Nwa New Talks With Mechanics Begin Thusday

PlayTheOdds said:
The numbers speak volumes in the scabs favor. Your rantings mean nothing. Speaking of rantings where is the Princess at? I really do miss her feisty little stories she likes to tell.

".....where is the Princess AT"? You IS so smart, lol.
Were you trying to make a point? If I wrote about all the spelling errors and grammar trip ups in here I wouldn't have time to write about anything else. I think the guys that post comments towards such petty things simply cant think of anything else to say but still want to run their yap. Get a life.
PlayTheOdds said:
Were you trying to make a point? If I wrote about all the spelling errors and grammar trip ups in here I wouldn't have time to write about anything else. I think the guys that post comments towards such petty things simply cant think of anything else to say but still want to run their yap. Get a life.

The point is this, you're not a bright person. You have proved via your comments on this bb that you're not a competent AMT.

One does not have to be a super intelligent person to be a competent AMT, but you need to have some intelligence. I know guys that are terrible at spelling, however these same guys have forgotten more about a/c than you will EVER know.

You, on the other hand, obviously have no mechanical aptitude in addition to being somewhat of a dullard.

Get the point? Im sure you do not, perhaps if you PM someone here they can explain it to you on a level more suited for your intelligence, :p . OooooKaaaay?
I am not an AMT. I am a FAACAPICM (FAA Certified A&P Independent Contract Mechanic). I have decided that the term AMT is a bogus misleading title. It was a made-up title to make you union flops feel good about yourselves. I am an excellent mechanic. Whether you think so or not. It sure is strange that there are only 150 mechanics here and we are smashing the unionized numbers. Northwest says they want 400 mechanics here. If you guys had 900 and Northwest wants 400 and we are doing the job with 150 that tells me that there is no room for slackers here. So just to let you know your uneducated insults towards my mechanical abilities has no reflection on me.

I spoke with another pilot yesterday; He said you guys were fools. It just so happens he is from my home state.
I think the south breeds more independent people than you clingy northerners. You are a very interesting but strange breed up here.
*****So just to let you know your uneducated insults towards my mechanical abilities has no reflection on me. *****

Dude, you crack me up, LOL.

You seem to like the South, dislike the North, what about the Mid-Atlantic area, the West or Midwest? How about the Northwest, (not airline)? Please Mr. Einstein share some more of your wisdom with us.
PlayTheOdds said:
I am not an AMT. I am a FAACAPICM (FAA Certified A&P Independent Contract Mechanic). I have decided that the term AMT is a bogus misleading title. It was a made-up title to make you union flops feel good about yourselves. I am an excellent mechanic. Whether you think so or not. It sure is strange that there are only 150 mechanics here and we are smashing the unionized numbers. Northwest says they want 400 mechanics here. If you guys had 900 and Northwest wants 400 and we are doing the job with 150 that tells me that there is no room for slackers here. So just to let you know your uneducated insults towards my mechanical abilities has no reflection on me.

I spoke with another pilot yesterday; He said you guys were fools. It just so happens he is from my home state.
I think the south breeds more independent people than you clingy northerners. You are a very interesting but strange breed up here.
:lol: :lol: :lol: You can't even put a hint of realism into your made up bull####!
<_< You know! The best way to handle KTO/PTO, is just to ignor him!!!! Let him rant and rave!!! Don't answeer him! Just ignor him!!! :p
local 12 proud said:
:up: superior scab maintenance indeed!

The wonderful world of FAACAPICM, or aka, some more made up crap coming from the vast emptiness of PTO's "brain". I bet it would be a trip to spend a few minutes in his head, YIKES. :blink:
I do not believe there were that many union workers here myself. There are about 23 of us on my crew and about the same on the other crew. No big deal right? My question is why is there about 80 lockers in the LMO? I would also like to know why there is 2 LMO's not even being used but are full of lockers? I guess the company, in their on going ignorance, just felt they should be there. I wonder what management stooge went around making up names and writing them on the lockers? He really needs to get a life doesn't he? I just thought someone could explain that one to me.
WNjetdoc said:
The wonderful world of FAACAPICM, or aka some more made up crap coming from the vast emptiness of PTO's "brain".
<_< Well! So much for that idea!!!! :down: