July - US Pilots Labor Discussion

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DP talked about a three way only in the context of saying that "some believe" you might go in front of the mediator with three parties instead of two.

The glaring omission was he failed to tell the room full of east pilots that one of those three parties would have an unquestionably ripe DFR case based on the mere fact of their presence.

Get over it PI...the Nic is the only system seniority list at LCC....and therefore, is the only list to use in case of merger between LCC and another company.

As far as the pension investigation guy....Robert is it???...Parker should have looked that guy in the face and said...so, you are a usapa supporter and committee member???? Don't come to me with fairy tales and other righteous BS you effin scab.

Then we would all know Parker is an honest guy.

That is something that will not happen. Parker is a politician. He will tell each group what they want to hear and then screw both groups just like a politician. When he is not kissing babies he is stealing their lollipops.
FA and MM

You both know who I am, because I have disclosed such in the past. I don't have the same pleasure. Playing keyboard Rambo while maintaining your anonymity relegates your posts to the category of those who lack the courage of their convictions, and I'm trying to be polite here this morning. I may react with anger when provoked, but I don't hide - okay, real union men?

Since FA claims to 'know' me, is there anything specific you can cite which would indicate that I and others in my seniority and mindset have not acted as good union pilots? I sent money to USAPA before there was a USAPA. I pay my dues, assessments, attend meetings, I've picketed and even did my part to put safety first. If you have worked with me, then you are, or were a F/O. So what have YOU done on the line to help our cause which happened without my consent or the consent of any captain?

You hide behind their 'signature' on the release and behind your avatar on this forum.

We have been arguing about the right to vote on any important issue, such as this MOU. USAPA's founders promised us that right, thereby distinguishing our union from ALPA. But it appears we are drifting back to the ALPA pattern in many ways.

I have confidence that the cumulative wisdom of the entire membership will most accurately and fairly reflect what is best for all of our members. The BPR process has become too polluted and distorted by factionalism. If you're afraid to hear what the pilots have to say, at least admit it.

And man up and show yourself or STFU.

It would not surprise me if the MOU turned out to be some vague document which the company will interpret to their liking .....again. I would at least like to see it before I vote no. I think we are getting a bit upset over this MOU for nothing. This merger may never happen.

The merger may never happen, but the MOU is coming. We may never merge, but we have CoC and fragmentation language just in case. We may never strike, but we have a strike prep committee just in case, etc, etc.

If the merger proceeds and we do not have an MOU which at least attempts to protect our interests, then the APA will dictate our interests so to speak.

I think that some here truly believe that if the MOU is shot down, the merger will be shot down as well. The same people who insisted that if 60% of us put safety first, don't do our homework and wear yellow lanyards - the company will capitulate and pay us DAL rates.
FA and MM

You both know who I am, because I have disclosed such in the past. I don't have the same pleasure. Playing keyboard Rambo while maintaining your anonymity relegates your posts to the category of those who lack the courage of their convictions, and I'm trying to be polite here this morning. I may react with anger when provoked, but I don't hide - okay, real union men?

Since FA claims to 'know' me, is there anything specific you can cite which would indicate that I and others in my seniority and mindset have not acted as good union pilots? I sent money to USAPA before there was a USAPA. I pay my dues, assessments, attend meetings, I've picketed and even did my part to put safety first. If you have worked with me, then you are, or were a F/O. So what have YOU done on the line to help our cause which happened without my consent or the consent of any captain?

You hide behind their 'signature' on the release and behind your avatar on this forum.

We have been arguing about the right to vote on any important issue, such as this MOU. USAPA's founders promised us that right, thereby distinguishing our union from ALPA. But it appears we are drifting back to the ALPA pattern in many ways.

I have confidence that the cumulative wisdom of the entire membership will most accurately and fairly reflect what is best for all of our members. The BPR process has become too polluted and distorted by factionalism. If you're afraid to hear what the pilots have to say, at least admit it.

And man up and show yourself or STFU.


Good post K.

As to your previous question, I certainly don't think you are nuts. I don't know who MM is, but I have to say that from his posts here I can't tell much about his mental state. I cannot make out what he is trying to say in most of his posts. MM, slow down and take the time write in a way that will actually get your point across. I know I will never win a Pulitzer, but damn man.

I really don't get all this fervor over the MOU. Our company completely went around us negotiating the term sheet. It sounds like with the MOU we have the chance to get some protections in case we do merge. Why the concern? Colello was on the committee with Diorio for quite a while. Do those concerned not trust HIM now? Why are people afraid to let the NAC do their job and then let the pilots vote. Isn't that what we were promised with USAPA? Or is the real reason that the CLT reps are mad because things are not going the way they want and they want the power back?

This all sounds like the same old political B.S. that has screwed us so much in the past. Remember "The concession stand is closed!!!!" Well, not only did it get reopened, it looked like a Super Walmart. Let's again follow that same blueprint of overestimating our strength that has served us so well in the past. Amazing.
FA and MM

"You both know who I am, because I have disclosed such in the past. I don't have the same pleasure. Playing keyboard Rambo while maintaining your anonymity relegates your posts to the category of those who lack the courage of their convictions, and I'm trying to be polite here this morning. I may react with anger when provoked, but I don't hide - okay, real union men?"

"Since FA claims to 'know' me, is there anything specific you can cite which would indicate that I and others in my seniority and mindset have not acted as good union pilots? I sent money to USAPA before there was a USAPA. I pay my dues, assessments, attend meetings, I've picketed and even did my part to put safety first. If you have worked with me, then you are, or were a F/O. So what have YOU done on the line to help our cause which happened without my consent or the consent of any captain?"

You hide behind their 'signature' on the release and behind your avatar on this forum.

We have been arguing about the right to vote on any important issue, such as this MOU. USAPA's founders promised us that right, thereby distinguishing our union from ALPA. But it appears we are drifting back to the ALPA pattern in many ways.

I have confidence that the cumulative wisdom of the entire membership will most accurately and fairly reflect what is best for all of our members. The BPR process has become too polluted and distorted by factionalism. If you're afraid to hear what the pilots have to say, at least admit it.

And man up and show yourself or STFU.


FA and MM

"Since FA claims to 'know' me, is there anything specific you can cite which would indicate that I and others in my seniority and mindset have not acted as good union pilots? I sent money to USAPA before there was a USAPA. I pay my dues, assessments, attend meetings, I've picketed and even did my part to put safety first. If you have worked with me, then you are, or were a F/O. So what have YOU done on the line to help our cause which happened without my consent or the consent of any captain?"

1- never generalized on 84 hires, but if did so it would not be negative.
2-great on involvement .........have done all as well
3-as an f/o I don't do things w/o consent, not sure what ur gettin at

"You hide behind their 'signature' on the release and behind your avatar on this forum."

1- weird release comment.........f/o's share a part of all risk
2-many sound reasons for anomynity , have not said anything on this board that I would not say to an individuals face. I don't reference fellow pilots as nut jobs when they disagree with my take. Have only shared my views on your prior words.
Btw, no f/o I know of would have a prob clearly disagreeing with you to your face. Are you advocating violence , hence reason to be afraid? Surely you are smarter than that.

"We have been arguing about the right to vote on any important issue, such as this MOU. USAPA's founders promised us that right, thereby distinguishing our union from ALPA. But it appears we are drifting back to the ALPA pattern in many ways."

1- three clt reps and 2 Phl reps who happen to represent the majority have major issues with the GH style of government . I am listening to all the parties, are you?

"I have confidence that the cumulative wisdom of the entire membership will most accurately and fairly reflect what is best for all of our members. The BPR process has become too polluted and distorted by factionalism. If you're afraid to hear what the pilots have to say, at least admit it."

Have endured will of majority for decades. So not afraid, just don't want to idly sit by and allow highly questionable GH maneuvering to go unchecked.

"And man up and show yourself or STFU."

So that's your last words of post.......hmmmm........need I say more.




  • KeyboardRambo.jpg
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Kindly repost. Use [ ] with the word quote inside and [/] with the word quote after the slash to segregate my posts and I will respond.

Kindly repost. Use [ ] with the word quote inside and [/] with the word quote after the slash to segregate my posts and I will respond.


Sorry bout my quoting ability, tough with this air conditioned room IQ.
Best I'm inclined to try at this point w/o effing the post up more.


I agree. When the leaders and reps act like children in their interactions with each other, then the membership are the only adults left standing.

Sorry bout my quoting ability, tough with this air conditioned room IQ.
Best I'm inclined to try at this point w/o effing the post up more.


I only call someone a nut job when their stream of consciousnouss ends up on a public forum and reads like an Algol60/Jerry Lewis monologue. Besides, that keyboard Rambo drew first blood by calling me a desperate begger :)

The reference to F/O's on the line means that during the safety campaign, much if not all of the actions taken, from slow taxi to burning three to leaving/arriving late and most anything else was done at the direction and/or consent of the captain. I don't recall any F/O's being called in for taxiing too slow or asking for more fuel.

The three/two CLT/PHL reps have the power to WIELD the majority of votes, which is not the same as REFLECTING the sentiment of the majority. We don't know what the majority of CLT/PHL pilots think until we ask ALL of them.

I said room temp, not air conditioned room temp - which would be even lower :)

Oh, and with regard to violence, my slogan is "Remain Calm and Return Fire".
Let you what sport, you go tell all those whiny, sniveling westie crew news participants what idiots they look like and then I will go talk to Robert. Deal?

By his posts on here, being compared to Clear should be insulting to you.

Well, I have already spoken to Steve Gay (has not been in a crew news for some time but for a while was there a lot, once with a no usapa tee shirt on), and Bakewell (the rain coat) about their appearance at the crew news and how to make a better impact.

So, let me know how that talk to Robert goes.

Clear's post are typically right on the money. I would say his problem is he thinks usapa can reform from within. He is dead wrong on that one. Too many scoundrels all trying to position themselves as top scab over there. For instance, is it true Parrella, Cleary, Mowery and others have all gone out on disability? I am not saying they are actually fit to fly, but it just seems to convenient that they lose their FPL and take the next get paid to not work position.
Well, I have already spoken to Steve Gay (has not been in a crew news for some time but for a while was there a lot, once with a no usapa tee shirt on), and Bakewell (the rain coat) about their appearance at the crew news and how to make a better impact.

So, let me know how that talk to Robert goes.

Clear's post are typically right on the money. I would say his problem is he thinks usapa can reform from within. He is dead wrong on that one. Too many scoundrels all trying to position themselves as top scab over there. For instance, is it true Parrella, Cleary, Mowery and others have all gone out on disability? I am not saying they are actually fit to fly, but it just seems to convenient that they lose their FPL and take the next get paid to not work position.

We have Gary, they have Robert. US Airways has it's own version of "reality'' TV. Congrats to both.

I've heard the same thing about them. Did Cleary get his extended vacation and is it true Theur is on the sidelines as well? What's one to do after a cushy union job?

Because some pilots Hate2fly. They are like pigeons, you have to throw a rock at them to get them to fly.
3.5 million spent on the investigation and you guys got nothing.

3.5 million wasted.
All the millions of dollars wasted on the NIC, for something that had no chance and to penalize all those senior AWA boys that could have been flying a widebody by now. all because of the junior AFO club. Oh well.
There you have the East mentality.

Everyone's family needs to suffer financially so FA and MM can wear a fourth strip on their arm.
Do you look yourself in the mirror when you make such an absurd statement? If you suffer financially it is truly your own fault! Unless your physically unable, my god pull yourself up and quit whining! MM!
FA and MM

You both know who I am, because I have disclosed such in the past. I don't have the same pleasure. Playing keyboard Rambo while maintaining your anonymity relegates your posts to the category of those who lack the courage of their convictions, and I'm trying to be polite here this morning. I may react with anger when provoked, but I don't hide - okay, real union men?

Since FA claims to 'know' me, is there anything specific you can cite which would indicate that I and others in my seniority and mindset have not acted as good union pilots? I sent money to USAPA before there was a USAPA. I pay my dues, assessments, attend meetings, I've picketed and even did my part to put safety first. If you have worked with me, then you are, or were a F/O. So what have YOU done on the line to help our cause which happened without my consent or the consent of any captain?

You hide behind their 'signature' on the release and behind your avatar on this forum.

We have been arguing about the right to vote on any important issue, such as this MOU. USAPA's founders promised us that right, thereby distinguishing our union from ALPA. But it appears we are drifting back to the ALPA pattern in many ways.

I have confidence that the cumulative wisdom of the entire membership will most accurately and fairly reflect what is best for all of our members. The BPR process has become too polluted and distorted by factionalism. If you're afraid to hear what the pilots have to say, at least admit it.

And man up and show yourself or STFU.

Gotta luv it, you hurl insults then claim the BPR process is too polluted, and distorted by factionalism, luv the STFU part, very mature, admit it, you want your raise and don't care about anyone but yourself, we get it! MM!
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