Rat making short order of a discarded peppermint candy, wrapper and all. I swear it must have been PTO in his past life! :lol:
Theres nothing new under the sun Jenny...Even the ice cream scoop in the lav is an old one...you gals sure know how to put the kibosh on creature comforts. I suspect there is a lot more of that going on now with the new T/A and all. Poor SCABs...having to fish out all of that stuff. Have a nice lunch SCABs :blink:

But you know what though, I'm sure for you guys there must be nothing better than to take apart a lav sink with a bunch of Chunk-o-Barf in it. JMHO, that really segregates the real hard worker v.s. the lazy ones that pass it along to someone else.

I'm sure that'll be earmarked as "sabatoge" in scabworld. I can see it now...

We're going to blame the pilots who made the plane "too bumpy" and caused a poor passenger to barf in the sink, rendering it useless. :blink:
But you know what though, I'm sure for you guys there must be nothing better than to take apart a lav sink with a bunch of Chunk-o-Barf in it. JMHO, that really segregates the real hard worker v.s. the lazy ones that pass it along to someone else.

I'm sure that'll be earmarked as "sabatoge" in scabworld. I can see it now...

We're going to blame the pilots who made the plane "too bumpy" and caused a poor passenger to barf in the sink, rendering it useless. :blink:

That is definitely one job that I do not miss!

If it were up to finman, he would have any airplane driver fired for flying into turbulence and making some passenger bring up their $5 snack box lunch into the sink.

BTW, are the F/A's still "encouraged" to get permission from the captain to write up items in the cabin? I seem to remember that the company wanted you gals/guys to "overlook" any discrepancy that is not directly related to the safety or airworthiness of the aircraft - so as not to overwhelm the poor scabs.
If it were up to finman, he would have any airplane driver fired for flying into turbulence and making some passenger bring up their $5 snack box lunch into the sink.
I don't follow. How does that even remotely relate to anything I've ever said? Are you referring to CHAOS job actions? If so, that's a pretty idiotic comparison. CHAOS is intentional damage to the operation of the airline, normally by not showing up to work. Flying into turbulence is a normal thing that occurs when a pilot is actually WORKING productively for the airline.
He probably has a terrible case of Halitosis from chewing on the big, beautiful breath mint that he found in the toilet also.

Our hero was heard stating "Them thar taste treats done dropped off a little in quality." HA HA HA!

Our hero was also heard stating "This here airline is a might better since the strike started 'cause we got us a lot of pets livin' onboard now." He was last seen trying to teach a Cockroach to roll over. Sometimes that world isn't very pretty.

SCAB Mantra: I'd rather be one of the pets than be one of the cattle.
Speaking of "pets" on board, what the hell is up w/AA and rodents?
I don't follow. How does that even remotely relate to anything I've ever said? Are you referring to CHAOS job actions? If so, that's a pretty idiotic comparison. CHAOS is intentional damage to the operation of the airline, normally by not showing up to work. Flying into turbulence is a normal thing that occurs when a pilot is actually WORKING productively for the airline.
Well I follow. Someone stated that with an event like CHAOS, people participating in it should be terminated due to loss of monies incurred.

People barfing in the sink due to turbulence (and maybe someone does request to fly at a certain flight level) also causes loss of money (plus who knows, perhaps maybe someone actually files a lawsuit or even a wrongful DEATH lawsuit)

Event+money lost= people should be terminated.

We all can choose to be protesting and we all can choose to not do that. We all can choose to do mini protests inflight, we also can have a bad day and choose to go fly lower than normal or skip over some cumilous nimbus clouds (without 500 seperation) with high winds making them so fluffy and puffy

I do think that is a valid analogy. Sometimes pilots can "request" to go to a certain flight level or can stay in a bumpy area.

On the same note, I do know of a former manager who had turned in a flight attendant for giving him a free bottle of wine.

Brought the wine to an inflight manager and then complained how that is an erronious waste of money. And the flight attendant who gave the bottle of wine was given a level for wasting company money.

Don't trust any of you guys one bit. Employee? Red tail family? Free upgrade? Sit where you are suppose to. :angry: