President Trump

Only a retarded MORON would want a second coming of Bush/Cheney, but then again, it's YOU.....'HACKJOB', so really what more needs to be said !
LOL, I feel for ya ol man. I would say that Trump/Pence is a far cry from Bush, but you go ahead with your delusional rant. Let got of CAPS button, your gonna soil your depends. And hahahahahaha right back at ya.
Bears, I hear A-1 goes well with crow.

Dell is far from the only one who believed Hillary would lose.

Not sure where they'll do a recount -- he's up over 1% in PA, MI, WI, and all these other blue firewall states that were supposed to have been called for HRC hours ago. As of 0230 NYC Time, they still haven't been called by CNN, CBS, ABC, or NBC. Even Fox is in denial about PA with 99.5% of the vote in...

And then there's TheBlaze and Glenn Beck. Can't wait to hear him tomorrow.

FWIW, the NYT, RCP, Drudge, and dozens of smaller outlets called PA and WI well before 0100...
Well, that was fun kids.
An excellent example of how the media tries to pull the wool over our eyes, and they were an abject failure.
Breaking News : we still have the best system in the world, even though the left has tried their damnedest to try and bastardize it.
I never before felt so much power from my vote, Freedom Rings.
Bu, bye Hilda.
And the country has righted itself again and is what happens when things start leaning too far to the left.
The GOP has no one but itself to blame for Trump, as their "Go along, to get along" policies and inactions against the sitting POTUS was the catalyst for someone like Trump to wrest control.
First take away for me, as far as Trump winning is, we no longer have to listen to Hillary's cackling voice and lies! The best thing the Clintons could do is fade away into obscurity !
Congratulations to President elect Trump. This will be an interesting few months until inauguration.

Let's see what he delivers in first:

- Lawsuit against his women accusers
- The wall
- 'Lock her up'
- Muslim ban
- Obamacare
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It's going to be a tough day at work after three hours of sleep. Much worse than the day after the World Series win for the Cubs, but it was worth it. This was historical in far too many ways, and the counting still isn't done in AZ, MI, NH, or MN. I'd expect MN to go to Clinton (not that it matters), and it looks like Bears' favorite senator will keep her seat in NH.
And btw, after watching the Marxist Van Jones, almost in tears saying things like, "What am I suppose to tell my kids?" And, "Trump getting elected POTUS is a "WHITE-LASH", confirms what I already knew.....HE is one of the Biggest racist in the country!